
Sunday 7 July 2024

[Rwanda Forum] Réussite économique du Rwanda: un succès trop inégal - RFI

Réussite économique du Rwanda: un succès trop inégal - Aujourd'hui l'économie
Réussite économique du Rwanda: un succès trop inégal - RFI

Réussite économique du Rwanda: un succès trop inégal

Un agriculteur cueille des feuilles de thé dans une plantation de thé à Gisakura, dans le sud-ouest du Rwanda, mai 2022. (Image d'illustration)
Un agriculteur cueille des feuilles de thé dans une plantation de thé à Gisakura, dans le sud-ouest du Rwanda, mai 2022. (Image d'illustration) © AFP/Simon Wohlfahrt

La reconstruction de l'économie est un succès indéniable. La gouvernance à la fois rigoureuse et dirigiste du Front patriotique rwandais (FPR) a permis à ce petit pays enclavé de se doter de routes, de centrales, d'hôpitaux indispensables au développement et de renouer avec une croissance robuste. De l'ordre de 7 à 8% depuis vingt ans. De quoi faire reculer la pauvreté. Elle concernait les trois quarts de la population en 2000, plus que la moitié en 2013. Mais encore la moitié aujourd'hui : c'est bien le problème, selon la Banque mondiale qui remarque que les progrès stagnent depuis dix ans.

Des fruits de la croissance mal partagés

Le Rwanda est encore l'un des pays les plus inégalitaires d'Afrique subsaharienne. Les fruits de sa prodigieuse croissance ont du mal à atteindre les campagnes où vit la majorité de la population. Le coefficient de Gini, qui mesure les inégalités, est à 0,44. C'est le plus élevé de la Communauté d'Afrique de l'Est après le Soudan du Sud. Les services, le tourisme haut de gamme sont les nouveaux relais de croissance, mais le moteur essentiel est encore l'agriculture. C'est toujours plus d'un emploi sur deux et près de la moitié du PIB. Autre bémol qui relativise le miracle rwandais, 45% des revenus de l'État dépendent encore de l'aide internationale. Le gouvernement espère néanmoins entrer dans le club des économies à revenu intermédiaire d'ici à dix ans.

Un secteur privé pas assez développé

Un objectif ambitieux pour un pays encore fragilisé par ses relations orageuses avec ses voisins immédiats. Les entreprises locales se tournent de plus en plus vers les pays où elles bénéficient de la diplomatie active de Paul Kagame, comme la Centrafrique, ou plus récemment le Mozambique. En profitent surtout les sociétés contrôlées par Crystal Ventures Limited. Une holding très discrète et très puissante qui appartient au FPR. C'est le premier employeur après l'État. Un poids lourd dans les secteurs du bâtiment ou de la sécurité. Mais une société qui laisse peu de place à la concurrence, se plaignent à mots couverts les entrepreneurs privés. C'est pourtant le privé qu'il faut absolument développer, estime la Banque mondiale, pour créer de l'emploi et générer une croissance plus inclusive.

À lire aussiTrente ans du génocide des Tutsis: le Rwanda commémore un passé dont «il faut tirer les leçons»

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

[Rwanda Forum] Législatives au Rwanda sous Kagame. Cas PS Mukabunane.

PS Imberakuri authentique vs PS Mukabunane.
Si c'était dans un Etat de Droit Me Bernard Ntaganda devrait porter plainte malgré ( ou grâce à) RFI.

