
Friday 18 April 2014



Qui combant notre président ont une très courte mémoire, je vous dis en vérité qu'après Kagame, Il y aura 100 Kagame. Honte a vous génocidaires ou associes

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From: Nzinink <>;
To: Nzinink <>;
Sent: Fri, Apr 18, 2014 4:28:31 PM



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By: Emmanuel Hakizimana and Gallican Gasana

The alarm clock has been brutal for many Rwandans this Monday, April 14, 2014: Rwandan police had announced the arrest of a young Rwandan renowned musician, Mr. Kizito Mihigo, a young journalist, Mr Cassian and Ntamuhanga a young demobilized Rwandan army (RDF), Paul Dukuzumuremyi.

Beyond the fact that they are survivors of the 1994 genocide Tutsis who were arrested during the commemoration of the 20 th anniversary of the genocide, it is mainly the charges brought against them leaders who spread the excitement and stupor in all Rwandan media.

All three are accused of being involved in organizing terrorist attacks against Rwanda, want to overthrow the government by violence, to plan the murder of members of the government to encourage people to violence and have participated in a network of leading grenade attacks.

He is also accused of collaborating with the FDLR (Rwandan rebels in Congo installed) and the leaders of the opposition organization Rwanda National Congress (RNC).

During their court appearance the next day Tuesday, April 15, police also brought a young woman, Mrs. Agnes Niyibizi, which was presented as their accomplice.


To silence the voices of reconciliation

Accusations that the Kigali regime door against these young genocide survivors are among the worst he had ever brought against someone and there is reason to wonder why.

On closer inspection, the weight of these charges equaled the extent of their commitment to reconciliation and the magnitude of the fear of Kagame to see Hutu and Tutsi reconcile and fight together against his oppression.

In fact, the young musician Kizito Mihigo began to put his talent to the service of true reconciliation, which is diametrically opposed to the Kagame regime policies.

In a recent song entitled "The meaning of death", he made two recommendations that have angered President Kagame. First, it recommended to honor not only the victims of the genocide of Tutsis, but also the victims of war crimes, revenge and other attacks in Rwanda or outside the country. Then he considered that human dignity takes precedence over being Rwandans.

It should be noted that this inclusive vision of Mr. Kizito is in perfect harmony with other Rwandan personalities who preached peace and reconciliation, and who paid a heavy price.

For illustrative purposes, it corresponds to that of Ms. Victoire Ingabire, president of the opposition party FDU-Inkingi, currently languishing in prison, having been sentenced to 15 years in prison after trying to run against President Kagame in elections the 2010 presidential election.

In his speech at the genocide memorial in Gisozi, she said: "For us to achieve genuine reconciliation, we need to empathize with the suffering of everyone."

Similarly, the position of Mr. Kizito agrees with that of Mr. Patrick Karegeya, founding member and former RNC aide to President Kagame, who was murdered in South Africa earlier this year by agents of the regime Kigali.

In his letter to Mr. Douglass E. Coe associate director of the American Fellowship organization, just three days before his assassination, asking for his support in organizing an inter-Rwandan dialogue, Mr. Karegeya wrote: For a company like ours that has experienced trauma as now, since all our communities were in turn victims and executioners, it is impossible to overstate the issue of forgiveness and grace ...... We can not look to the future only if we speak in truth and learn to forgive us. "

President Kagame has a completely opposite to that of Mr. Kizito, why he tried to stifle his voice position as it did for Ms. Victoire Ingabire, Patrick Karegeya and others he murdered or imprisoned.

Its policy has been to exclude Hutu any form of commemoration; they do not have the right to their cry. Worse, through a government program called "I am Rwandan," the song refers implicitly Kizito, the Kigali regime calls on all Hutus, even those who were not yet born in 1994, to apologize for crimes conspecifics.

President Kagame also not hesitate to publicly affirm its opposition to the pacifist approach Mr. Kizito. A few days after the release of the song mentioned above, he said that he was not a musician and he was not there to please everybody.


What future for Rwanda?

The drama of these young survivors clear to those who still had doubts that Rwanda will never know peace and reconciliation under the regime of President Kagame.

For him, reconciliation refers to the end of its oppressive power based on the division between Rwandans (Hutu, Tutsi, Twa) and the scapegoat strategy.

Regarding this last aspect, we will remember the serious charges of complicity in genocide made by Kagame against French military and prevented France to send a delegation to the 20 th commemoration of the Tutsi genocide.

Being fully aware of its great responsibility in the crimes committed in Rwanda and the Great Lakes region of Africa since the 1990s, President Kagame is terribly frightened by anything that would bring Rwandans to sit together and establish the truth about their drama.

In this context, the future of Rwanda depend on the choice of orientation of the support, not only from the Rwandans themselves, but also from the international community.

The regime of President Kagame is clearly inconsistent with the peace and reconciliation, this choice could be ambiguous.

 Photo: Umuseke


(Note: Translated from French by Jennifer Fierberg)

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-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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