
Saturday 22 June 2013

Uganda: Another Letter From the Renegade General Sejjusa

Uganda:Another Letter From the Renegade General Sejjusa


David Sejusa aka 'Tinyefuza' who was  given UK police protection after leaking letter alleging plot to kill senior officials, has striked again with another letter.

Sejusa who has been the spy chief, sits on Uganda's military high command but has since fallen out with President Museveni's establishment might not return home anytime soon, the General's lawyer, Joseph Luzige has issued out another letter from his boss General Sejjusa and here it is for you.

Fellow Ugandans i greet you all.

First, i wish to extend my sympathies to all those that have suffered personal injury, physical, monitory or any other during this difficult period in the history of our country. Those media houses that were closed and the thousands of workers that have been rendered redundant including those young people who work as news paper vendors on our streets extend my solidarity and reassurances that your struggle is not in vain.

The excuse given is that they are searching for the Sejusa letter. Well, they are not because the writer of the letter is known and in any case, Red pepper never published that letter. It just published a press release from lawyers.

So what is this closure about?

One, its panic, Those who peddle the nonsense that the Muhoozi debate is good for him think people are stupid. Well,they are not. If it's good then why close the papers and radios? Let the papers write freely about it and sure you will then get your reward. Of course it takes the lead off the can and its not only bad for the boy but actually dangerous to that ambition. That's the truth. But of course its like the "tower of babel" you wonder if they understand even what they are saying.( A distinction should be made between Muhozi the man and Muhozi the UPDF officer. I personally would never for even a second discuss the affairs of that young man as a person, for it would be wrong and unacceptable. But then once you make him a a general in the army, he ceases to be a private person in that regard and must pass certain scrutiny. )

Secondly, its intended to frighten everybody so that you surrender your country to the highest bidder. I will deal with the question of oppression and fear in my subsequent paragraphs but suffice to state here that the people have matured. You can see it in the resilience of those media houses, those young workers. Thats what is worrying those in power. An assertive population is a death sentence to any regime that becomes intolerant. They know it and hence the terror.

But whatever the case, it's rather sad that a regime that can't create jobs for the youth can deprive the few that have some work of that opportunity. There will be no regime survival if the youth are not employed.

For today, however wish to address my fellow Ugandans on one pertinent issue.

This is the issue of abusing the law and institutions just to keep the current leadership in power.

Just this one central issue, if not resolved, and pretty soon will lead to ceaseless strife.

This is the issue of refusing to retire officers from the army so that they are rendered captive forever, so that none can challenge the regime. In essence, using UPDF as a prison so that anyone who threatens or is even roumered to have political ambitions is threatened with military law, ( death sentence and other trash.). This became especially so after Dr Besigye challenged Mr Museveni for the presidency. Well, millions of Ugandans are perishing due to the breakdown of the state to such an extentent that those death threats are of no consequence.

But anyway the point is that military law has become a political weapon for those in charge of the state to keep all potential political challengers under lock and key using that bogey of military law. That's why Brigadier Tumukunde for instance, would not get a higher sentence than a caution. Because sentencing him to a harsher punishment would automatically remove him from the military. Then what do you do with him when he gets out? Imagine 70,year olds who joined the army before some of us started school still serving and on the army pay roll, the tax payer shouldering the burden to pay thousands of officers, many even on katebe (without work in the army)so that they keep their mouth shut! This abuse must stop.

It's this single most abuse of our officers that is creating discontent and anger within the military which is now spilling over to the streets? You remember my case when i wanted to quit yhe military in 1996. Since that time i have not been in the main stream command of the military. So why was i not allowed to retire? Simple, to keep my mouth shut and kill any political ambitions i may have. Its so sickening! I had one person say that i have presidential ambitions, they think its a crime. That's the mind set. No one else except them should have political ambitions. So vain and degenerate!

It becomes even more degrading when you want to fast track children to command positions. Its immoral to keep a former commander of the army or such senior people in an army commanded by their children and grandchildren.

The decent thing would be to retire in honour those gallant sons and daughters of Uganda who gave them everything and covered you even in your sleep against all danger. Of course the reason is clear why they can't be allowed to go, eliminate any threat to any power related projects.

However, am now saying enough is enough. Retire us and Spare us the humiliation of having to salute our grandchilderen.Period.Why has this leadership become so vengeful against the people who brought and gave them that power? There is a verse in the bible Hebrews chapter 11:4 which says" Even though he died he speaks"! I know those gallant sons and daughters who died in our struggle, and even those living, whisper to you at night. I would love to know how you answer those whispers! Of course for the record, betrayal never goes unpunished. It may not be you who may suffer it but it surely comes to visit at its own time.

The weapons of the all oppressors are similar. They use the same weapons of control. These are Deception, fear, ignorance of the oppressed, terror, threats, unjust laws, oppressive systems, vulgar, decadent and immoral ways to dehumanize them etc. These weigh down the courage of the oppressed like you see gravity pulling us to the ground. The gravitational pull used against the oppressed is murder, torture, threats etc. Many of us resisted them before. So for me that LINE OF LIMITATION does not apply. I refuse to succumb to perpetual abuse. You must set us free and set my suffering comrades free or we shall free ourselves. I speak for those gallant officers who are virtual prisoners in the army but can't say a word because they fear to be framed and courtmatialled or worse. Let them go. Let them retire, with or without benefits. Freedom and dignity are better that retirement benefits which is merely used as an excuse.

Thank you Ugandans for that incredible support,

Just remember, always, uganda is for all of us all.

Gen Sejusa mp,

Sent from my iPad and distributed by Counsel luzige.

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-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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