
Friday, 14 April 2017

[] God squares off with the devil in Syria and Rwanda


God squares off with the devil in Syria and Rwanda

April 13, 2017

by Ann Garrison

The caption for this cartoon by Victor Gillam for Judge magazine, published April 1, 1899, reads, according to Wikipedia: "The British John Bull and the American Uncle Sam bear 'The White Man's Burden' (Apologies to Rudyard Kipling), taking the coloured peoples of the world to civilisation." The cartoon appears to have filled two full pages of the magazine.

I had a hard time writing a KPFA-Berkeley Radio News report last Saturday. I was trying to report on the racist, Christian fundamentalism of NPR commentator Scott Simon and Canadian Gen. Romeo Dallaire, both of whom argue that God and the devil are manifest in Syria, as they were in Rwanda in 1994. Dallaire even adds that "the white man" – his words – has a moral obligation to intervene on God's behalf.

So far so good, so to speak. I clipped some audio from Simon's op-ed on NPR's Saturday Weekend Edition and Dallaire's on KPFK-Los Angeles in 2014, the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan massacres known as the Rwanda Genocide. (Just in case you're wondering why Canadian warmonger Romeo Dallaire was sympathetically interviewed on a Pacifica Radio station, that's another story.)

I imagined that I could play the audio clips with brief introductions, and let both men hang themselves with their own racist, fundamentalist rhetoric, but I quickly realized that was not going to work. Even when invoking God and the devil, Scott Simon and Romeo Dallaire sound like reasonable men, descendants of the Enlightenment, not fiery fundamentalist preachers, so long as you don't stop to think about what they're actually saying.

Gen. Dallaire is, after all, the former U.N. peacekeeping force commander in Rwanda, 1993-1994, who went on to become Canadian Sen. Dallaire, co-founder of the "Will to Intervene Project," co-author of "Mobilizing the Will to Intervene: Leadership to Prevent Mass Atrocities," and recipient of a long list of honorary doctorates and fellowships from eminent universities in Canada and the United States.

Even when invoking God and the devil, Scott Simon and Romeo Dallaire sound like reasonable men, descendants of the Enlightenment, not fiery fundamentalist preachers, so long as you don't stop to think about what they're actually saying.

Scott Simon has been both host and essayist on NPR Weekend Edition for so many decades that NPR listeners, even very occasional listeners like myself, all recognize his voice; it's almost like ambient sound. Simon won a George Foster Peabody Award for his radio essays in 1989, and NPR has aired his mundane musings, pretentious platitudes, and insipid homilies ever since. They're as routine as Saturday morning coffee and chores performed to the NPR drone.

So why would anyone question anything Simon says? He takes on subjects like baseball, football, Grammy nominations, Wisconsin weather and why he'd like to spend winters in Florida, as well as weightier matters of politics and public affairs.

Religious fundamentalism from NPR's Scott Simon? 'Fraid so. This week, after the first direct, acknowledged U.S. attack on Bashar al-Assad's Syria, Simon voiced his observation that the devil is in Syria, manifest in the Syrian government, and locked in combat with God, manifest in the U.S. and its Western (white, Christian) allies. He even quoted Gen. Romeo Dallaire:

"I watched some of the wrenching, sickening images from the chemical weapons attack in the Idlib province of Syria this week that killed scores of people, many of them children, with our daughters …"

(A YouTube video was good enough for Donald Trump, so why not for Scott Simon?)

"I have always avoided using the word 'evil' when covering terrible events, even those in Bosnia and Kosovo that would later be labeled war crimes. I was of a generation educated to believe that 'evil' was a cartoonish moral concept, a word we used only when we didn't know what madness or imagined infraction might drive human beings to commit murder, even on a mass scale."

(Knowing that he is about to advance a literal interpretation of the Bible, Simon notes his credentials as a man of reason who will nevertheless make a morally imperative exception. He is, after all, a University of Chicago graduate.)

Religious fundamentalism from NPR's Scott Simon? 'Fraid so. 

"I still avoid saying 'evil' as a reporter. But as a parent, I've grown to feel it may be important to tell children about evil, as we struggle to explain cruel and incomprehensible behavior they may see not just in history – in whatever they will learn about the Holocaust, Bosnia, Rwanda and Darfur – but in our own times.

(Simon cites the liberal interventionist canon – the Holocaust, Bosnia, Rwanda and Darfur – as unquestionable examples of metaphysical, ahistorical, apolitical evil to teach his children well. Never mind that there are substantial bodies of evidence supporting narratives counter to those that the Washington establishment repeat over and over to justify U.S. wars of aggression. Why teach your children to reason about that? It won't look good on the resume, especially if you're hoping they follow your footsteps to NPR.)

"I've interviewed Romeo Dallaire, the former Canadian general who commanded U.N. peacekeeping forces in Rwanda in 1993 and 1994. Gen. Dallaire discovered Hutu soldiers were getting ready to massacre Tutsi civilians. But he was prevented by U.N. leadership from using his troops to try to stop the murders before they could take place. More than 800,000 Tutsi Rwandans were then slaughtered over three months."

