
Monday, 13 May 2013

Reasons as why UN Combat Intervention Brigade must Decapitate M23 Rebel Group and it’s allies

Reasons as why UN Combat Intervention Brigade must Decapitate M23 Rebel Group and it's allies .

UN Drones shelling the enemy grounds
By Gasasira, Sweden
Umuvugizi news have leant that Rwandan intelligence services have been working behind M23 rebelgroup in different subversive activities of attacking member states of UN Intervention Combat Brigade.
Among Countries which are targeted by M23 are South Africa where of recently the notorious M23 rebel group with guidelines of Rwanda's notorious directorate of military intelligence and National Security Services petitioned to South Africa's parliament requesting them to broke the humanitarian assistance of sending S.A Forces as part of the UN intervention combat brigade in order to disarm and crash M23 rebel groups as the only way of saving thousands innocent Congolese who have been killed and displaced from their properties to different countries bordering DR Congo .
The same M23 rebel group under supervision of Rwanda's intelligence have been endorsing vague petitions with intentions of sabotaging President Jakaya Kikwete in order to meet resistance within hispolitical circles conducted to fail his courageous action of contributing Tanzanian forces as part of the UN Intervention Combat Brigade.
The notorious M23 together with President Kagame's ruthless intelligence services have been acting low and ill reaching an extent of mudslinging the UN Intervention Combat Brigade of being militarily weak and that it couldn't afford the terrain of DR Congo which is surrounded by hills while at the same time lauding it's selves and allies ofhaving excess capacity to defeat the UN Intervention Combat Brigade together with Monusco and the Congolese national Force FARDC .
UN Drones hunting enemies at a short lange

Ironically enough is to find out that negative propaganda issued by M23 with help of president Kagame's intelligence services in different forums like face book and other media outlet financed by Rwandan against the UN Intervention Combat Brigade ,is not only a shame but a crime committed by Rwanda given that a country like her shouldn't have been involved in malicious negative propaganda against a force which was established by UN Security Council, a Security council where Rwanda belongs as it's member state which is contraly to rules and regulation of UN Security Council because their member states are supposed to be non violent partisan with one common goal of fighting terrorist armed groups like M23 which has continued to murder innocent civilians , recruit children in it's forces and rape women, all these atrocities where committed by M23 Rebel group with help of President Kagame's forces during their struggle to capture Congolese territories rich on minerals as the only way to plunder DR Congo Mineral Resources .
It's unconvincing to read different reckless comments and article wrote by members of M23 together with others from Rwanda's intelligence services lauding them selves that they will mercilessly crash UN Intervention combat Brigade giving funny excuses that they don't master the Congolese terrain and so forth but what M23 and RDF officials involved in these motiveless combat activities doesn't know , is that according to our understanding we highly doubt where those goons from M23 and RDF get the moral authority that they are to defeat UN Intervention Combat Forces including forces from Africa likeTanzania, South Africa, Malawi and Mozambique who where trained on the same terrain and with quite reasonable experience even though do not laud their supremacy in Media as M23 and it's mentors .
Even though an officer from President Kagame's office recently made a remark of undermining the capacity of UN Drones insisting that drones won't ménage to perform effectively due to complicated terrain of DR Congo where those they will be embattling will be hiding on hilly side of DR Congo also surrounded by Volcanoes and forests but according to our investigations we found out that perhaps president Kagame's intelligence aide in charge of media propaganda could have not been informed or under informed with little notions on the performance of Drones or An unmannedaerial vehicle.
To those who have been circulating negative propaganda against UN Intervention Combat Brigade reaching an extent of intentionally ruling out the performance of UN Drones as the only weapon to demoralize Congolese innocent civilians who have been waiting for the arrival of UN Intervention Combat Brigade as their own rescue, should understand that Drones have been tasted in places which is much hilly compared to DR Congo and also situated in deserts unlike DR Congo. Former Director of US National Intelligence Dennis Blair recommended and lauded the performance of Drones which helped a lot in fighting of Islamic extremist in Afghanistan who where hiding in hilly sides of Desert. He also revealed the importance of drones in fighting the enemy and gave example of how drones where very useful to US Forces which based from the information providedby the predator "Drones" to kill Kurdish militants in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
According to French senior Military Commander Adm Edouard Guillaud who is among the commander of French forces in Mali ,fighting along side the Chadian forces and the Mali national forces in order to eliminate Islamic extremist who had captured and controlled oil rich places in Mali and also mentioned that it was due to the help of drones which feed them the activities of the enemy that they managed to successfully embattle Islamic extremist to an extent that even those innocent civilians who had been displaced due to the cross fire between two rival forces are now repatriating back to their homes.
Of recent they were tremendous operation of Coercion when M23 members almost totaling to 30 took a courageous stand and crossed from enemy troops and surrendered them selves with their guns and ammunition into UN Forces. This is a step taken a forward taken by some of M23 forces to desert their force which had helded themas hostages for quite long time exploiting their energy into subversive activities against their country in order satisfy president Kagame's greediness of using them as a bridge to plunder DR Congo mineral resources.
Security analyst in the great lakes region who we talked to us on this same matter ,he responded like any other human being could do by getting worried as where president Kagame is leading our nation . He also doubted the capacity of president and his M23 Forces to battle against UN Intervention Combat Brigade which also have forces within the region mastering the terrains and equipped with same combat military tactics against the enemy .
To any one's knowledge we understand the capacity of armored personnel carrier and other ammunition which Rwanda owns could be not exceeding the capacity like that of Tanzania, South Africa ,Malawi and Mozambique and perhaps of being under the command of United Nations with the mandate of Combating the enemy and who ever could be reinforcing him ,there is no doubt that the intervention Combat Brigade could be far well equipped and with sophiscated gunships like AC- 130 gunship and other equipment which detects the enemy before arriving in areas where they are deployed called "Long Range Surveillance" which can help to ambush the enemy at a far distance.
He also wondered as why president Kagame doesn't learn from his past mistakes and requested us to ask Gen Kabarebe James to give us testimony of what it meant to undermine state integrity and security, given that he was once ambushed in areas of Kitona in DR Congo and if it wasn't the rescue of rebel leader late Jonas Savimbi who gave them an exit point but on conditions that they had to help him concurring reasonable part of Angola not until they happened to get an air base which could be used by those who had arrived to evacuate them.
Another security analyst we also talked to on conditions of anonymity when we asked him as what's going to be the final destiny of M23 and it's mentor Paul Kagame who are threatening to battle UN intervention Combat Brigade,he instead laughed to us and asked himself as why President Kagame at list doesn't learn lessons from what happened to him in past when he was still working for state Research which was notorious and murderous intelligence machinery of president Idis Amin Dada who felt much powerful than his Tanzanian neighbor and took a funny decision of attacking Tanzania which in return retaliated mercilessly and bombed him to Kampala which marked the down fall of his regime. Like his former boss ,President Kagameis likely to have a same fate if he doesn't revise his autocracy .
Posted by editor on May 9 2013. Filed under Breaking NewsPoliticsTop Stories. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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