
Wednesday 17 October 2012

Paul Kagame must be indicted anytime” says ICC Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda.

Paul Kagame must  be indicted by the ICC

The ICC should drop their indictment against Omar Hassan Ahmad Al-Bashir  as long as the dictator and war criminal Paul Kagame of Rwanda  has not yet indicted by the International Court.
Double standards are contributing to undermine the credibility and fairness of ICC. The dictator and war criminal Kagame continues  to travel around the world , meeting  World Leaders who consider themselves to be the Leaders of  countries of democracy and human rights. In addition to the genocide committed by Kagame against Hutu communities in RDC, Kagame  continues to massacre hundreds of thousands of innocent Congolese. Hundreds of innocent  Congolese are now displaced and living in  appalling conditions which are characterised by hunger , malnutrition, diseases and insecurity. Their children cannot go to school. A year lost of education is a year lost of opportunity. Congolese people y are not able to return home continue their economic activities  while Kagame continues to illegally exploit Congolese natural resources.

From: Nzinink <>
To: Nzinink <>
Sent: Wednesday, 17 October 2012, 12:40
Subject: *DHR* " Paul Kagame can be indicted anytime" says ICC Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda.

Pretoria - In  a recent discussion between Rwanda National Congress secretary general  on the African continent, Mr Kennedy Gihana and the ICC Chief Prosecutor  Ms Fatou Bensouda, it is clear that the gross human rights violation committed in the DRC with the support of the Rwandan dictator ( Paul Kagame) is high on the ICC agenda.

" We do one investigation at a time, We have completed theinvestigations and indicted General Bosco Ntaganda after we convicted Lubanga. We will investigate any body any where regardless their positions. At this stage I can not say whom we are investigating
or considering to investigate". Said Fatou Bensouda.

When asked why the ICC has not used the same principles that were used to successfully prosecute former Liberian President (Charles Taylor) she reiterated that "if the tribunal for DRC crimes was to be created today, we could arrest Kagame as I speak". 
 "Am real disturbed by the Amnesty International report and other reports coming out of Rwanda about crime against humanity including torture, extra judicial killings, secret detentions of civilians in the hands of military institutions". Said Fatou Bensouda.

The government of Rwanda, led by Paul Kagame, continues to deny her involvement in the DRC conflicts after several reports by UN group of experts and many rights groups has proved it to be the case. Meanwhile innocent Congolese and young men from Rwanda are subjected to fight for unknown causes.

The leadership of RNC assured her of their support of the work of ICC to help bring justice to the people of Rwanda and the DRC.

B.M Rwarinda
Activités récentes:

Maître Innocent  TWAGIRAMUNGU
Té 0032- 495 48 29 21


"L'extrémisme dans la défense de la liberté n'est pas un vice; La modération dans la poursuite de la justice n'est pas une vertu".

"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue." (USA,Republican Convention 1964,Barry Morris Goldwater (1909-1998)).

"Le monde ne sera pas détruit par ceux qui font le mal mais par ceux qui regardent et refusent d'agir", Albert EINSTEIN.

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COMBATTONS la haine SANS complaisance, PARTOUT et avec Toute ENERGIE!!!!!!
Let's  rather prefer Peace, Love , Hope and Life, and get together as one!!! Inno TWAGIRA




Opposition leader Victoire Ingabrie in front of the Supreme court in Kigali

Kigali, 05 October 2012

The Supreme court has just postponed to 18 October 2012 (11:00) for the third time the verdict on political prisoner Ingabire constitutional review case on controversial genocide ideology and divisionism laws. This time the official reason is an absent judge. Disappointed supporters gathered at the court house, but left peacefully. This is slowly pushing people to march on till freedom from york of bondage is won.

Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, FDU-Inkingi chair, has been arrested two years ago on politically motivated charges. She has been boycotting the last parts of her trial after serious intimidation of her lone witness. The High court is due to issue a life sentence ruling on 19 October 2012.

On 27 September 2012, the Karongi Intermediate court judge Felicien Twagiramungu charged 8 other FDU-Inkingi membersfrom Rutsiro district of illegal political activities and threats to public security. He led a kangaroo process that refused bail and ordered a 30 day-provisional detention in a central prison. However they are still in Karongi police custody being taken videos and audio, to help frame the opposition leader Sylvain SIBOMANA, FDU-Inkingi Secretary General. The key accused, Anselme Mutuyimana, was forced to give his email address and password. Last year it has been established in Kigali high court that Rwandan prosecution used fabricated evidence and forged emails in the case against Madame Victoire Ingabire.

FDU Inkingi members Mutuyimana Anselme, Uwiringiyimana venuste, Ufitamahoro Norbert, Dukundane Moise, Twizerimana Valens, Nahimana Marcel, Byukusenge Emmanuel and Gasengayire Leonille are still in police custody since 15 September 2012. Their bail appeal hearing is due on 10 October 2012 in Karongi.



Boniface Twagirimana

Interim Vice president

Rwanda: Ingabire political verdict postponed to 19 October 2012.

