
Friday 1 February 2013

Germany says unfreezing Rwandan aid but to watch progress on Congo

Germany says unfreezing Rwandan aid but to watch progress on Congo

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By Jenny Clover

KIGALI, Feb 1 (Reuters) - Germany said on Friday it will unblock 7 million euros in frozen aid to Rwanda, which the U.N. accuses of helping arm rebels in neighbouring Congo, but warned the African state will be under continued international pressure over its links with M23 rebels.

Germany joined the United States and several other European states in partially suspending aid to Rwanda after U.N. experts said senior Rwandan military officials have equipped, trained and directly commanded M23 rebels who in November briefly seized the city of Goma in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

Rwanda, which relies on donors for about 40 percent of its budget, has repeatedly denied the charges.

A spokesman for the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development said by telephone from Berlin Germany had decided to unfreeze around 7 million euros in aid because Rwanda was taking steps "in the right direction" on the issue.

The M23 rebels announced a unilateral ceasefire last month and the group is currently engaged in peace talks with the Congolese government in neighbouring Uganda.

"We recognise the steps that Rwanda is taking and these steps are going in the right direction but things are not getting back to normality yet - we still need to discuss issues and we will continue to put pressure on Rwanda," the spokesman told Reuters.

Rwandan Foreign Minister Louise Mushikiwabo and German Economic Cooperation and Development Minister Dirk Niebel met in Berlin on Thursday and agreed to use the unfrozen aid for economic development and vocational training rather than direct budget support, Mushikiwabo said.

Rwanda is "delighted this support is back on track," Mushikiwabo said in an email on Friday.

Rwanda has been badly hit by the aid suspensions. Finance Minister John Rwangombwa said in December that the country might have to cut its 2013 economic growth forecast down to 6 percent from 7.6 percent if the aid remained suspended. (Additional reporting by Michelle Martin; Editing by Drazen Jorgic and Sonya Hepinstall)

Germany says unfreezing Rwandan aid but to watch progress on Congo

Germany says unfreezing Rwandan aid but to watch progress on Congo

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Must read

By Jenny Clover

KIGALI, Feb 1 (Reuters) - Germany said on Friday it will unblock 7 million euros in frozen aid to Rwanda, which the U.N. accuses of helping arm rebels in neighbouring Congo, but warned the African state will be under continued international pressure over its links with M23 rebels.

Germany joined the United States and several other European states in partially suspending aid to Rwanda after U.N. experts said senior Rwandan military officials have equipped, trained and directly commanded M23 rebels who in November briefly seized the city of Goma in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

Rwanda, which relies on donors for about 40 percent of its budget, has repeatedly denied the charges.

A spokesman for the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development said by telephone from Berlin Germany had decided to unfreeze around 7 million euros in aid because Rwanda was taking steps "in the right direction" on the issue.

The M23 rebels announced a unilateral ceasefire last month and the group is currently engaged in peace talks with the Congolese government in neighbouring Uganda.

"We recognise the steps that Rwanda is taking and these steps are going in the right direction but things are not getting back to normality yet - we still need to discuss issues and we will continue to put pressure on Rwanda," the spokesman told Reuters.

Rwandan Foreign Minister Louise Mushikiwabo and German Economic Cooperation and Development Minister Dirk Niebel met in Berlin on Thursday and agreed to use the unfrozen aid for economic development and vocational training rather than direct budget support, Mushikiwabo said.

Rwanda is "delighted this support is back on track," Mushikiwabo said in an email on Friday.

Rwanda has been badly hit by the aid suspensions. Finance Minister John Rwangombwa said in December that the country might have to cut its 2013 economic growth forecast down to 6 percent from 7.6 percent if the aid remained suspended. (Additional reporting by Michelle Martin; Editing by Drazen Jorgic and Sonya Hepinstall)

Bruxelles: l'ambassadeur rwandais convoqué - RTBF Belgique

Expulsion d'un militaire belge: l'ambassadeur rwandais convoqué

BELGIQUE | Mis à jour le jeudi 31 janvier 2013 à 16h54

    • L'ambassadeur du Rwanda en Belgique est convoqué ce jeudi après-midi aux Affaires étrangères après que Kigali eut décidé d'expulser un attaché de la Défense belge, a indiqué Didier Reynders en réponse à des questions des sénateurs Marie Arena (PS) et Patrick De Groote (N-VA).

      "Comme j'ai déjà eu l'occasion de le préciser, nous avons, de commun accord avec le département de la Défense, décidé que l'ambassadeur du Rwanda à Bruxelles serait convoqué à mon cabinet pour faire part de mon 'étonnement' face à cette décision dont j'ai pris acte, mais que je considère comme 'injustifiée', et afin de lui demander des 'clarifications'", a rappelé le ministre. "Je puis vous confirmer que cet entretien est justement prévu à mon cabinet cet après-midi", a-t-il précisé.

      Didier Reynders a ajouté qu'il ne pouvait pas se prononcer "sur les raisons, politiques ou autres, qui sont derrière cette décision souveraine du Rwanda", soulignant que, considérée comme "inamicale" par la Belgique elle n'en relevait pas moins des "droits et usages diplomatiques prévus par la Convention de Vienne".

      Le chef de la diplomatie belge a confirmé que l'attaché en question avait été jugé "persona non grata" dans une note verbale, à Kigali.

      Le ministre a indiqué qu'à sa connaissance, aucun successeur n'avait été désigné après son retour.

      Il a également assuré que "toutes les mesures" avaient été prises permettant de continuer à garantir la sécurité des Belges au Rwanda.

      Exécutée il y a quelques jours, la décision d'expulser un militaire belge a été prise deux mois après la suspension de la coopération militaire avec le Rwanda, mis en cause par l'ONU pour son soutien à une rébellion active dans l'est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) voisine.


    -“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

    -« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

    -“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

    -“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

    -“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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