
Tuesday 30 October 2012

Rwanda: A brutal and uncompromising verdict: Today, Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, Chairperson of Unified Democratic Forces-FDU-Inkingi, was sentenced to 8 years in prison by the High Court of Kigali.

A brutal and uncompromising verdict: Today, Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, Chairperson of Unified Democratic Forces-FDU-Inkingi, was sentenced to 8 years in prison by the High Court of Kigali. 

The Rwandan justice system is broken. 

All of you who might still doubt the unfairness and the lack of independence of the Rwandan justice system with regard to the regime of Paul Kagame, open your eyes. Throughout the trial, we tirelessly showed you how the High Court, by violating basic judicial procedures and evidence of innocence presented by the defense, persisted in its wanderings and declared itself competent to judge the facts all of which were unsubstantiated and were contested by the defense, the facts that apparently occurred before the law repressing them was enacted or the facts that have been committed outside the jurisdiction of the High Court. Even the illegal acquisition of the evidential documents from the Netherlands, which were supposed to show the collaboration of Madame Victoire Ingabire with the armed rebellion of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), turned out to be a windbag. The Prosecution failed to provide, beyond any reasonable doubt, the evidence of guilt for Madame Victoire Ingabire. By refusing to consider the testimonies and breaches to the judicial procedure that were presented by the defense team, and moreover, by violating the basic legal principles of non-retroactivity of criminal laws and jurisdictions, the High Court failed to interpret the law and therefore denied to Madame Victoire Ingabire the right to a fair trial.

While the Kigali regime wanted to transform the trial of Madame Victoire Ingabire into banal act of criminal law, on several occasions, it was caught in a flagrant meddling into judicial proceedings. Indeed, the decision of April 16, 2012 by Madame Ingabire to withdraw from the trial came in at the right moment, when in grave violation of basic judicial procedures, one of the defense witnesses, Michel Habimana, had suffered intimidations and illegal interrogations in prison, in the absence of his lawyer, and without proper authorization from the Court. The next day, when the witness returned to the Court, he reported the incident and informed the court that his cell was searched from top to bottom. Therefore, Madame Victoire Ingabire requested the Court the right to speak. In view of the extreme gravity of the above reported incident and considering the facts as obviously prescient of future obstructions to the expected testimonies from other witnesses in her defense, and keeping in mind several irregularities accumulated throughout her trial, Madame Victoire Ingabire told the Court that she had completely lost confidence in Rwanda's judiciary and that she was permanently withdrawing from the trial. By doing so, she irrevocably proved that the Rwandan justice system was broken and that it was under the total control of the executive.

The lawsuit against the Chairperson of FDU Inkingi is politically motivated.

The allegations against the Chairperson of FDU-Inkingi including, endangering the state security, divisionism, and genocide denial, have been proven to be fixtures aimed at absolutely condemning a disturbing political opponent. There is no longer any doubt: the lawsuit initiated by the Kigali regime against Madame Victoire Ingabire is a highly political trial. Madame Victoire Ingabire disturbs the Kigali regime because of her strong commitment to reconciliation and justice for all victims and all perpetrators; she distrurbs because of her resolute struggle against the dictatorship of General Paul Kagame. By condemning an innocent person to such a lengthy prison term solely on facts that exclusively relate to politics, the Kigali regime intends to suppress any dissenting voice and thereby keep the population in fear and submission under its totalitarian grip. At the same time, the Kigali regime has sent a clear signal to national and international public opinion that it certainly was not ready to open any political space and engage in dialogue with its political opposition.

FDU Inkingi remains strongly committed to peaceful struggle.

It is now clear for FDU-Inkingi that the Kigali regime will never willingly open up the political space. After two and a half years of unsuccessful application for the registration of our party, it is now clear that President Paul Kagame will never register FDU-Inkingi. By condemning to prison term Madame Victoire Ingabire, who had returned home with the mandate of registering FDU-Inkingi and standing in the presidential elections, the Rwandan regime has caused a major political shift which must be condemned by all national and international stakeholders including civil society and political activists that love peace and are concerned about democratic change in Rwanda.

The Kigali regime has just sentenced Madame Victoire Ingabire to prison term, but it will never reverse what she has already accomplished and the hope she now embodies. The Chairperson of FDU-Inkingi has built the path to emancipation which the Kigali regime can no longer block, neither indefinitely nor with impunity.

