
Monday 22 October 2012



Thx for asking.

The law punishing genocide ideology in Rwanda is not part of the Rwandan Constitution.
It is a separate Organic Law N°18/2008 OF 23/07/2008 which was published in the Official Gazette in 2009, the year it actually became effective. 
This controversial law has recently been revised but all of its controversial aspects have remained intact.  We're still waiting for its publication in the Official Gazette i.e. the new version is not effective yet.

Here is the old (but still current) version:







Article:  1 Purpose of this law


This Law aims at preventing and punishing the crime of genocide ideology.


Article:  2 Definition of "genocide ideology"


The genocide ideology is an aggregate of thoughts characterized by conduct, speeches, documents and other acts aiming at exterminating or inciting others to exterminate people basing on ethnic group, origin, nationality, region, color, physical appearance, sex, language, religion or political opinion, committed in normal periods or during war.


Article:  3 Characteristics of the crime of genocide ideology


The crime of genocide ideology is characterized in any behaviour manifested by facts aimed at deshumanizing a person or a group of persons with the same characteristics in the following manner:


1° threatening, intimidating, degrading through defamatory speeches, documents or actions which aim at propounding wickedness or inciting hatred;


2° marginalising, laughing at one's misfortune, defaming, mocking, boasting, despising, degrading creating confusion aiming at negating the genocide which occurred, stirring up ill feelings, taking revenge, altering testimony or evidence for the genocide which occurred;


3°killing, planning to kill or attempting to kill someone for purposes of furthering genocide ideology.


Chapter 2.  PENALTIES


Article:  4 Sentencing the crime of genocide ideology


Any person convicted of the crime of genocide ideology as mentioned in Articles 2 and 3 of this Law shall be sentenced to an imprisonment of ten (10) years to twenty five (25) years and a fine of two hundred thousand (200.000) to one million (1.000.000) Rwandan francs.


In case of recidivism, the penalty provided for in the preceding paragraph shall be doubled.  


Article:  5 Penalty awarded to a genocide ideology convict found guilty of the crime of genocide


Any person found guilty of the ideology of genocide who was convicted of the crime of genocide, shall be sentenced to life imprisonment.


Article:  6 Penalties awarded to current and former leaders


In case the perpetrator of the crime of genocide ideology is a leader in public

administrative organs, political organisation,  private administrative organs, or a non governmental organs, a religious leader, or a former leader in such organs, he/she shall be sentenced to an imprisonment of fifteen (15) years to twenty five (25) years and a fine of two million (2.000.000) to five million (5.000.000) Rwandan francs.


Article:  7 Penalties awarded to associations, a political organization and non profit making organization


Any association, political organization or non profit making organisation convicted of the crime of the ideology of genocide shall be subject to a punishment of its dissolution in accordance with legal provisions relating to dissolution of associations, political organisations and non profit making associations and a fine of five million (5.000.000) to ten million (10.000.000) Rwandan francs without prejudice to individual liability of any participant in the commission of the crime.


Article:  8 Penalties for disseminating genocide ideology


Any person who disseminates genocide ideology in public through documents, speeches, pictures, media or any other means shall be sentenced to an imprisonment from twenty (20) years to twenty-five (25) years and a fine of two million (2.000.000) to five million (5.000.000) Rwandan francs.


Article:  9 Penalties awarded to children guilty of the crime of genocide ideology


In case a child under twelve years (12) of age is found guilty of a crime of genocide ideology, he or she shall be taken to a rehabilitation centre for a period not exceeding twelve (12) months.


In case a child who is found guilty of the crime of genocide ideology is between twelve (12) and eighteen (18) years,  he or she shall be sentenced to a half of the penalty referred to in Article 4 of this Law, without prejudice to the possibility that a part or whole of the sentence may be served in the rehabilitation centre.


Article:  10 Follow up of a child who is in or was in a rehabilitation centre


An Order of the Minister in charge of rehabilitation centres shall determine procedures through which children referred to in Article 9 of this Law are followed up while in rehabilitation centres and during their social reintegration.

  Article:  11 Penalties awarded to parents and to other guardians of the child


In case it is evident that the parent of the child referred to in Article 9 of this Law, the guardian, the tutor, the teacher or the school  headmaster of the child participated in inoculating the genocide ideology, they shall be sentenced to an imprisonment of fifteen (15) years to twenty five (25) years.


A teacher or a director referred to in the preceding paragraph cannot be reintegrated into his teaching career.


