
Saturday 20 July 2024

[Rwanda Forum] Russia says 'let's be realistic' about Trump plan to end Ukraine war | Reuters

Russia says 'let's be realistic' about Trump plan to end Ukraine war | Reuters

Russia says 'let's be realistic' about Trump plan to end Ukraine war

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova attends a news conference in Moscow
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova attends a news conference in Moscow, Russia, April 4, 2023. REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights
MOSCOW, July 18 (Reuters) - Russia said on Thursday that Donald Trump's assertion he could quickly end the Ukraine war should be viewed realistically, given that he had promised a Middle East peace breakthrough but failed to achieve it during his presidency.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Moscow had noted statements by Trump, who is running against President Joe Biden in November's U.S. election, and by his newly nominated running mate J.D. Vance.

"We saw the statements - Trump said he would resolve the conflict within 24 hours, then Vance said that China is a bigger problem for the United States than the Russia-Ukraine conflict," Zakharova told reporters.

"It's necessary to separate pre-election rhetoric from statements by government officials vested with the appropriate powers. If we talk about whether it's possible to resolve the conflict, let's be realistic."

Zakharova said that Trump, during his 2017-2021 presidency, had made ambitious statements about resolving the Middle East conflict.

"They prepared for the 'deal of the century' for quite a long time, but it did not end in anything, and under Biden, on the contrary, a colossal historical tragedy happened," she said, referring to the Gaza war.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has offered a variety of opinions on the U.S. election. In February he said Biden was the better option from Moscow's point of view because he was a more predictable "old school" politician. In June he said the outcome would not make much difference to Russia either way but it was clear the U.S. court system was being used in a political battle against Trump.
Putin has said that he takes Trump's comments on ending the Ukraine war seriously, but doesn't know details of what he is proposing.
The Kremlin said last week it had noted Biden's verbal slip-ups, including when he introduced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy as "President Putin" at an event in Washington. It said comments by Biden, who described Putin as a "murderous madman", were disrespectful and unacceptable.

At her weekly briefing, Zakharova was also asked about a statement by Zelenskiy this week that he aimed to have a plan ready in November to enable Kyiv to hold a second international peace summit. Zelenskiy said Russia, which was not invited to a first summit in Switzerland last month, should be involved this time.

Putin said last month that Russia was willing to end the war, but only if Ukraine gave up the entirety of four regions that Moscow claims to have annexed. Ukraine instantly rejected those terms, saying they would be tantamount to surrender.

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Reporting by Dmitry Antonov, Writing by Mark Trevelyan Editing by Ros Russell

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

Friday 19 July 2024

[Rwanda Forum] Paul Kagame banned opponents like me from Rwanda’s election. No wonder he cruised to victory | Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza | The Guardian

Paul Kagame banned opponents like me from Rwanda's election. No wonder he cruised to victory | Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza | The Guardian

Paul Kagame banned opponents like me from Rwanda's election. No wonder he cruised to victory | Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza

Since the end of the civil war and the genocide against the Tutsis in 1994, Rwanda's ruling party, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), has dominated the political space. Its leader, Paul Kagame, scored upwards of 90% in the previous three presidential elections, and this week appears to have beaten his own record, with provisional results showing that he has won 99.15% of the vote. But this victory has been won while excluding several prominent opponents from standing – including me. This makes the just-concluded elections no different to previous ones, and only underscores the country's lack of democracy.

In 2010, I willingly returned to Rwanda from exile in the Netherlands with the intention of registering my political party and running in the presidential election scheduled later that year. But I was arrested immediately after openly criticising the Rwandan government's reconciliation policy in relation to the 1994 genocide, and convicted following a trial that was widely condemned as politically motivated and grossly unfair.

I was released from prison by Kagame in 2018, but was still banned from leaving the country. Five years after my release, I applied for rehabilitation to the high court of Rwanda so I could run in the most recent presidential elections and travel abroad to visit my family in the Netherlands. The court refused my application. Over the past 14 years, I have been not only blocked from standing as a political representative, but also from reuniting with my loved ones. I have missed my children's weddings, the birth of my grandchildren, and been unable to visit my seriously ill husband.

Amnesty International described the 2017 elections in Rwanda as having taken place in a "climate of fear and repression", while in 2024, other credible challengers to the ruling party, such as Bernard Ntaganda, have also faced unfair systematic legal issues. Like me, he was arrested at the start of the presidential candidate registration period in 2010, and went on to serve four years in prison. Like me, he applied for rehabilitation, hoping to participate in the 2024 elections, but the court rejected his appeal. It's all part of the silencing of dissent that has characterised Kagame's 24-year rule.

But legally barring candidates from standing is not the only way the system has prevented differing opinions being heard. The constitution was amended last year to allow presidential and parliamentary elections to be held at the same time. But state-owned and independent media in Rwanda overwhelmingly covered the presidential campaign over parliamentary candidates. This skewed media landscape prevented aspiring parliamentarians from adequately communicating their political programmes, thereby stifling comprehensive public discussion on Rwanda's future. This phenomenon only reinforces the lack of diversity that exists as a result of barring presidential candidates like myself.

