
Monday, 22 July 2013

Rwanda: Ifungwa n’ikurikiranwa rya Mme Ingabire Victoire Umuhoza ni ukubangamira bikomeye uburenganzira bwe bwo kuvuga icyo atekereza bwemewe n’amategeko

Rwanda: Ifungwa n'ikurikiranwa rya Mme Ingabire Victoire Umuhoza ni ukubangamira bikomeye uburenganzira bwe bwo kuvuga icyo atekereza bwemewe n'amategeko

Kigali, kuwa 22 Nyakanga 2013.
Kuri uyu munsi tariki ya 22 Nyakanga 2013 urukiko rw'ikirenga rwakomeje kumva ibisobanuro by'ubushinjacyaha ku myanzuro y'ubujurire yatanzwe n'abanyamategeko Me. Ian Edward na Gatera Gashabana bunganira umuyobozi mukuru w'ishyaka FDU-Inkingi, Mme Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, ufunzwe  ku mpamvu za politiki na leta  ya Generali Pahuro Kagame.
Me. Ian Edward akaba yasobanuriye urukiko ko uwo yunganira akurikiranwe hirengagijwe ibiteganwa n'ingingo ya 19 y'amasezerano mpuzamahanga ajyanye n'uburenganzira bwa muntu ndetse n'ingingo ya 33 y'Itegekonshinga ry'uRwanda ku ngingo ijyanye no kuvuga icyo umuntu atekereza. Nk'uko abunganira Mme Ingabire babisobanura, kuba Mme Ingabire yaramaganye ibijyanye na Genocide yakorewe abatutsi  ariko akanasaba ko n'abakoze ibyaha by'intambara n'ibyaha byibasiye inyokomuntu byakozwe na bamwe mu ngabo za FPR Inkotanyi  cyane cyane bikibasira ubwoko bw'abahutu nabyo babikurikiranwaho ndetse n'imiryango y'abazize ubwo bwicanyi bagahabwa uburenganzira bwo kwibuka no kuririrra ababo babiguyemo, ntibikwiye kwitwa gupfobya genocide yakorewe abatutsi nk'uko ubushinjacyaha bubihamya. Ubushinjacyaha bwo buvuga ko kuba Mme Ingabire yaravugiye iyi mvugo ku rwibutso rwa genocide yakorewe abatutsi ndetse ngo akanatunga agatoki bamwe mu basirikare ba FPR-Inkotanyi ibi ngo bisobanuye ko yashakaga kuvuga ko habaye genocide ibyiri.
Abunganira Mme Ingabire kandi basobanuriye urukiko  uburyo uwo bunganira urukiko rukuru rwabuze itegeko rukoresha ngo rumuhamye icyaha cyo gupfobya genocide rukifashisha inyandiko y'uwitwa Yves Ternon iterekana n'igihe yakorewe rwakuye ku rubunga rwa Wikpedia kandi nyamara ntaho nibura urukiko rugaragaza ko uriya Yve Ternon ari impuguke mu by'amategeko.
Ikindi abunganira Mme Ingabirebaribanenze mu bujurire bwabo ni uburyo amategeko akoreshwa mu gushinja ibijyanye n'icyaha cy'ingengabitekerezo ya genocide ndetse no kuyipfobya avangavanze kandi adasobanutse. Ubushinjacyaha ariko bwo buvuga ko asobanutse ahubwo bukavuga ko impamvu abunganira Mme Ingabire batayumva ngo biterwa n'uko batazi ururimi rw' ikinyarwanda. Ikibazo cy'ingingo ziri muri iri tegeko zuzuye urujijo zinavangavanze Mme Ingabire n'abamwunganira bakaba baranakigejeje mu rukiko rw'ikirenga ariko rukagitera utwatsi narwo ruvuga ko zisobanutse nyamara nyuma yaho gato minisitiri w'ubutabera akaba yarahise ashyikiriza Inteko inshinga amategeko umushinga wo guhindura iri tegeko nawe yemeza ko ridasobanutse ko ndetse ritujuje ibipimo mpuzamahanga maze inteko ishinga amategeko nayo ikaba yaremeje ko ridasobanutse ubu rikaba ririmo kuvugururwa. Ibi ariko ntibibujije ko n'ubu iri tegeko ridasobanutse ryuzuye urujijo ririmo gukoreshwa mu gufunga inzirakarengane nyinshi !
Urubanza ruzakomeza ku munsi w'ejo ubushinjacyaha busoza ijambo ndetse hakaba hateganyijwe ko abareganwa na Mme Ingabire aribo Cpt Karuta Jean Marie Vianney, Major Uwumuremyi Vital, Lt Colonnel Habiyaremye Noel na Lt Colonnel Nditurende Tharcisse nabo bahabwa ijambo ryo gusoza . Mu gihe aba bazarangiza hakazaba hatahiwe Mme Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza n'abamwunganira nabo basoza.
Mu iburanisha ry'uyu munsi Mme Ingabire yanasabye urukiko ko rwakora uko rushoboye rukareba ukuntu rwakongera iminsi yo kuburanisha ku buryo uru rubanza rwarangirana n'uku kwezi kwa Nyakanga ku mpamvu z'uko mu kwezi kwa Kanama kwose hateganyijwe ikiruhuko rusange cy'abacamanza.  Abacamanza basa n'abashyigikiye iki cyifuzo kuko bavuze ko bagiye kureba uko babigenza ngo kuko nabo bifuza ko bajya mu kiruhuko uru rubanza rwapfundikiwe mu rwego rw'iburanisha.
Boniface Twagirimana
Visi Perezida w'agateganyo