Article:  12 Penalty awarded to a murderer, a conspirator or attempted murderer

Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 4 of this Law, any person who kills another, one who conspires or who attempts to kill basing on the ideology of genocide shall be sentenced to a life imprisonment.


There shall be no mitigating circumstance regarding this crime.


Article:  13 Penalties against false accusers


Any person found guilty of false accusations of the crime of genocide ideology referred to in Article 4 of this Law shall be liable to the punishment provided for by the penal Code.  


Article:  14 Damages


Damages awarded to victims of the crime of the ideology of genocide shall be determined in accordance with provisions of civil procedure.




Article:  15 Abrogating provisions


All prior legal provisions contrary to this Law are hereby repealed.


Article:  16 Commencement


This Law shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda.


Kigali, on 23/07/2008


--- On Sun, 10/21/12, Ruterana Epimaque <> wrote:

From: Ruterana Epimaque <>
To: "" <>
Date: Sunday, October 21, 2012, 5:48 AM


Can u also share with us the law against the genocide ideology? It is also part of the constitution.

From: Nzinink <>
To: Nzinink <>
Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 1:24 PM



Article 10
  1. The human person is sacred and inviolable.
  2. The State and all public administration organs have the absolute obligation to respect, protect and defend him or her.
Article 11
  1. All Rwandans are born and remain free and equal in rights and duties.
  2. Discrimination of whatever kind based on, inter alia, ethnic origin, tribe, clan, colour, sex, region, social origin, religion or faith, opinion, economic status, culture, language, social status, physical or mental disability or any other form of discrimination is prohibited and punishable by law.
Article 12
Every person has the right to life. No person shall be arbitrarily deprived of life. 

Article 13
  1. The crime of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes do not have a period of limitation.
  2. Revisionism, negationism and trivialisation of genocide are punishable by the law.
Article 14
The State shall, within the limits of its capacity, take special measures for the welfare of the survivors of genocide who were rendered destitute by the genocide committed in Rwanda from October 1st, 1990 to December 31st, 1994, the disabled, the indigent and the elderly as well as other vulnerable groups. 

Article 15
  1. Every person has the right to physical and mental integrity.
  2. No person shall be subjected to torture, physical abuse or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.
  3. No one shall be subjected to experimentation without his or her informed consent. The modalities of such consent and experiments are determined by law.
Article 16
All human beings are equal before the law. They shall enjoy, without any discrimination, equal protection of the law. 

Article 17
  1. Criminal liability is personal.
  2. Civil liability is determined by law.
  3. No one shall be imprisoned on the ground of inability to fulfil obligations arising from civil or commercial laws.
Article 18
  1. The person's liberty is guaranteed by the State.
  2. No one shall be subjected to prosecution, arrest, detention or punishment on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a crime under the law in force at the time it was committed.
  3. The right to be informed of the nature and cause of charges and the right to defence are absolute at all levels and degrees of proceedings before administrative, judicial and all other decision making organs.
Article 19
Every person accused of a crime shall be presumed innocent until his or her guilt has been conclusively proved in accordance with the law in a public and fair hearing in which all the necessary guarantees for defence have been made available. 
Nobody shall be denied the right to appear before a judge competent by law to hear his or her case.

Article 20
  1. Nobody shall be punished for acts or omissions that did not constitute an offence under national or international law at the time of commission or omission.
  2. Neither shall any person be punished with a penalty which is heavier than the one that was applicable under the law at the time when the offence was committed.
Article 21
No person shall be subjected to security measures except as provided for by law, for reasons of public order and State security.

Article 22
The private life, family, home or correspondence of a person shall not be subjected to arbitrary interference; his or her honour and good reputation shall be respected.
A person's home is inviolable. No search of or entry into a home may be carried out without the consent of the owner, except in circumstances and in accordance with procedures determined by law.
Confidentiality of correspondence and communication shall not be subject to waiver except in circumstances and in accordance with procedures determined by law.  

Article 23
  1. Every Rwandan has the right to move and to circulate freely and to settle anywhere in Rwanda.
  2. Every Rwandan has the right to leave and to return to the country.
  3. These rights shall be restricted only by the law for reasons of public order or State security, in order to deal with a public menace or to protect persons in danger.
Article 24
  1. Every Rwandan has the right to his or her country.
  2. No Rwandan shall be banished from the country.
Article 25
  1. The right to asylum is recognized under conditions determined by the law.
  2. The extradition of foreigners shall be permitted only so far as it is consistent with the law or international conventions to which Rwanda is a party. However, no Rwandan shall be extradited.
Article 26
  1. Only civil monogamous marriage between a man and a woman is recognized.
  2. No person may be married without his or her free consent.
  3. Parties to a marriage have equal rights and duties upon and during the subsistence of a marriage and at the time of divorce.
  4. The law determines conditions, forms and effect of marriage.
Article 27
  1. The family, which is the natural foundation of Rwandan society, is protected by the State.
  2. Both parents have the right and duty to bring up their children.
  3. The State shall put in place appropriate legislation and institutions for the protection of the family and the mother and child in particular in order to ensure that the family flourishes.