Even though the political party FDU-Inkingi notes once again the propensity of the Kigali regime to favor the use of force to settle political disputes, we will not let ourselves be torn apart by such a secret hope of the Rwandan regime which aimed at leading us into violence. Violence will never be our political choice. Such a violent path would be imposed upon us by the current regime in Kigali. While General Kagame has shown in the past that he could tolerate any human cost to access or hold on power, for FDU-Inkingi, human damages caused by the past tragedy in Rwanda are already considerable enough so that we should all use caution not to add on new ones, because if we did human consequences would be more immeasurable. The political party FDU-Inkingi remains committed to negotiations and will continue to request them, against all odds, to ensure a peaceful transition of our country towards democracy and reconciliation. The party FDU-Inkingi hopes that General Kagame would seize such an opportunity to accept, without any restrictions, direct talks with his political opposition.

The choice is still up to President Paul Kagame.

We launch a solemn appeal to all of the Rwandan people not to succumb to warmongering sirens which, owing to such an impasse resulting from the closing of political space, may soon come forward and try to lead us into the armed struggle in order to hold on or ascend to power. Such an adventure which is meant to attract gullible customers, would serve in reality, to legitimize the current regime instead of stirring up the real possibilities for a genuine popular liberation.

It is still up to President Paul Kagame. He may decide to remain on power through negotiations in which we are asking his regime to engage with his political opposition. President Paul Kagame may also decide to step down by force, a path that he would have himself imposed upon us.

The clock is ticking, Dr. Schweitzer!

Done in Lausanne, Switzerland, on October 30, 2012.

For FDU-Inkingi Coordinating Committee
Dr. Nkiko Nsengimana

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Monday 29 October 2012

Message à Mr Paul Kagame re: Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza

--- On Mon, 10/29/12, oscar Nkurunziza <> wrote:

From: oscar Nkurunziza <>
Subject: *DHR* Message à Mr Paul Kagame re: Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza
To: "" <>
Date: Monday, October 29, 2012, 1:41 PM


A Monsieur Paul Kagame,
Président du Rwanda.
Monsieur le président,
A la veille de la condamnation de Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, je tiens à envoyer ce message (je suis sûr qu'il a des gens qui suivent les échanges sur ce forum et qui  le lui transmettront):
Monsieur le président,
Vous avez ordonné l'arrestation et l'emprisonnement de Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza et vous savez pertinement qu'elle n'a rien à voir avec les charges que vous avez demandé de fabriquer contre elle. Ceci a été un acte de lâcheté de votre part.  En votre qualité de général et numéro 1 du pays, vous vous débattez contre une femme, une mère de famille, sans arme, sans argent, qui a peine rentre de son exil ... tout simplement par peur de l'affronter dans des élections démocratiques. C'est très lâche et vous n'êtes pas un gentleman.
Si demain vous maintenez votre décision d'ordonner la prison à perpétuité contre Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, vous aurez raté une dernière occasion de sauver votre honneur si vous en avez encore. Oui vous avez le pouvoir de l'emprisonner et vous pensez que tout le monde va vous craindre ? Mon oeil, c'est juste l'inverse qui va se produire. A partir de demain si vous maintenez votre décision, vous allez vous rendre compte de votre bêtise.
Vous estimez que l'Amérique est très occupée par des élections et que les médias seront distraits ...
comme vous avez pensé en ordonnant l'assissinat de votre frère d'arme Kayumba Nyamwasa pendant la coupe du monde de football en Afrique du Sud. Vous serez surpris. Les foudres vont s'abattre contre vous, vous serez lâché par tout le monde même par vos derniers amis (Blair, Bill etc ...) par ce que malgré tout ce sont des gentlemen.
Un conseil, laissez Madame Victoire en paix, notre Victoire à nous, battez vous contre les hommes de votre rang svp... si vous persistez à vous battre contre une femme, rentrez chez vous, fermez la porte, éteignez la lumière, il y en a une qui vous attend, à la maison chez vous.
Monsieur le Président, ce message est adressé à vous, et à vous seul, que les autres s'abstiennent.
A bon entendeur, salut.

De : Nzinink <>
À : Nzinink <>
Envoyé le : Lundi 29 octobre 2012 15h04
Objet : *DHR* Victoire Ingabire intwali, Victoire the Brave Woman (Song)

Victoire Ingabire intwali, Victoire the Brave Woman (Song) Gufunga 
Ijambo rya Mme Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza mu ndilimbo
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Maître Innocent  TWAGIRAMUNGU
Té 0032- 495 48 29 21


"L'extrémisme dans la défense de la liberté n'est pas un vice; La modération dans la poursuite de la justice n'est pas une vertu".