Rwanda: L’emprisonnement de Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza viole le droit à la liberté de pensée garanti par la constitution

Rwanda: L'emprisonnement de Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza viole le droit à la liberté de pensée garanti par la constitution

Kigali, le 22 juillet 2013.
Les audiences du procès de Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza devant la cour suprême ont repris ce 22 juillet 2013, avec les répliques de la défense de madame Victoire Ingabire constituée de maître Iain Edwards et de maître Gatera Gashabana.
Maître Iain a expliqué à la cour que sa cliente est poursuivie en violation  de l'article 19 de la convention internationale sur les droits de l'homme ainsi que de l'article 33 de la constitution rwandaise relative à la liberté d'expression.
Pour les avocats de la défense, le fait que Madame Victoire Ingabire ait condamné le génocide contre les Tutsi, mais aussi les crimes de guerre et crimes contre l'humanité commis par certains éléments du FPR INKOTANYI spécialement ceux visant l'ethnie Hutu et que les familles des victimes devraient avoir le droit de commemorer et pleurer les leurs qui ont péri dans ces crimes ne peut pas être qualifié de minimisation du génocide comme le prétend l'accusation. Le ministère public affirme de son côté que le fait que Madame Victoire Ingabire ait tenu de tels propos sur le mémorial contre les Tutsi et pointé du doigt certains éléments du FPR signifie qu'elle voulait parler de double génocide.
Les avocats de la défense  ont expliqué à la cour comment la haute cour, ne trouvant pas suffisamment d'arguments juridiques pour condamner leur cliente de crime de minimisation du génocide, a utilisé un écrit d'un certain Yves Ternon tiré du moteur de recherche Wikipédia sans même expliquer en quoi ce dernier était un expert en matière juridique.
Les avocats de la défense avaient aussi, dans leur dossier d'appel, stigmatisé l'ambiguïté de la loi sur l'idéologie et minimisation du génocide.
Le ministère public disait quant à lui que ces lois étaient claires et que les avocats de la défense ne la comprenaient pas parce que leur connaissance du Kinyarwanda était faible. Cette ambigüité avait poussé Madame Victoire Ingabire à porter l'affaire devant la cour suprême qui l'avait déboutée. Pourtant, le ministère de la justice avait lui-même reconnu que cette loi était ambigüe et non-conforme aux standards internationaux, et soumis au parlement un projet de révision. Il est dès lors aberrant que cette même loi soit aujourd'hui en train d'être utilisée pour condamner plusieurs innocents.
Les audiences se poursuivront demain avec les conclusions finales de l'accusation. Elles seront suivies de la réplique des coaccusés de Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, à savoir Cpt Karuta Jean Marie Vianney, Major Uwumuremyi Vital, Lt Colonel Habiyaremye Noel et  Lt Colonnel Nditurende Tharcisse. Suivront alors les remarques de Madame Victoire Ingabire elle-même.
Madame Victoire Ingabire en a profité pour demander à la cour d'augmenter la cadence des audiences pour terminer avec le mois de juillet, avant que les vacances judiciaires ne commencent. Les juges ont semblé approuver la demande de Madame Victoire Ingabire et promis qu'ils allaient faire en sorte qu'au moins les auditions soient terminées avec la fin de ce mois.
Boniface Twagirimana
Vice-Président Intérimaire