Article 28
Every child is entitled to special measures of protection by his or her family, society and the State that are necessary, depending on the status of the child, under national and international law.

Article 29
  1. Every person has a right to private property, whether personal or owned in association with others.
  2. Private property, whether individually or collectively owned, is inviolable.
  3. The right to property may not be interfered with except in public interest, in circumstances and procedures determined by law and subject to fair and prior compensation.
Article 30
  1. Private ownership of land and other rights related to land are granted by the State.
  2. The law specifies the modalities of acquisition, transfer and use of land.
Article 31
  1. The property of the State comprises of public and private property of the central Government as well as the public and private property of decentralized local government organs.
  2. The public property of the State is inalienable unless there has been prior transfer thereof to the private property of the State.
Article 32
  1. Every person shall respect public property.
  2. Any act intended to cause sabotage, vandalism, corruption, embezzlement, squandering or any tampering with public property shall be punishable by law.
Article 33
Freedom of thought, opinion, conscience, religion, worship and the public manifestation thereof is guaranteed by the State in accordance with conditions determined by law.
Propagation of ethnic, regional, racial or discrimination or any other form of division is punishable by law.

Article 34
  1. Freedom of the press and freedom of information are recognized and guaranteed by the State.
  2. Freedom of speech and freedom of information shall not prejudice public order and good morals, the right of every citizen to honour, good reputation and the privacy of personal and family life. It is also guaranteed so long as it does not prejudice the protection of the youth and minors.
  3. The conditions for exercising such freedoms are determined by law.
  4. There is hereby established an independent institution known as the "High Council of the Press».
  5. The law shall determine its functions, organization and operation.
Article 35
  1. Freedom of association is guaranteed and shall not require prior authorization.
  2. Such freedom shall be exercised under conditions determined by law.
Article 36
Freedom of peaceful assembly without arms is guaranteed if it is not inconsistent with the law. 
Prior authorization shall only be necessary if the law so requires and solely in the case of assembly in the open air, in a public place or on a public road, to the extent that such is necessary in the interests of public safety, public health or public order.

Article 37
  1. Every person has the right to free choice of employment.
  2. Persons with the same competence and ability have a right to equal pay for equal work without discrimination.
Article 38
  1. The right to form trade unions for the defence and the promotion of legitimate professional interests, is recognized.
  2. Any worker may defend his or her rights through trade union action under conditions determined by law.
  3. Every employer has the right to join an employers' organization.
  4. Trade unions and employers' associations have the right to enter into general or specific agreements regulating their working relations. The modalities for making these agreements are determined  by law.
Article 39
The right of workers' to strike is permitted and shall be exercised within the limits provided for by the law, but the exercising of this right should not interfere with the freedom to work which is guaranteed for every individual.

Article 40
  1. Every person has the right to education.
  2. Freedom of learning and teaching shall be guaranteed in accordance with conditions determined by law.
  3. Primary education is compulsory. It is free in public schools.
  4. The conditions for free primary education in schools subsidised by the Government are determined by an organic law.
  5. The State has the duty to take special measures to facilitate the education of disabled people.
  6. An organic law determines the organization of Education.
Article 41
All citizens have the right and duties relating to health. The State has the duty of mobilizing the population for activities aimed at promoting good health and to assist in the implementation of these activities.

Article 42
Every foreigner legally residing in the Republic of Rwanda shall enjoy all rights save those reserved for nationals as determined under this Constitution and other laws.

Article 43
In the exercise of rights and enjoyment of freedoms, every person shall only be subjected to the limitations set by the law in order to ensure the recognition and respect of others' rights and freedoms, good morals, public order and social welfare which characterize a democratic society.

Article 44
The judiciary as the guardian of rights and freedoms of the public ensures respect thereof in accordance with procedures determined by law.


Article 45
  1. All citizens have the right to participate in the government of the country, whether directly or through freely chosen representatives in accordance with the law.
  2. All citizens have the right of equal access to public service in accordance with their competence and abilities.
Article 46
Every citizen has the duty to relate to other persons without discrimination and to maintain relations conducive to safeguarding, promoting and reinforcing mutual respect, solidarity and tolerance. 