Cette journaliste Lucie Mouillaud que Macron a détachée chez Kagame pour relayer en Français sa propagande et ses mensonges, devrait d'abord s'informer sur le système et le fonctionnement des institutions de la dictature de Paul Kagame au Rwanda. Sinon elle sera toujours prise en flagrant délit de raconter des salades comme dans ce reportage. Florilège: 1) Paul Kagame règne sur le Rwanda depuis 30 ans et non 24 comme le prétend la journaliste. En effet c'est en 1994 qu'il a conquis militairement le Rwanda venant de l'Armée Ougandaise. 2 ) Pas d'autres partis politiques admis au Rwanda à part le Parti-Etat FPR dont Kagame est président. 3) C'est le Parti-Etat FPR qui crée ou admet des Associations qu'il va associer au pouvoir dans une structure nommée " Forum des partis". 4) C'est le Parti-Etat FPR qui dresse la liste de 60 des 80 " Députés" composant l'Assemblée Nationale, les 20 restant étant directement nommés par Paul Kagame. 5) Dans le cas présent, l'association PS Imberakuri dont il est question est une faction du parti PS Imberakuri fondé et présidé par Me Bernard Ntaganda qui fut jeté en prison et le parti PS Imberakuri interdit d'activités politiques. Le FPR a donc recruté une femme nommée Christine Mukabunane pour la déclarer "présidente" du parti PS Imberakuri et l'a nommée "Députée" il y a 7 ans. Donc maintenant elle joue sa comédie quotidienne pour sauver son emploi et ainsi continuer à avoir de quoi survivre surtout qu'elle est Hutu, race maudite au Rwanda.

Saturday 6 July 2024

[Rwanda Forum] Kagame yavuze iki gishya kandi kibi uyu munsi.

Kagame yavuze iki gishya kandi kibi uyu munsi.


Kagame yiyamamaza mu Bugesera yavuze ko abamurwanya bazashiramo umwuka ntacyo bagezeho. Ariko we ngo  azahoraho. Murabona namwe ko Kagame afite ikibazo  kerereye urupfu. Biragoye kugira ngo umwumve nta rupfu yavuze, yifurije abanda  cyangwa yatekerejeho. Il est toujours  hanté par la mort.


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Fwd: [Rwanda History] [Rwanda Forum] Starmer kills off Rwanda plan on first day as PM

Starmer kills off Rwanda plan on first day as PM

Starmer kills off Rwanda plan on first day as PM

Labour insiders tell The Telegraph Tory scheme effectively 'dead' after party pledged to scrap it

5 July 2024 • 8:42pm
Natalie Elphicke, Sir Keir Starmer, Yvette Cooper and Mike Tapp announced Labour's plans to stop small boat crossings earlier this year

Sir Keir Starmer has killed off the Rwanda deportation plan on the first day of his premiership.

Labour insiders told The Telegraph the Tory scheme to deport migrants arriving in the UK illegally to Rwanda was effectively "dead" after the party pledged to scrap it if it won the election.

Illegal migration is set to be one of the key priorities of the new Government, with a summer of small boat Channel crossings expected.

Emmanuel Macron, the French president – who will be key to Labour's plans to tackle the issue – is believed to have been the first world leader to call Sir Keir, talking to him on Thursday night.

On Friday, Yvette Cooper, the new Home Secretary, said one of the first duties of government was to "keep our borders secure" and that she would prioritise creating a new Border Security Command in her early meetings with officials.

Immigration was a key issue in the election campaign. Reform surged in support by focusing on the topic but was left frustrated when its votes converted into just five seats.

The Rwanda scheme was first announced by Boris Johnson and continued by Liz Truss and Mr Sunak. It has been delayed by long court battles, with no flight having taken off, but it became a battleground in the election campaignt.

A Labour insider confirmed to The Telegraph that it was now "dead", saying: "If Rishi Sunak thought Rwanda would work, he wouldn't have called an election. It was a con. By calling an election, Sunak was acknowledging that fact."

Britain can end the Rwanda scheme by terminating the agreement through a break clause. Under the clause, the UK will not have to make any further payments from the date it is activated.

The UK has already paid £270 million, with the latest £50 million instalment handed over in April. By ending the scheme, Britain will save two further £50 million payments in 2025 and 2026.

The agreement stipulated that Britain would still be expected to pay for any migrants who had already been relocated. 

Nobody was deported, although two failed asylum seekers went to Rwanda voluntarily under a separate agreement that saw them offered a £3,000 incentive to go.

The UK can also leave the treaty signed earlier this year, which was agreed to counter criticisms of the Rwanda scheme by the Supreme court by giving three months notice.