Résolutions du Congrès Extraordinaire des membres du Parti FDU-Inkingi à l'étranger


Réunis à Bruxelles en Belgique dans son congrès extraordinaire du 20-21 Juillet 2013, les délégués des membres des FDU à l'Etranger ;
- Après avoir passé en revue la situation socio-politique au Rwanda et l'oppression que subit la population rwandaise;
- Considérant la politique de destabilisation de la région des Grands Lacs, notamment à l'Est de la RDC;
- Vue la loi sur les partis et le refus du régime de Kigali d'enregistrer des partis politiques qui ne lui sont pas inféodés;
- Constatant que le régime du FPR continue à fermer l'espace politique et maintient les leaders de l'opposition en prison ;
Le Congrès : 
1. Réaffirme le leadership de Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza en tant que Présidente incontestable du Parti et lui exprime son soutien indéfectible ;
2. Condamne sans réserve le procès politique contre Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza et son maintien injuste en prison ;
3. Condamne sans réserve la détention injuste des autres membres des FDU;
4. Réaffirme que les FDU-Inkingi sont et restent au Rwanda ;
5. Exprime son soutien total au Comité Exécutif Provisoire et au Comité de coordination ;
6. Approuve la dynamique en cours pour renforcer la synergie entre les forces de l'opposition démocratique notamment RNC, PSI, Amahoro, PDR-Ihumure ;
7. Demande au Comité Exécutif Provisoire et au Comité de Coordination de poursuivre et d'approfondir les réflexions pour prendre toutes les mesures et démarches nécessaires pour libérer le peuple rwandais de l'oppression du FPR et réaffirme les choix pacifiques de changement du pouvoir ;
8. Le Congrès exprime sa solidarité avec le peuple rwandais et les peuples de la région des Grands Lacs qui continuent de souffrir de la déstabilisation de la dictature du régime du Front Patriotique Rwandais qui organise le pillage de ses ressources et les pertes en vies humainesqui s'en suivent ;
9. Salue chaleureusement et soutient les initiatives de la SADC, des USA et du Président Tanzanien Son Excellence Kikwete pour une approche globale de la crise des pays des grands lacs.
10. Le congrès exprime sa gratitude au Parlement européen pour sa déclaration concernant la situation des droits de l'homme au Rwanda, sur la Présidente du Parti FDU-INKINGI, Madame Victoire Ingabire UMUHOZA, en ce qui concerne
11. Le congrès condamne le discours du Président rwandais Paul Kagame, qui dit que les enfants doivent demander pardon pour les faits commis par leurs parents.
Fait à Bruxelles, le 21 juillet 2013
1. NKIKO NSENGIMANA, Coordinateur du Comité de Coordination (CC)
2. MUSANGAMFURA Sixbert, Commission des Relations extérieures du CC
3. BICAMUMPAKA Marie Madeleine, Commission des Finances du CC
4. NIYIBIZI Michel, Commission des Affaires Sociales et Juridiques du CC
5. BUKEYE Joseph, Commission des Mobilisation des ressources humaines du CC
6. NDEREYEHE Charles, Commission Politique et Stratégique du CC
7. MWISENEZA Emmanuel, Commission d'Information et Communication du CC
8. NIYIBIZI Stanislas, FDU Pays – Bas
9. MURAYI Théophile, FDU Etats-Unis d'Amérique
10. BAHUNGA Justin, FDU Grande Bretagne
11. MUSHIMIYIMANA Joram, FDU Namur Luxembourg
12. USANASE Jean Paul Christian, FDU Aalost
13. NSENGIMANA Tharcisse, FDU Bruxelles
14. BAHEMBERA Eric, FDU Allemagne
15. NTEZIRYAYO Vincent, FDU Comité régional France
16. NSABIMANA Bonaventure, FDU Anvers
17. RUGUMAHO Benoît, FDU Suède
18. KANANI Callixte, FDU Suisse
19. SUNGURA Aimable, FDU Rouen
20. DUKUZEMUNGU Emmanuel, FDU Orléans
21. NSENGIYUMVA Oswald, FDU Comité régional Belgique
22. SEBATWARE Marcel, FDU Comité régional Belgique
23. RUMAGIHWA Jean Baptiste, FDU Aalost
24. NDUWAYEZU Straton, FDU Comité régional Belgique
25. MISAGO Déogratias, FDU Paris
26. NSENGIMANA Enock, FDU Tournai
27. KANYAMIBWA Jacques, FDU Toulouse
28. HAKIZIMANA Samuel, FDU Sénégal

