
Thursday, 19 July 2018

[haguruka] Radio Ubumwe : Ikiganiro na Major Callixte Sankara wa FLN-MRCD 19/07/2018


Radio Ubumwe : Ikiganiro na Major Callixte Sankara wa FLN-MRCD 19/07/2018

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


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Wednesday, 18 July 2018

[haguruka] OIF peut eradiquer le chomage en Afrique (koko OIF ishobora kwirukana ubushomeri muli Afrika)!


Chers nautes, l'idee de notre soeur de reduire le chomage en Afrique via OIF (Organisation Internationale pour la Francophonie) parait bien pertinente, sensee (
Voici une des possibilites:
Le Rwanda, riche en mineraux tel Or (golden),  Diamant, etc. peut etre une des solutions. En effet, supposons que notre HE accepte d'assister notre soeur Louise une fois a l'OIF en  lui vendant ces mineraux au prix ami. Egalement, le transport  a partir du Rwanda sur Paris serait assurer par Air Rwanda au prix ami et en valise diplomatique. Aux aeroports de France, les mineraux hors taxes seraient remis a la comptabilite OIF qui les revendrait aux banques telles Rothschild Group, BNP, JP Morgan, etc. au prix bien negocie vu la doigte a la Kissinger de notre soeur.

Si donc Air Rwanda transportait 5000 kg d'or et 5000 carats de diamants par tour, avec un prix de 34 000 €/kg Or et 200€/carat diamants, les reventes par tour seraient de 170 M (million)+1M €=171M€. Dans ces conditions optimales de commerce (appui de HE, valise diplomatique), un benefice net de l'ordre de 10% pour OIF est atteignable, soit 17M € par tour.  Apres 6 mois d'un tel commerce, a raison de 15 tours par mois, on aurait thesaurise 17x15x6=1530M €. En y ajoutant les recettes d'autres mineraux tel le coltan, terres rares,  etc. et meme du bois precieux preleves de nos foretson peut aisement atteindre 2000M € chaque six mois

L'Afrique a 54 pays, mais certains ont un chomage moins prononce. On commencerait donc par 2 pays les plus atteints. Dans les premiers six mois, a raison de 1000M €/pays, on recruterait 10 entrepreneurs Francais ayant une excellente performance,  a qui on remetrait 100M € chacun pour aller commencer des projects a haute intensite de main- d'oeuvres. De quoi utiliser 2000 individus bien payes (chacun: 1000 € le mois) pendant 4 ans  et par entrepreneur , soit 20 000 individus par pays! Ensuite, on financerait 2 autres pays dans les six mois suivants, soit  4 dans un an et donc 16 durant le premier mandat de 4 de notre soeur Louise.  C'est bien 16/54=30% de l'Afrique sauvee, mise sur le rail de developpement, de quoi prendre du champagne en l'honneur de ce genial entrepreneuriat!

La proposition de Louise parait donc bien raisonnable, et la hisse plus digne pour diriger l'OIF.


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Tuesday, 17 July 2018

[haguruka] Rwanda: le président Kagame est sur le qui-vive - Le Soir Plus


Rwanda: le président Kagame est sur le qui-vive - Le Soir Plus

Rwanda: le président Kagame est sur le qui-vive

le président rwandais Paul Kagame, qui a fait de la sécurité le maître mot de son régime, n'a pas caché sa colère face à cette série d'infiltrations.

le président rwandais Paul Kagame, qui a fait de la sécurité le maître mot de son régime, n'a pas caché sa colère face à cette série d'infiltrations. - EPA/ EFE.

Le président Kagame n'est pas homme à plaisanter avec la sécurité du Rwanda. Lors de la sortie d'une nouvelle promotion de 180 jeunes officiers formés au camp Gako (où se trouvent 400 militaires américains…), il a rappelé que son armée, bien formée, était préparée à faire face à «  toute situation inattendue  »…

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


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[haguruka] Kagame’s Rwanda Has Less Electricity Than Somalia — And Much Less Than Haiti And Eritrea.


Kagame's Rwanda Has Less Electricity Than Somalia — And Much Less Than Haiti And Eritrea.

Kagame's Rwanda Has Less Electricity Than Somalia — And Much Less Than Haiti And Eritrea.

Photo: The New Times, Rwanda

Try as you may, you will never figure out how the Rwandan President, Paul Kagame, determines what constitutes development priorities. Nevertheless, his policy actions suggest he favors mega-projects that have a visible impact. Put in another way, Kagame prefers to implement projects that have a demonstrative effect. For example, Kagame spent US$300 Million to build a convention center. He sunk over US$1 Billion into the national airline. He also spent US$40 Million on the English football club Arsenal. For this amount of money, Arsenal will wear a "visit Rwanda" logo to sponsor tourism.