"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue." (USA,Republican Convention 1964,Barry Morris Goldwater (1909-1998)).

"Le monde ne sera pas détruit par ceux qui font le mal mais par ceux qui regardent et refusent d'agir", Albert EINSTEIN.

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COMBATTONS la haine SANS complaisance, PARTOUT et avec Toute ENERGIE!!!!!!
Let's  rather prefer Peace, Love , Hope and Life, and get together as one!!! Inno TWAGIRA


Rwanda: demain, la prisonnière politique Victoire Ingabire sera condamnée

Rwanda: demain, la prisonnière politique Victoire Ingabire sera condamnée

Kigali, le 29 Octobre 2012.


Cette fois-ci, après plusieurs reports, des hésitations et des sondages d'humeur au niveau international, le régime de Paul Kagame a finalement décidé de condamner la leader de l'opposition rwandaise et nominée au prix Sakharov 2012, Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza. C'est demain, le 30 Octobre 2012 à 10h00, heure de la Haute Cour de Kigali. Des sources ont confirmé qu'une cellule spéciale de la prison centrale de MPANGA a déjà été préparée pour elle avant cette décision symbolique par la Haute Cour. De différents coins du pays, certains partisans du FPR ont été préparés pour donner des messages et faire des appels en direct aux studios de la radio et la télévision nationale félicitant le régime pour la condamnation de la présidente des FDU-Inkingi, présentée comme étant le pire ennemi de la nation. Ce moment est historique dans la lutte pour la démocratie, la justice et les libertés au Rwanda. C'est un tournant, un changement de paradigme dans l'histoire récente du Rwanda. Un jour dont nous nous souviendrons tous.


Le gouvernement rwandais est toujours sous de vives critiques de ses alliés et de ses opposants après un rapport accablant du Groupe d'experts du Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies l'accusant d'armer et de fournir du personnel aux rebels du M23, seigneurs de guerre qui terrorisent l'Est de la République Démocratique du Congo. Ce sont  plutôt les leaders politiques rwandais qui doivent être sous les verroux et non Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, qui appelle à un changement démocratique pacifique et à la réconciliation véritable sous-tendue par la primauté du droit et de la justice équitable.


A l'occasion de cette marque particulière de notre histoire, les FDU-Inkingi appellent tous les Rwandais, les membres et les amis du parti, à rester calmes et à regarder à l'horizon le vent du changement. Chacun d'entre nous dans cette génération se souviendra et sera témoin de ce simulacre de procès politique kangourou. Ceux qui se souviennent ne répètent pas l'histoire.


La voie de la communauté internationale n'a pas été suffisamment forte pour sauver une mère innocente des dents d'une justice fantôme politisée. Vous pouvez toujours faire une différence et faire en sorte que votre voix soit entendue et respectée.


Nous exhortons ceux qui sont préoccupés par ces procédures politiques à rester de notre côté, étant donné que nous allons amener un véritable changement dans ce pays. Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza est notre héroïne vivante; nous sommes fiers de son courage, de sa détermination et de son leadership extraordinaire.


Pour les FDU-Inkingi, Boniface Twagirimana, Vice-Président Intérimaire.


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Rwanda : le jugement de l’opposante Ingabire, « moment historique », selon son parti

Rwanda : le jugement de l'opposante Ingabire, « moment historique », selon son parti 
APA-Kigali (Rwanda)
Le parti non encore agréé de l'opposante rwandaise Victoire Ingabire a qualifié de « moment historique » son jugement prévu pour mardi, dans un procès pour complicité de terrorisme, propagation de l'idéologie du génocide, sectarisme et divisionnisme, atteinte à la sûreté intérieure de l'Etat, création d'un groupe armé avec l'intention de provoquer la guerre.

« Ce moment est historique dans la lutte pour la démocratie, la justice et les libertés au Rwanda (…) Un jour dont nous nous souviendrons tous »,affirment dans un communiqué en anglais, les Forces démocratiques unifiées (FDU), qui disent ne pas douter du verdict. 

« Le régime de Paul Kagame a décidé de condamner le leader de l'opposition », souligne le texte. « En ce moment particulier de notre histoire, les FDU appellent tous les Rwandais, les membres et les amis du parti à rester calmes et regarder à l'horizon le vent du changement » », poursuit ce communiqué. 

« La voie de la communauté internationale n'a pas été suffisamment forte pour sauver une mère innocente des dents d'une justice fantôme politisée », regrettent les FDU, saluant « le courage et la détermination de l'accusée ». 

« Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza est un héros vivant », ajoute le texte.

Le Parquet a requis la perpétuité contre Mme Ingabire qui rejette les accusations portées contre elle et boycotte son procès. L'accusation a affirmé disposer de preuves de transferts d'argent de Mme Ingabire au profit des Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda (FDLR), une rébellion hutu rwandaise qui multiplie les exactions dans l'est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) et que Kigali qualifie de "terroriste".

Partie suivre une formation aux Pays-Bas peu avant que n'éclate le génocide des Tutsi en 1994, Mme Ingabire n'est revenue au Rwanda que début 2010. Elle avait cherché, en vain, à se présenter à l'élection présidentielle rwandaise.

Paul Kagame, dont le Front patriotique rwandais (FPR, ex-rébellion) a stoppé le génocide, avait été réélu avec 93% des voix.
2012-10-29 14:25:16

Blood stains Rwanda's seat in the UN

Blood stains Rwanda's seat in the UN

By Marta Martinelli  -  25.10.2012 / 05:57 CET

The EU could – and should – do more to hold Rwanda to account for fuelling the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Rwanda is a darling of donors, including the European Union. Its roads are being paved, poverty is being fought valiantly and child mortality is declining. All in all, it is a good case study for enthusiasts for the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals.

This happy picture has, however, been tainted by Rwanda's involvement in the rebellion that is plaguing the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). A UN report in June confirmed that Rwanda was providing extensive support not only to the recently established M23 rebel group but to others too. Rwanda's response has been to protest its innocence and claim there is an international plot to discredit its government.

The implausibility of that claim is accentuated by its record of violent intervention across its borders – four times since 1996, most recently in 2007, when it backed rebels led by General Laurent Nkunda.

So it might come as a surprise that Rwanda now has a seat on the UN Security Council as one of its non-permanent members.

Stranger still is that some international donors have barely changed their position towards Rwanda. Although Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands have suspended budgetary aid to Rwanda, other Western powers have not followed suit. The UK first suspended all budget support and then re-established half its aid, citing the need to continue to support Rwanda's poorest citizens. The US has suspended a token $200,000 (around €160,000) of military aid. And the EU has done little other than to tell both Rwanda and Congo that securing peace in their region is primarily their own responsibility.

But Rwanda is not the only one responsible for the situation. As part of the 2009 agreement that ended the last conflict, the EU, among others, pushed for the speedy integration of armed rebel groups into the ranks of the Congolese army. Although a necessary price for peace, this effort has come back to haunt the DRC. Rather than breaking down rebel units, their chains of command were left intact, several former rebel leaders were promoted, and soldiers remained stationed in areas where they had operated as rebels. Deserters from these units now form a major part of M23 rebel forces.

The EU's subsequent efforts to ensure a lasting peace in the DRC have been heavily criticised: for a lack of effective co-ordination with other donors; for an unclear strategy; for failing to deliver aid to the neediest; and for inadequate monitoring of progress. Arguably, its work has been undermined by aims pursued individually by EU member states. Today, with no sign of the conflict abating and Rwanda's continued interference in the DRC, we see the results of the imperfect 2009 solution.

But the Congolese government too should be held to account. Its system of governance is undemocratic, authoritarian and untransparent, and favours patronage networks that contribute to a dysfunctional state. Its track record on democracy promotion and justice is deteriorating steadily. Its indifference to reform over the past decade has provided fertile ground for the M23 rebellion and nourished grievances.

All this is a sign that the EU's approach to aid-giving, which is based on strengthening state institutions (in part by channelling support directly into the budget), may need to be reviewed in situations where institutions are unco-operative. Short-term efforts to address the crisis only in security or humanitarian terms, whilst valuable, have also proved insufficient.

Rather than waiting until the UN Sanctions Committee meets in November, as it has announced it will, the EU needs to take a stand now. It must lead other donors – including its own member states – in stepping up diplomatic efforts, and demand that, as a member of the Security Council, Rwanda lives up to international peace and security standards.

It must also be ready to suspend its aid to Rwanda, and condition institutional aid to the DRC on satisfactory progress towards political reform. Both measures can pave the way for further steps to address the long-term causes of instability between the two countries.

Marta Martinelli is a senior policy officer for African issues at the Open Society Institute – Brussels. She previously worked in a range of peace-building roles in the Great Lakes

© 2012 European Voice. All rights reserved.

-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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