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Reasons Not to Be Victoire Ingabire’s Supporter

Reasons Not to Be Victoire Ingabire's Supporter

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By Jean Bosco Rutikanga
Many people often join rallies around the world (mainly in Europe and USA) to protest for the release of Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, the chairperson of the yet-to-be registered Rwandan opposition political party FDU, who is currently incarcerated in Rwandan jail. To many, Victoire Ingabire is a hero. She is that lady who dare to challenge President Kagame's regime in many areas of its governance.
Victoire- supporters and protesters

But why do you support her?

Do you support her just because she is opposed to Paul Kagame whom you hate so much? Or is it because she is one of a few women in Rwandan political opposition? Do you support her only because she is a Hutu like you? After all, in the run up to the presidential elections in 2010, a large part of the Rwandan media portrayed her candidacy as ethnic line based. It was widely written that she tried to rally Hutu people to vote for her by making a speech and asking for their loved ones to be remembered too.
I hope you don't support her just because you pity her now she is in jail in Rwanda due to her opinion and due to her attempt to exercise her freedom of speech. According to President Paul Kagame, in his speech to the Rwandan youth on the 30th June 2013 in what was called "youth connekt dialogue", these kind of western principles of democracy and freedom of expression don't apply to Rwanda. In other words, she stood no chance in Rwanda today because, having spent 16 years in exile in Europe, her application of these universal principles is more likely to be "western" in the eyes of the current regime in Rwanda.

If that is why you support her, just don't bother.

If you follow Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza for those reasons, please don't bother. Don't bother because she couldn't care less. You need to learn more about her and her line of thought before you decide to either support her or despise her.
Very unfortunately many people in Rwanda learnt about Victoire Ingabire through the government-controlled mainstream media in Rwanda, just after her return home from exile. They never asked what she has been up to before then. They never wanted to find out what made her come despite all the danger she faced as an opposition party leader who dared to challenge the almighty Paul Kagame in the presidential elections of 2010.
Why support her then?
Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza should be supported because of all her work she has done all of her political career. She should be acknowledged to have unified the opposition as a peaceful alternative choice into the country's politics. She 's always been in favor of fundamental change and reconciliation. Since 1997, she co-engineered political alliances, party coalitions and unification. That is exactly what made her current political party FDU-Inkingi what it is today.
Once back in Rwanda, one of her first steps was to form a permanent consultative council of opposition parties in Rwanda with the Democratic Green Party and the PS-Imberakuri party. Presently FDU is now sharing a platform with the new Rwandan National Congress, a political party, originally made up of ex-members of RPF party in government.
Are all those alliances, coalitions, unions, council and platform ethnic based? I don't think so.
So, a closer look on her political endeavors shows that she has done a lot of work in terms of reconciliation, peaceful political change and dialogue. All of her work was not on ethnic lines. Instead, it has always been all-inclusive to all ethnic groups in Rwanda. She made no distinction in her choice of partners and allies other than on the basis of peace, truth and true reconciliation principles. This means for those of you who want to support her, you should be ready to embrace these principles or just don't bother.

An alternative to following Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza

If you can't follow her on these principles, you have got another alternative: Just join President Paul Kagame. His line of thoughts n reconciliation is based on collective guilt for one ethnic group on the other. Our current president believes that, every child, adolescent, and young adult of Hutu descent or blood should apologize for the crimes committed "in their name" by their Hutu parents and relatives during the 1994 Rwandan genocide. However be aware that this Kagame's line of thought is likely to foster social fragmentation and popularization on the basis of ethnicity. Just to quote La Tribune franco-rwandaise, "Kagame's invented collective guilt of Hutu upon their generations a thousand times illustrates the promotion of a legacy of hatred and mistrust."
Jean Bosco Rutikanga
The Hague University

Express your views and opinions on The Proxy Lake

If you have an article to publish a book to promote, reference documents, The Proxy Lake may be the right place for you. You can also recycle your relevant posts on facebook, notes, comments, or update an article. Make your opinion heard beyond your friends and acquaintances.
You can submit article written in English, French, Swahili and Kinyarwanda and we will do the translation.