Kagame's preference for large-scale visible projects has adverse consequences. This has led to a devastating neglect of invisible but vital imperatives central to socio-economic transformation. As the saying goes, what you don't see can seriously harm you. Case in point is electricity — easily, the most damaging developmental failure by the Kagame government.

Rwanda remains largely in the darkness.

The database from the Global Tracking Framework led by the World Bank and International Energy Agency provides an insight into Rwanda's electricity situation. Part of Rwanda's reality is shown in Figure 1. As indicated, countries such as Haiti, Somalia, and Lesotho have higher electricity access rates than Rwanda.

FIGURE 1 — Comparative Electricity Access

Percentage of population with access to electricity — Sustainable Energy for All database jointly led by the World Bank and the International Energy Agency.

The percentage of the Rwandan population with access to electricity is 29.4%. Comparatively, the percentage of the population with access to electricity in Somalia stands at 29.9%. Somalia is a country without a functioning government for almost 30 years. Electricity access in Haiti is 38.7%, while electricity in Eritrea is 46.7. Haiti and Eritrea are generally regarded as failed states — but here they are with higher electricity access rates than Rwanda which is a self-proclaimed Africa's success story.

The situation is much worse in rural Rwanda. The percentage of the rural population with electricity in Rwanda drops to 17.8% as shown in Figure 2.

FIGURE 2 — Comparative Rural Access To Electricity

World Bank/International Energy Agency: The percentage of the rural population with electricity

When it comes to cooking, however, the distinction between rural and urban access to electricity disappears.. The overwhelming majority of Rwandans depends on solid biomass for cooking:

"In Rwanda, 95 percent of people use solid fuels for cooking, while further south in Malawi, biomass meets 93 of energy needs. But dependency on solid biomass such as firewood is harming the environment, as overharvesting of wood degrades the land and contributes to climate change. Burning wood for fuel also causes indoor air pollution that adversely affects populations that are already disadvantaged, in particular women and children."

Rwanda's position in electricity generation global rankings completes the gloomy story.

The CIA World Factbook which ranks countries according to installed electricity generation capacity further indicates Rwanda's dire circumstances.. Rwanda stands in position 170 out of 215 countries. Part of the global rankings is shown in Figure 3.

FIGURE 3— Global Rankings On Installed Electricity Generation

Source: The CIA World Factbook

Less than two years when Rwanda is supposed to become a middle-income state per Vision 2020, most Rwandans live in the dark. Over 95% cook with firewood that is destroying the environment. Comparatively, Rwandans have less access to electricity than their counterparts in countries categorized as "failed states" such as Somalia, Haiti, and Eritrea. It is stating the obvious to say that Kagame's development model is very strange.

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


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[haguruka] UN anti-torture team cancels Rwanda visit, again - The East African


UN anti-torture team cancels Rwanda visit, again - The East African

UN anti-torture team cancels Rwanda visit, again

The United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) has cancelled its mission to Rwanda after suspending the visit last October.

The UN body accuses Kigali of lack of cooperation.

"In 11 years of exercising its mandate and more than 60 visits, it is the first time the SPT is terminating a visit before its completion. There was no realistic prospect of the visit being successfully resumed and concluded within a reasonable timeframe," the agency said in a statement on July 4.

The decision has irked Kigali which accuses the body of acting in bad faith.

"The allegations of lack of cooperation are untrue, unfounded and in bad faith and the Government of Rwanda rejects them now as it has rejected them previously," the administration said in a statement last Tuesday.

The UN body regularly visits countries that have ratified the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture to investigate torture allegations and assess implementation of measures aimed at preventing torture and other forms of ill-treatment.

The mission was first suspended in October last year, when members of the subcommittee cut short their visit in Kigali citing a "series of obstructions imposed by authorities".

The team also said it was denied confidentiality to certain interviewees who it argued could face reprisals.

"The Government of Rwanda acceded to and fully facilitated the visit of the SPT, including granting full and unimpeded access to places of detention and to detainees," the government responded.

Termination of the mission now undermines UN's recognition of Rwanda's Human Rights Commission, which was granted the mandate by Parliament in February to serve as the national preventive mechanism against torture.

In a report by the Human Rights Watch last year, the watchdog alleged that the military routinely tortures detainees with beatings, asphyxiations, mock executions and electric shocks.

HRW said it had confirmed hundreds of people who were illegally detained and tortured in army detention centres between 2010 and 2016.

But Kigali dismissed the report as fake, arguing that the watchdog was "desperate for attention".

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


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With 4.5 stars in iTunes, the Yahoo Mail app is the highest rated email app on the market. What are you waiting for? Now you can access all your inboxes (Gmail, Outlook, AOL and more) in one place. Never delete an email again with 1000GB of free cloud storage.



-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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