
Tuesday, 2 October 2018

[haguruka] Francophonie, levons le voile sur la candidature du Rwanda avant qu'il ne soit trop tard


Petition · Jean-Yves Le Drian : Francophonie, levons le voile sur la candidature du Rwanda avant qu'il ne soit trop tard ·

Petition · Jean-Yves Le Drian : Francophonie, levons le voile sur la candidature du Rwanda avant qu'il ne soit trop tard ·

Je suis horrifiée d'apprendre via l'article du journal Marianne de Pierre Péan, publié le 27 septembre 2018, intitulé "Exclusif - Rwanda: la vérité sur les massacres de l'Armée patriotique de Kagamé", que, la France, et plus précisément, le président Emmanuel Macron soutient la candidature de la ministre rwandaise des Affaires étrangères, Louise Mushikiwabo, pour succéder à Michaëlle Jean, et, que le vote aura lieu au prochain sommet de la francophonie du 11-12 octobre 2018 à Erban, en Arménie. Je trouve le lieu choisi pour cet évènement quelque peu cynique car les Arméniens ont vécu un véritable génocide et ce serait un comble que le pays du génocidaire et fossoyeur du peuple congolais de la R.D.C, Paul Kagamé, devienne via cette tribune la voix de la francophonie. Il y a tout de même plus de 8 millions de morts passés sous silence dans l'est de la R.D.C. depuis un peu plus de 20 ans, et, de nombreux rapports onusiens attestent, que le maître d'oeuvre derrière ces massacres n'est autre que Paul Kagamé.

Il me semble que la France ne doit plus tolérer, ni même négocier avec le Rwanda tant que toute la lumière n'aura pas été faite sur la participation du Rwanda dans les crimes perpétrés en R.D.C.

La France est un pays qui compte de nombreux ressortissants congolais ou d'origine congolaise sur son sol, en témoigne notamment le nombre de footballeurs champions du monde 2018 issus de cette contrée. Néanmoins, pourquoi aime-t-on les enfants du Congo lorsqu'ils font des exploits sportifs ou divertissent par la musique, et, pourquoi déteste-t-on la population congolaise lorsque celle-ci essaye de vivre avec dignité dans l'enfer que lui font subir les acteurs sanguinaires à l'est de la R.D.C. ? Pourquoi ces congolais ne sont pas entendus par la communauté internationale ? C'est comme si l'histoire semblait se répéter. Léopold II, alors souverain de Belgique, est gravé dans la mémoire des congolais comme celui qui perpétra un génocide de 10 millions de morts au début du 20ème siècle. Cette tragique histoire a d'ailleurs été très bien relatée par Joseph Conrad, dans son tristement célèbre livre "Au cœur des ténèbres".  Pourquoi un siècle plus tard, ce peuple connaît à nouveau un génocide, orchestré cette fois-ci par Kagamé en personne, sans que personne de la communauté internationale ne prenne fait et cause pour lui ?

Si comme moi, vous ne voulez pas de la candidature du Rwanda à la tête de la francophonie, soutenez ma pétition. Il reste peu de temps mais suffisamment afin de faire bouger les lignes.

Pour ceux qui veulent en savoir plus, je mets le lien de l'article du journal ici:

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


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Monday, 1 October 2018

[haguruka] Rwanda, la menace d'une catastrophe (1993)


Rwanda, la menace d'une catastrophe (1993)

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


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Sunday, 30 September 2018

[haguruka] Dr. Christopher Kayumba, A Professor At The University Of Rwanda And A Columnist For The East African, Publicly Stated That Rwandan Police Kills People


Dr. Christopher Kayumba, A Professor At The University Of Rwanda And A Columnist For The East…

Dr. Christopher Kayumba, A Professor At The University Of Rwanda And A Columnist For The East African, Publicly Stated That Rwandan Police Kills People

Dr. Christopher Kayumba, A Professor At The University Of Rwanda And A Columnist For The East African, Publicly Stated That Rwandan Police Kills People

Dr. Christopher Kayumba teaches at the University of Rwanda and writes for The East African newspaper.