The Rwanda government is understood to be ready to issue a statement as early as Saturday, in which it is expected to welcome the new UK Government.

Sir Keir used his first speech as Prime Minister outside Number 10 to promise a "government of service", insisting his approach to leadership would be "unburdened by doctrine".

With almost every seat called, Labour was on 411 MPs, more than triple the Tory total of 121. The Liberal Democrats were on 71 MPs – the most for a century – with the SNP nine and the Greens on four. FsUn24h2UQI

The new Cabinet was appointed, with Rachel Reeves now the first ever female Chancellor. David Lammy became the Foreign Secretary and Angela Rayner the Deputy Prime Minister.

On Saturday, Sir Keir is expected to hold the first full meeting of his Cabinet, complete junior ministerial appointments and take more calls from world leaders.

He is expected to move his family into Downing Street at some point. His first speech in Parliament as Prime Minister will take place on Tuesday before he flies out for a Nato summit in Washington DC.

Labour won the election with an estimated vote share of just 34 per cent, seeing some call Sir Keir's victory a "loveless landslide"

Sir Keir addressed those who did not back him in his Downing Street speech, saying: My Government will serve you. Politics can be a force for good – we will show that."

On Friday morning, Rishi Sunak announced that he would resign as the Conservative leader, saying sorry for his party's worst election result in modern history, but stay on until a successor is picked.

Suella Braverman, Kemi Badenoch, Priti Patel, Tom Tugendhat and Robert Jenrick are all expected to launch leadership bids. Exact timings of the contest have not been announced.

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence",
George Washington.

Posted by Rwanda Forum to Rwanda History at 6 Jul 2024, 10:57

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[Rwanda Forum] Starmer confirms Rwanda deportation plan 'dead'

Starmer confirms Rwanda deportation plan 'dead'

An inflatable dinghy carrying around 65 migrants crosses the English Channel on March 06, 2024IMAGE SOURCE,GETTY IMAGES
  • Published
    2 hours ago

Sir Keir Starmer has confirmed the Rwanda deportation scheme is "dead and buried", on his first full day as prime minister.

The Labour leader said he would end the "gimmick" of deporting migrants arriving in the UK illegally to Rwanda, which was established by the previous Conservative government.

Labour campaigned on a manifesto pledge to scrap the scheme, which has already cost around £310m, promising a more effective approach to tackling illegal immigration to replace it.

At his first press conference since entering Number 10, Sir Keir told journalists: "The Rwanda scheme was dead and buried before it started."

He argued the scheme has "never been a deterrent" as it would only deport "less than1%" of small boat arrivals.

The financial implications of scrapping the scheme and the total bill to the taxpayer are not yet known. Ending the scheme also leaves a question mark over the fate of 52,000 migrants earmarked for deportation.

A graphic which reads 'more on general election 2024'

The scheme was a key battleground during the final days of Rishi Sunak's government.

The former prime minister made delivering the policy a key priority of his premiership, arguing it deterred people from crossing the English Channel in small boats.

Despite being announced two years ago by then-prime minister Boris Johnson, the Rwanda plan faced numerous legal challenges and never saw a flight take off.

The plans also faced a painful passage through Parliament, sparking numerous Tory rebellions.

As of 26 June, 13,195 people had come to the UK via small boat crossing in the Channel in 2024 - above the numbers for the same period in the previous four years.

Since 2018, nearly 120,000 people have come to the UK by this route.

He added: "Look at the numbers that have come over in the first six and a bit months of this year, they are record numbers, that is the problem that we are inheriting.

"It's had the complete opposite effect and I'm not prepared to continue with gimmicks that don't act as a deterrent."

The new government has set illegal migration as one of their key priorities.

The Labour manifesto pledged to curb small boats crossing the Channel by hiring investigators and using counter-terror powers to "smash" criminal people smuggling gangs.

Labour has yet to reveal the full details of their scheme.

Earlier this year, Rwandan President Paul Kagame hinted that British taxpayers could be refunded if the deal collapsed.

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-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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