### "Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence", George Washington. ### |
Friday, 27 September 2024
[Rwanda Forum] Why is the US offering Africa seats on the UN Security Council? | The Bottom Line
[Rwanda Forum] DR Congo seeks justice and reparations for Rwanda’s role in conflict
DR Congo seeks justice and reparations for Rwanda's role in conflict
The Democratic Republic of Congo has brought a case against Rwanda to the East African Court of Justice, accusing it of "violating its sovereignty and national integrity" in the volatile eastern DRC. The court's first task is to determine if it has jurisdiction over the case.
Issued on: 27/09/2024 - 08:03
The DRC, represented by Samuel Mbemba, Deputy Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs, is seeking to condemn Rwanda for alleged aggression in the region, including looting, rapes and massacres.
Kinshasa hopes to secure reparations from Kigali. A preliminary hearing was being held on Thursday in the court in Arusha, Tanzania.
Rwanda's Foreign Minister, Olivier Nduhungirehe, said the DRC should first focus on delivering justice "to the victims of the FARDC" — the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo — and "those of the FDLR" — the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda, a rebel group opposed to the Rwandan government — before "giving lessons on justice".
Nduhungirehe also criticised what he described as "media and judicial posturing" and "constant insults from the Congolese Minister of Justice" directed at Rwandan President Paul Kagame.
The case follows calls from Mbemba for legal action over Rwanda's role in the conflict.
In addition to the East African Court, Rwanda faces charges before the African Court on Human and People's Rights. These actions are part of the DRC's broader effort to hold Rwanda accountable for regional instability.
The Congolese government is also pushing for the International Criminal Court to speed up its investigation into Rwanda's actions in the eastern DR Congo.
To further bolster these efforts, the government has launched a campaign called "Justice for the DRC" aimed at raising global awareness and demanding justice for victims of the conflict.
(with newswires)
The Democratic Republic of Congo has brought a case against Rwanda to the East African Court of Justice, accusing it of "violating its sovereignty and national integrity" in the volatile eastern DRC. The court's first task is to determine if it has jurisdiction over the case.
Issued on: 27/09/2024 - 08:03
The DRC, represented by Samuel Mbemba, Deputy Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs, is seeking to condemn Rwanda for alleged aggression in the region, including looting, rapes and massacres.
Kinshasa hopes to secure reparations from Kigali. A preliminary hearing was being held on Thursday in the court in Arusha, Tanzania.
Rwanda's Foreign Minister, Olivier Nduhungirehe, said the DRC should first focus on delivering justice "to the victims of the FARDC" — the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo — and "those of the FDLR" — the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda, a rebel group opposed to the Rwandan government — before "giving lessons on justice".
Nduhungirehe also criticised what he described as "media and judicial posturing" and "constant insults from the Congolese Minister of Justice" directed at Rwandan President Paul Kagame.
The case follows calls from Mbemba for legal action over Rwanda's role in the conflict.
In addition to the East African Court, Rwanda faces charges before the African Court on Human and People's Rights. These actions are part of the DRC's broader effort to hold Rwanda accountable for regional instability.
The Congolese government is also pushing for the International Criminal Court to speed up its investigation into Rwanda's actions in the eastern DR Congo.
To further bolster these efforts, the government has launched a campaign called "Justice for the DRC" aimed at raising global awareness and demanding justice for victims of the conflict.
(with newswires)
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Re: [Rwanda Forum] Procès historique RDC vs Rwanda: Kagame face à la justice à Arusha, Tanzanie
### "Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence", George Washington. ### |
On Sep 26, 2024, at 9:33 PM, Jerome Ndiho <jeronimo2408@yahoo.com> wrote:
Muri ba Ntamunoza! IVU ntibamwakiriye ikirego? Tshilumbo niyaraye ashimiye USA ko ngo yafatiye ibihano URwanda?
Le jeu., sept. 26 2024 à 5:59 a.m., Zac Biampa<zac.biampa@yahoo.fr> a écrit :Demander Justice à l'EAC c'est comme essayer de traire un bœuf pour avoir du Lait!? Demander l'impossible! L'EAC est constituée actuellement de 8 Etats ou non-Etats, donc 4 sont complices de Kagame donc ensemble dans ses crimes en RDC pour le compte et sous la protection de l'Occident( Ouganda, Kenya, Soudan du Sud, Somalie) , un est neutre ( Tanzanie) et un allié à la RDC( Burundi). Dans ces conditions où trouver des Juges impartiaux et surtout courageux et suicidaires car celui qui oserait condamner le régime de Paul Kagame serait non seulement limogé s'il n'est pas tout simplement physiquement éliminé en retournant dans son pays? Faut pas rêver !
Le jeudi 26 septembre 2024 à 04:51:02 UTC+2, 'Nzi Nink' via Rwanda Forum <rwandaforum@googlegroups.com> a écrit :--Procès historique RDC vs Rwanda: Kagame face à la justice à Arusha, Tanzaniehttps://youtu.be/XkDGe4sIXzY?si=TO-4uC7gZzwGODVz
"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence", George Washington.
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[Rwanda Forum] PAM yiyemeje gufasha Akarere ka Ngororero guhashya igwingira mu bana | IGIHE
### "Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence", George Washington. ### |
[Rwanda Forum] Miliyari hafi 358 Frw zigiye kwifashishwa mu kurandura igwingira mu Rwanda | IGIHE
### "Be courteous to all, but intimate with few; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence", George Washington. ### |
-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”
-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».
-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”
-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.”
-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
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