Kigali, 07 September 2012

The High Court in Kigali has just adjourned to Friday 19 October 2012, 11:00, the political verdict of the opposition leader, Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, incarcerated since 14 October 2010 on politically motivated charges. The Court is waiting for the Supreme court ruling on a constitutional review motion.

The prosecution has asked for a life sentence in this case. Most of the presidents of opposition parties in Rwanda are in maximum security prisons.

3 days ago, we informed about the disappearance of the first vice president of PS Imberakuri, Mr. Alexis Bakunzibake. There are news that the kidnappers have dumped him alive in a bush in Kabare district (Uganda). We are still investigating this information.

We welcome the return yesterday from exile of Mr. Frank Habineza, leader of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda. He left after the assassination of his first Vice President, the late André Kagwa Rwisereka in July2010, amonth before the presidential election. The demanded independent investigation never happened.

Boniface Twagirimana
Interim Vice President

Rwanda: 'A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So is a lot'

Oct-16-2012 20:54printcomments

'A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So is a lot'

Sadly, Turatsinze is the latest innocent victim of this dangerous regime due to knowing too much about what really goes on inside the Rwandan Government.

Theogene Turatsinze
Theogene Turatsinze

(WASHINGTON DC) - Holding too much information and working closely with the government in Rwanda can be a lethal combination.

This was evidenced again on Monday when the body of Theogene Turatsinze was found after having been missing since Friday night in Mozambique. Sources held report that he had been abducted by unknown assailants and was never seen alive again.

The cause of his death has been unofficially declared as drowning but the official cause of death is still being investigated. His hands were found bound behind his back and he was submerged in water when his body was discovered.

Theogene Turatsinze was the Managing Director of the Rwanda Development Bank from 2005-2007.

In 2007 Turatsinze was told by the Minister of Finance in Rwanda to declare the bank as bankrupt because the bank had no money. He refused to declare the bankruptcy because the money had been borrowed by Rwandan Government officials and invested in personal businesses and he believed this money should and could be paid back. He was then forced to resign and his assistant, Jack Kayonga took over the bank. Jack Kayonga did immediately what the Minister of finance asked by declaring the bank as bankrupt and cancelling all of the debt owed by the members of the RPF.

In 2007 Turatsinze moved to Mozambique where he worked as a lecturer and a business man. A few days ago he was contacted by the World Bank and the IMF because these two organizations were seeking his help to answer their questions as to where the money in the bank had gone when the bank declared itself as banrupt. These two organizations are the main borrowers of the RDB. They requested the RDB to conduct an audit but had requested to speak with Turatsinze first.

These investigations came after the World Bank discovered that the Government of Rwanda (RPF) is worth hundreds of millions of US dollars. Reliable Sources from the Rwandan intelligence have reported that his killing was planned and carried out by Rwandan service men due to his knowledge of where the money had gone and the risk of him giving information to the IMF and the World Bank.

The financial situation in Rwanda today is very fragile due to the amount of aid being cut to this small country based on reports of Rwanda's involvement in continuing to destabilize Eastern Congo by the report published in June 2012 by the UN Group of Experts. Having another stain on the country after this very damaging report would most likely prove to be disastrous as Rwanda struggles to hang onto what little aid it is still receiving from the International community.

Sadly, Turatsinze is the latest innocent victim of this dangerous regime due to knowing too much about what really goes on inside the Rwandan Government.


Jennifer Fierberg is a social worker in the US working on peace and justice issues in Africa with an emphasis on the crisis in Rwanda and throughout the central region of Africa. Her articles have been published on many humanitarian sites that are also focused on changing the world through social, political and personal action.

Jennifer has extensive background working with victims of trauma and domestic violence, justice matters as well as individual and family therapy. Passionate and focused on bringing the many humanitarian issues that plague the African Continent to the awareness of the developed world in order to incite change. She is a correspondent, Assistant Editor, and Volunteer Coordinator for NGO News Africa through the volunteer project of the UN. Jennifer was also the media co-coordinator and senior funding executive for The Africa Global Village. You can write to Jennifer at Jennifer comes to with a great deal of experience and passion for working to stop human right violation in Africa.

“ Paul Kagame can be indicted anytime” says ICC Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda.

Pretoria - In  a recent discussion between Rwanda National Congress secretary general  on the African continent, Mr Kennedy Gihana and the ICC Chief Prosecutor  Ms Fatou Bensouda, it is clear that the gross human rights violation committed in the DRC with the support of the Rwandan dictator ( Paul Kagame) is high on the ICC agenda.

" We do one investigation at a time, We have completed theinvestigations and indicted General Bosco Ntaganda after we convicted Lubanga. We will investigate any body any where regardless their positions. At this stage I can not say whom we are investigating
or considering to investigate". Said Fatou Bensouda.

When asked why the ICC has not used the same principles that were used to successfully prosecute former Liberian President (Charles Taylor) she reiterated that "if the tribunal for DRC crimes was to be created today, we could arrest Kagame as I speak". 
 "Am real disturbed by the Amnesty International report and other reports coming out of Rwanda about crime against humanity including torture, extra judicial killings, secret detentions of civilians in the hands of military institutions". Said Fatou Bensouda.