On September 29, 2018, Dr. Christopher Kayumba made a series of statements about the Rwanda n government — in particular, the national police. Kayumba stated categorically that Rwandan police kills citizens. Besides killing innocent people, stated Kayumba, the police terrorizes the people of Rwanda in other ways. For example, when the police decides to target an individual for whatever reason, the police labels that person a "genocider" — somebody who participated in the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. Then the police arrests that person under false pretext. In other words, the Rwanda national police is a human rights abuser. By extent, therefore, the government of Rwanda is a human rights abuser. All of this is, of course, well known. What is shocking is that somebody who normally praises the government of General Paul Kagame can say these things — moreover, inside Rwanda. Kayumba seems to be committing suicide.

Here is Dr Christopher Kayumba in his own words

Writing on Twitter, Kayumba made a series of statements including the following:

"Rwanda police beats and even kills innocents. Do you know people you killed? Do you know people you have killed in refugee camps? Do you know you can't even allow any demostrstror? You are used to people who don't respond to whatever you want and don't respond; NOT any more."

Kayumba added:

"Police has no respect for Rwandans nor does it treat them with respect. It does what it wants & treat citizens with contempt. I know it. I have seen people beaten. I have seen them in prison refused pple to go to the toilet. And I have seen the police pretend to work for us; zero."

Kayumba was not yet done. He added the following based on his personal experiences with the Rwandan police:

"Few weeks ago, u said the same & kept me in jail for 10 days. Thats a fact. To release me, you asked me to pay 500,000 Rwanda francs! Why? U still give orders 2 prosecutors? Police leadership is the problem. I know tomorrow you send individuals 2 take me; IGP is problem; I know."

Kayumba continued:

"I have been a subject of intimidation, fake audits for years and imprisonment of Journalists like Iddrissa Byiringiro. You have followed me since 2012. Why? You cook up crimes against me and my colleagues! Why? Because we speak our minds, because we want to be free."

There is more:

"We refuse 2 remain silent over years of injustice. Since 2012 individuals in govt have orchestrated campaign to silence us but bcz we believe in new. system, we closed The Chronicles newspaper. U imrpriosned our journalist & we kept silent! What do u want?"

Still more from Kayumba:

"Police like others, try to find an excuse. When someone isnt corrupt, they say is grnocidaire; or, they have raped! Police find excuse all the time! But how many have been convicted of this? Police likes to put everyone doen; go around prisons and see how they treat our people."

Lastly, Kayumba stated:

"No, RNP isn't accountable to Rwandans'; it beats them everyday and kills some. Personally, police has beaten me and even refused my family to visit me or bring food to me! Those jokes are meant for foreigners; not Rwandans."

What becomes of Kayumba now?

Kayumba normally writes good things about General Paul Kagame and his regime. From his September 29, 2018, tweets, however, one can see that there are two sides to Kayumba. Like many Rwandans, Kayumba praises the Kagame regime to make a living. But deep down, Kayumba knows that the regime is horrible. Evidently, he personally suffered at the hands of the regime. Something must have provoked Kayumba to finally say "enough is enough." He called a spade a spade: the regime is rotten to the core. The question now is — what becomes of Christopher Kayumba? In Kagame's Rwanda, Kayumba is a dead man walking. You can't say the regime kills people and remain free.

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


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[haguruka] THE HIDDEN HISTORY (Rwandan Documentary 2018)


THE HIDDEN HISTORY (Rwandan Documentary 2018)

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


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[haguruka] Twibuke Umucunguzi Romeo Rugero.


Twibuke Umucunguzi Romeo Rugero.

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


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With 4.5 stars in iTunes, the Yahoo Mail app is the highest rated email app on the market. What are you waiting for? Now you can access all your inboxes (Gmail, Outlook, AOL and more) in one place. Never delete an email again with 1000GB of free cloud storage.



-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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