Article 47
  1. All citizens have the duty to participate, through work, in the development of the country; to safeguard peace, democracy, social justice and equality and to participate in the defence of the motherland.
  2. The law shall organize national service, whether civil or military.
Article 48
  1. In all circumstances, every citizen, whether civilian or military, has the duty to respect the Constitution, other laws and regulations of the country.
  2. Every citizen has the right to defy orders received from his or her superior authority if the orders constitute a serious and manifest violation of human rights and public freedoms.
Article 49
  1. Every citizen is entitled to a healthy and satisfying environment.
  2. Every person has the duty to protect, safeguard and promote the environment. The State shall protect the environment.
  3. The law determines the modalities for protecting, safeguarding and promoting the environment.
Article 50
  1. Every citizen has the right to activities that promote national culture.
  2. There is hereby established the Rwanda Academy of Language and Culture.
  3. The law shall determine its functions, organization and operation.
Article 51
The State has the duty to safeguard and to promote positive values based on cultural traditions and practices so long as they do not conflict with human rights, public order and good morals. The State equally has the duty to preserve the national cultural heritage as well as genocide memorials and sites.

Activités récentes:

Maître Innocent  TWAGIRAMUNGU
Té 0032- 495 48 29 21


"L'extrémisme dans la défense de la liberté n'est pas un vice; La modération dans la poursuite de la justice n'est pas une vertu".

"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue." (USA,Republican Convention 1964,Barry Morris Goldwater (1909-1998)).

"Le monde ne sera pas détruit par ceux qui font le mal mais par ceux qui regardent et refusent d'agir", Albert EINSTEIN.

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COMBATTONS la haine SANS complaisance, PARTOUT et avec Toute ENERGIE!!!!!!
Let's  rather prefer Peace, Love , Hope and Life, and get together as one!!! Inno TWAGIRA


EU alarmed over DR Congo violence - Africa | IOL News |

EU alarmed over DR Congo violence

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IOL pic july31 drcongo soldiers


Democratic Republic of Congo soldiers carry weapons as they patrol the main road to the eastern city of Goma. Government troops have their hands full with the so-called M23 rebels - and the medical charity MSF says civilians are being caught in the middle.

Brussels - The European Union on Monday sounded the alarm about violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, calling for an end to support for armed groups in the area.

EU President Herman Van Rompuy lamented the "tragic consequences for the civil population, especially women and children," in comments made after meeting with Congolese Prime Minister Augustin Matata Ponyo in Brussels.

"I took advantage of this meeting to reiterate the EU's solidarity for the DRC when it comes to respecting its territorial integrity and underlined the urgency that all aid - in particular from the outside - to M23 and other armed groups ... end without delay," he said.

Fighting broke out in April between the M23 militia and government forces, creating a security vacuum that has allowed other armed groups to re-emerge in the tense eastern parts of the country.

Hundreds of thousands of people have fled their homes, with the United Nations estimating that their ranks could soon swell to 760,000. There have also been reports of armed groups massacring hundreds of people in the area.

Rwanda and Uganda have both been accused of aiding M23, but have denied doing so.

Much of the violence in eastern Congo stems from the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, which saw militants involved in the killing flee across the border.

"No durable political solution is possible without the return of a positive regional dynamic to the Great Lakes (region)," Van Rompuy warned.

While in Brussels, Ponyo was also set to meet with a series of Belgian officials. The Central African country was a Belgian colony until 1960. - Sapa-dpa


Rwanda’s role in DRC conflict questioned as UN elects country to Security Council

[Includes Audio]

Rwanda's role in DRC conflict questioned as UN elects country to Security Council