Reasons Not to Be Victoire Ingabire’s Supporter

Reasons Not to Be Victoire Ingabire's Supporter

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By Jean Bosco Rutikanga
Many people often join rallies around the world (mainly in Europe and USA) to protest for the release of Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, the chairperson of the yet-to-be registered Rwandan opposition political party FDU, who is currently incarcerated in Rwandan jail. To many, Victoire Ingabire is a hero. She is that lady who dare to challenge President Kagame's regime in many areas of its governance.
Victoire- supporters and protesters

But why do you support her?

Do you support her just because she is opposed to Paul Kagame whom you hate so much? Or is it because she is one of a few women in Rwandan political opposition? Do you support her only because she is a Hutu like you? After all, in the run up to the presidential elections in 2010, a large part of the Rwandan media portrayed her candidacy as ethnic line based. It was widely written that she tried to rally Hutu people to vote for her by making a speech and asking for their loved ones to be remembered too.
I hope you don't support her just because you pity her now she is in jail in Rwanda due to her opinion and due to her attempt to exercise her freedom of speech. According to President Paul Kagame, in his speech to the Rwandan youth on the 30th June 2013 in what was called "youth connekt dialogue", these kind of western principles of democracy and freedom of expression don't apply to Rwanda. In other words, she stood no chance in Rwanda today because, having spent 16 years in exile in Europe, her application of these universal principles is more likely to be "western" in the eyes of the current regime in Rwanda.

If that is why you support her, just don't bother.

If you follow Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza for those reasons, please don't bother. Don't bother because she couldn't care less. You need to learn more about her and her line of thought before you decide to either support her or despise her.
Very unfortunately many people in Rwanda learnt about Victoire Ingabire through the government-controlled mainstream media in Rwanda, just after her return home from exile. They never asked what she has been up to before then. They never wanted to find out what made her come despite all the danger she faced as an opposition party leader who dared to challenge the almighty Paul Kagame in the presidential elections of 2010.
Why support her then?
Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza should be supported because of all her work she has done all of her political career. She should be acknowledged to have unified the opposition as a peaceful alternative choice into the country's politics. She 's always been in favor of fundamental change and reconciliation. Since 1997, she co-engineered political alliances, party coalitions and unification. That is exactly what made her current political party FDU-Inkingi what it is today.
Once back in Rwanda, one of her first steps was to form a permanent consultative council of opposition parties in Rwanda with the Democratic Green Party and the PS-Imberakuri party. Presently FDU is now sharing a platform with the new Rwandan National Congress, a political party, originally made up of ex-members of RPF party in government.
Are all those alliances, coalitions, unions, council and platform ethnic based? I don't think so.
So, a closer look on her political endeavors shows that she has done a lot of work in terms of reconciliation, peaceful political change and dialogue. All of her work was not on ethnic lines. Instead, it has always been all-inclusive to all ethnic groups in Rwanda. She made no distinction in her choice of partners and allies other than on the basis of peace, truth and true reconciliation principles. This means for those of you who want to support her, you should be ready to embrace these principles or just don't bother.

An alternative to following Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza

If you can't follow her on these principles, you have got another alternative: Just join President Paul Kagame. His line of thoughts n reconciliation is based on collective guilt for one ethnic group on the other. Our current president believes that, every child, adolescent, and young adult of Hutu descent or blood should apologize for the crimes committed "in their name" by their Hutu parents and relatives during the 1994 Rwandan genocide. However be aware that this Kagame's line of thought is likely to foster social fragmentation and popularization on the basis of ethnicity. Just to quote La Tribune franco-rwandaise, "Kagame's invented collective guilt of Hutu upon their generations a thousand times illustrates the promotion of a legacy of hatred and mistrust."
Jean Bosco Rutikanga
The Hague University

Express your views and opinions on The Proxy Lake

If you have an article to publish a book to promote, reference documents, The Proxy Lake may be the right place for you. You can also recycle your relevant posts on facebook, notes, comments, or update an article. Make your opinion heard beyond your friends and acquaintances.
You can submit article written in English, French, Swahili and Kinyarwanda and we will do the translation.

-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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