The government of Rwanda, led by Paul Kagame, continues to deny her involvement in the DRC conflicts after several reports by UN group of experts and many rights groups has proved it to be the case. Meanwhile innocent Congolese and young men from Rwanda are subjected to fight for unknown causes.

The leadership of RNC assured her of their support of the work of ICC to help bring justice to the people of Rwanda and the DRC.

B.M Rwarinda

UN accuses Rwanda of leading DR Congo rebels

UN accuses Rwanda of leading DR Congo rebels
Report says M23 rebels are working under the overall command of the Rwandan defence minister with the support of Uganda.
Last Modified: 17 Oct 2012 09:23
The M23 rebels launched a mutiny against the government early this year after breaking away from the army [AFP]

Rwanda's defence minister is commanding a rebellion in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo that is being armed by Rwanda and Uganda, both of which sent troops to aid the insurgency in a deadly attack on UN peacekeepers, according to a UN report.

The UN Security Council's Group of Experts said in a confidential report that Rwanda and Uganda - despite their strong denials - continued to support M23 rebels in their six-month fight against Congolese government troops in North Kivu province.

"Both Rwanda and Uganda have been supporting M23," said the 44-page report, which was seen by the Reuters news agency on Tuesday.

"Rwandan officials exercise overall command and strategic planning for M23," the report said. "Rwanda continues to violate the arms embargo through direct military support to M23 rebels, facilitation of recruitment, encouragement and facilitation of FARDC [Congolese army] desertions as well as the provision of arms and ammunition, intelligence, and political advice."

"While Rwandan officials coordinated the creation of the rebel movement as well as its major military operations, Uganda's more subtle support to M23 allowed the rebel group's political branch to operate from within Kampala and boost its external relations," it said.

Bosco Ntaganda, a former Congolese general wanted by the International Criminal Court for alleged war crimes, controls the rebellion on the ground and M23 leader Sultani Makenga is in charge of operations and co-ordination with allied armed groups, the UN report said.

Both Ntaganda and Makenga "receive direct military orders from RDF [Rwandan army] Chief of Defence staff General Charles Kayonga, who in turn acts on instructions from Minister of Defence General James Kabarebe," it said.

'De facto administration'

Nearly half a million people have been displaced due to the fighting.

M23 has proven so resilient that one senior UN diplomatic source told Reuters that Rwanda has effectively "annexed" mineral-rich eastern Congo thanks to the rebel force.

UN peacekeeping chief Herve Ladsous said last month that the rebels had set up de facto administration in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, controlling the people and collecting taxes.

The rebellion also is being funded by traders in Rwanda who are profiting from tin, tungsten and tantalum smuggled across the border from mines in the eastern DRC, according to the UN experts' report.

An interim report from the Group of Experts that was published in June raised similar accusations against Rwanda but with far less detail. Kigali was furious about that report, saying it was one-side and contained false allegations.

Rwanda has backed armed movements in the Congo during the past two decades, citing a need to tackle Rwandan rebels operating out of Congo's eastern hills.

The new report said that M23 had expanded its control of Rutshuru Territory with extensive foreign support in July 2012 and had taken advantage of a recent informal ceasefire "to expand alliances and command proxy operations elsewhere."

The experts said that units of the Ugandan and Rwandan armies "jointly supported M23 in a series of attacks in July 2012 to take over the major towns in Rutshuru Territory, and the [Congolese army] base of Rumangabo."

During these attacks, the rebels killed a UN peacekeeper and fired on a UN peacekeeping base at Kiwanja.

"According to several M23 soldiers, RDF troops provided the rebels with heavy weapons such as 12.7 mm machine guns, 60 mm, 91 mm and 120 mm mortars, as well as anti-tank and anti-aircraft launchers ahead of the attack," the report said.

"RDF Special Forces in Rutshuru also aided the rebels and fired 13 rounds on a FARDC [Congolese army] combat helicopter during the takeover of Kiwanja," it said.

charges denied

Uganda and Rwanda have denied the accusations of involvement by the UN experts, who monitor compliance with sanctions and an arms embargo on the Congo and delivered their report to the Security Council's Congo sanctions committee earlier this month.

Ugandan military spokesman Felix Kulayigye rejected the report.

"Where's the evidence for their claims? Some of those so-called experts came here and did not interview anyone," he said. "Where's their authentic facts to back those claims? Those accusations are absolute rubbish, hogwash."

Olivier Nduhungirehe, senior Rwandan diplomat at the country's UN mission, had a similar denial, which he sent to Reuters on Sunday. He said the UN experts had been "allowed to pursue a political agenda that has nothing to do with getting at the true causes of conflict in the eastern DRC."

Rwandan President Paul Kagame reiterated Rwanda's denials at a high level meeting in New York last month that both he and Congolese President Joseph Kabila attended.

The Group of Experts said that it had corroborated its findings with multiple intelligence sources.


-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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