Fri, 10/19/2012 - 14:56
  • Year: 2012
  • Length: 6:05 minutes (5.58 MB)
  • Format: MP3 Mono 44kHz 128Kbps (CBR)
The UN General Assembly has approved non-permanent seats on the UN Security Council for five new countries, including Rwanda. But the vote comes after a leaked UN report found that the government of Rwanda continues to support armed rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo in a conflict that threatens to destabilize the region. According to Reuters, a confidential report from the UN Security Council's Group of Experts says that "Rwandan officials coordinated the creation of the rebel movement as well as its major military operations." The report also cites Uganda's role in supporting the rebels, known as the M23 movement that has been fighting against government forces in the North Kivu province. Human Rights Watch accuses M23 rebels of war crimes, including summary executions, rapes and forced recruitment and says that Rwandan officials could be complicit.
The Rwandan government has denied reports of the conflict. According to the Rwandan News Agency, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Louise Mushikiwabo called the UN report "hijacked for political reasons" and criticized the lead expert, Steven Hege. She said Rwanda is committed to providing a lasting solution to the crisis. Speaking to FSRN at the UN recently, Mushikiwabo said the M23 movement is an indication of a deeper problem in the region.
"I think nobody would support any rebel group, nobody would support mutiny, but it's important to address what creates mutiny. Rwanda's view has always been and we've shared it, that the mutiny has to stop, but we're probably better off looking at what would causes this mutiny. It's not the first conflict, it's not the first rebel group, there have been multiple groups, it's become cyclical. So as much as we must absolutely pacify the eastern Congo right now and we're right there in the neighborhood, we share history, we share communities, we want for stability to last."
That's Rwanda's Minister Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Louise Mushikiwabo, speaking to FSRN at the UN.
Claude Gatabuke, is a human rights advocate and survivor of the Rwandan genocide. He's also the executive director for the African Great Lakes Action Network. He called the leaked report further evidence of the relationship between the Rwandan military and the rebels. Rwanda is scheduled to begin its two year term on the UN Security Council in January 2013. The four other countries that will join the council as non-permanent members are: Argentina, Australia, Luxembourg and the Republic of Korea.


Le Rwanda au Conseil de Sécurité de l’ONU : Kagamé va-t-il changer ?

lundi 22 octobre 2012

Le Rwanda au CS de l'ONU : Kagamé va-t-il changer ?

Le Rwanda vient de réussir un grand coup diplomatique. Même s'il n'a pas livré bataille face à un concurrent, étant donné qu'il était le seul candidat de l'Afrique, son élection au Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies, le 18 octobre dernier, comme membre non permanent pour un mandat de deux ans, reste une victoire politique et diplomatique. Et ce n'est pas son président, Paul Kagamé, qui dira le contraire. Lui dont le pays rejoint ainsi trois autres pays africains au Conseil en qualité de membres non permanents à savoir l'Afrique du Sud, le Togo et le Maroc. On constate que cette élection intervient à un moment où un rapport des experts de l'ONU accuse le Rwanda et l'Ouganda de continuer à soutenir les rebelles congolais du M23. C'est vrai que la candidature du Rwanda est antérieure aux accusations de soutien à ce mouvement rebelle mais elle aurait pu être recalée par certains pays. Ce qui prouve d'une certaine manière que la diplomatie de Paul Kagamé est assez influente. Mais comme il fallait s'y attendre, des mouvements de défense des droits de l'Homme, notamment Human Rights Watch, ont protesté contre cette élection du Rwanda au Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU. Une réaction qui ne fait ni chaud, ni froid à Kigali qui, comme à l'accoutumée, n'accorde pas de crédit au nouveau rapport, en témoignent les propos de la ministre des Affaires étrangères rwandaise, Louise Mushikiwabo. Elle estime que ce rapport est très problématique et que quiconque envisagerait de prendre des mesures en se fondant sur celui-ci serait mal avisé. La question-clé que l'on se pose est de savoir ce que le Rwanda fera désormais après l'obtention de ce fauteuil onusien. Va-t-il continuer à nier l'évidence, à opprimer ses opposants et semer le désordre chez son voisin congolais comme par le passé ou va-t-il œuvrer pour la recherche de la paix ? Sans être trop pessimiste, il ne faut pas attendre grand-chose de Kigali. En tout cas, il serait utopique de penser que Kagamé va changer du fait de cette élection. C'est un vrai prédateur des droits de l'Homme et il serait difficile qu'il devienne du jour au lendemain, un agneau ou un démocrate bon ''teint''. Et comme le dit un adage, l'habitude est une seconde nature. Par contre, ce qui semble sauter aux yeux, c'est que cet enfant terrible des Grands lacs a maintenant une occasion en or pour mieux se défendre. Paul Kagamé pourrait également se servir de ce privilège de membre non permanent du Conseil de sécurité pour envoyer des flèches à ses ennemis, notamment les Occidentaux qui tirent à boulets rouges sur lui. Et sur ce plan, l'Afrique peut se réjouir d'avoir trouvé un gendarme idéal. Kagamé, on le sait, n'a jamais reculé face aux Américains et aux Européens et pourrait bien dire certaines vérités aux grandes puissances. Tout compte fait, le Rwanda est entré dans le cercle des grandes nations. Et ce, malgré l'opposition farouche de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Crédible ou pas, il faudra désormais compter avec le Rwanda.
Dabadi ZOUMBARA — Le Pays

-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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