If I had been allowed to stand I would have discussed the need for governance reform in Rwanda to enable our country to achieve genuine democratisation through inclusive dialogue among political and civil society stakeholders. I would also have emphasised the importance of reinforcing our existing reconciliation policy by remembering all victims of Rwanda's troubled history.

Instead, voters were presented with no concrete plans for how to tackle real issues, such as growing inequalities and increasing debt, the deteriorating relationships with neighbouring countries – especially the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Burundi – or the Rwandan refugees who are settled in neighbouring states or scattered across the world. Those challenges risk bringing more insecurity to Rwanda in the near future. The RPF is keen to take credit for Rwanda's economic recovery, which has seen GDP grow by an average of 7.2% a year between 2012 and 2022. It is less vocal about reports from the World Bank that almost half the population lives on less than $2.15 (£1.65) a day.

During the campaign, Kagame was at pains to defend Rwandan democracy – which he says is based on the uniqueness of the country. He called upon Rwanda's youth to defend it against those who criticise the government on social media. He even found time to mention my name in a derogatory manner twice during the campaign, even though I was barred from taking part.

When asked about his priorities for the next five years, Kagame responded that he plans to continue on the same path towards rebuilding Rwanda. But my country will only truly thrive when it has a functioning democracy that allows dissent, debate and different perspectives.

Continually winning presidential elections with close to 100% of the vote is not a sign of popularity, but of a lack of competition. My question is, if Kagame is so popular, why are his credible challengers barred from running against him in elections? This election result has once again demonstrated that Rwanda still has a long way to go on its path to democracy.

  • Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza is Rwandan opposition leader, a campaigner for governance reform in Rwanda and leader of the Dalfa Umurinzi party

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

[Rwanda Forum] Re: La fumée blanche s'est levée sur le Pays des Milles Collines n'en déplaise aux H'Power et autres ibigarasha!


Where are your big fish observers such as EU, Commonwealth, etc?

Kubura kwabo se byaba ari yo mpamvu Rutaremara yibasiye ba Rutuku? 
Na Makolo nabnye ari uko. Please, umwibutse ko "qui s'explique trop s'accuse".

Bitinde bite bitebuke ariya matora arasubirwamo, uRda rusubizwe benerwo: inyabutatu nyarwanda.


In a joint press release read at a press conference in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, observers, representing organizations such as the East African Community (EAC), the African Union (AU), the Common Market for East and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the Economic Community of Central African States, welcomed this electoral process.
"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

On Jul 18, 2024, at 11:29 PM, Jerome Ndiho <> wrote:

[Rwanda Forum] Rwanda: Tito Rutaremara yacitse ururondogoro....

"A vaincre sans perir on triomphe sans gloire": Pierre Corneille.

Tito Rutaremara yacitse ururondogoro kubera ko kugeza ubu mpatsibihugu ataratanga felicitations ku gatsiko.

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

Wednesday 17 July 2024

[Rwanda Forum] Kagame plébiscité, et après?

Seuls les naïfs, ignorants ou complices de ce mal absolu ( Kaaga) peuvent se permettre de parler ou de penser à un avenir du Rwanda encore sous ce diablotin et sous-homme venu d'Ouganda. 

Ces jeunes interrogés ayant moins de 35 ans, sont naïfs car non informés ou désinformés sur les la situation réelle. En effet ils ne connaissent comme "président au Rwanda" que Paul Kagame. Or ils ignorent, car on ne le leur dit pas, que Kagame est un conquérant venu d'Ouganda en 1990 à la tête d'une clique de Tutsi appartenant à l'Armée ougandaise pour conquérir militairement le Rwanda et soumettre sa population en massacrant les récalcitrants. Et il en a reçu carte blanche de la part des puissances anglo-saxonnes qui l'ont créé et l'ont amené au Rwanda. Comme tout conquérant venu de l'étranger Paul Kagame ne s'intéresse ni sur le développement du pays conquis, ni sur le bien-être des populations conquises. Tout ce qui l'intéresse est d'exploiter ce pays et asservir sa population dans le but de s'enrichir, lui et sa clique Tutsi venue d'Ouganda, et laisser le reste de la population crever ou s'exiler. Et pour faire diversion les médias et influenceurs des puissances qui l'ont créé et installé au trône du Rwanda projettent au Monde des images déformées ou des mirages et autres "Villages Potemkine" pour tromper l'opinion mondiale qu'il a développé le Rwanda, pays dont il est étranger. Mais en veillant à ce que celui qui oserait se plaindre ou dénoncer la féodalité, serait immédiatement éliminé physiquement. Ceux qui habitent le Rwanda sous le règne du conquérant Kagame doivent se soumettre ou alors mourir. Un journaliste étranger qui ne saisit pas ces nuances et qui se met à décrire le Rwanda actuel sous Kagame serait tout à fait à côté de la plaque. C'est le cas de RFI avec ses envoyés spéciaux!

-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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