(Never mind that there were only 500,000 Tutsis in Rwanda at the time of the massacres, or that the Ibuka survivors' group claims 300,000 survived. Or that a substantial body of evidence countering the official narrative emerged, for one, at the International Criminal Tribunal on Rwanda, despite the fact that the U.S. took tacit control of that tribunal so as to set the official narrative in stone.)

"Romeo Dallaire said that what happened made him believe in evil, and even a force he called the devil."

"'I've negotiated with him,' he told us, 'shaken his hand. Yes. There is no doubt in my mind … and the expression of evil to me is through the devil and the devil at work and possessing human beings and turning them into machines of destruction. And one of the evenings in my office, I was looking out the window and my senses felt that something was there with me that shifted me. I think that evil and good are playing themselves out and God is monitoring and looking at how we respond to it."

(A fundamentalist preacher's delivery would no doubt be more fiery than Scott Simon's or Romeo Dallaire's, but Simon quotes Dallaire on God and the devil in his concluding words.)

Dallaire shoulders the white man's burden

Since Simon had devoted so much of his radio essay to quoting Dallaire on God and the devil, I planned to play just a few vintage Dallaire clips on the white man's burden in my own radio news:

"I said the era of the white man coming back to Africa to reestablish security and so on is over. I said the Sub-Saharan Black African is simply not going to attract the engagement of the developed world, the North, unless there is a self-interest in there, and a country like Rwanda doesn't have that."

(In keeping with his mission to "mobilize the will to intervene," Dallaire chides "the white man" for engaging only as a matter of self-interest rather than humanitarian concern as in the West's glorious past of conquest, slavery, resource rape and humanitarian concern). This lays the way for moral triumphalism when white Christian soldiers finally take up "the cross of freedom," as in Trump's direct attack on Syria's dark skinned devil.

Also, Rwanda is not without resources of interest to the white man. It shares its western border with the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, whose resources it has plundered and sold to Western corporations and commodities traders for the past 20 years. Rwanda's invasions of DRC also destroyed Congo's national mining company to make way for Western mining interests.)

"As I was saying, 'The white man is not coming back,' the clouds had started to form, 'cause it was the rainy season [in Rwanda], so in the rainy season, it's lovely, sunny and then the next thing you know 'boom': downpour. And as I'm saying this, the sky got black and this incredible thunder clap just happened."

(God was no doubt so enraged that he was commanding the white, Christian West to re-shoulder "The White Man's Burden" canonized by Rudyard Kipling.)

Kipling's poem was first published in the February 1899 issue of McClure's Magazine – at the outset of the U.S. war on the Filipino people, after the U.S. Senate ratified the treaty with Spain that placed Puerto Rico, Guam, Cuba and the Philippines under U.S. control:

The White Man's Burden

Take up the White Man's burden –

Send forth the best ye breed –

Go send your sons to exile

To serve your captives' need

To wait in heavy harness

On fluttered folk and wild –

Your new-caught, sullen peoples,

Half devil and half child

Take up the White Man's burden

In patience to abide …

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. White supremacy is tenacious as a rabid dog.

As for that KPFA Radio News report, it was never produced. I played the audio clips of Scott Simon and Romeo Dallaire for a few friends, and they all said, "No no no. Don't play that. You'll just be giving them more air time. I can imagine family or friends hearing that on the air and thinking that they're making some good points."

Indeed. Scott Simon is so effectively packaged and presented by NPR, Gen. Dallaire by the liberal interventionists, that their effusions sound perfectly reasonable to the trusting ear. The words need to be separated from their elaborate packaging and presentation to make their racist, fundamentalist meanings undeniably clear.

Oakland writer Ann Garrison writes for the San Francisco Bay View, Black Agenda Report, Black Star News, Counterpunch and her own website, Ann Garrison, and produces for AfrobeatRadio on WBAI-NYC, KPFA Evening NewsKPFA Flashpoints and for her own YouTube Channel, AnnieGetYourGang. She can be reached at In March 2014 she was awarded the Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza Democracy and Peace Prize for promoting peace in the Great Lakes Region of Africa through her reporting.

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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[] Exclusif : la RDC suspend sa coopération militaire avec la Belgique


Exclusif : la RDC suspend sa coopération militaire avec la Belgique 

Kinshasa a décidé de suspendre sa coopération militaire avec Bruxelles, a déclaré le ministère belge de la Défense à Jeune Afrique ce jeudi 13 avril. La semaine dernière, le ministre belge des Affaires étrangères avait critiqué la nomination de Bruno Tshibala au poste de Premier ministre. 

« Notre attaché de Défense à Kinshasa a reçu un courrier nous informant de la suspension de notre coopération militaire » a déclaré Laurence Mortier, porte-parole du ministère belge de la Défense à Jeune Afrique ce jeudi 13 avril. Une information confirmée par une source militaire congolaise sous couvert d'anonymat.

« Nous sommes en train de faire un inventaire de ce que ce cette coopération recouvrait », a-t-elle poursuivi, ne souhaitant pas s'exprimer davantage sur les motivations de cette décision, une première depuis plus d'une décennie.

Rompue suite à l'arrivée au pouvoir de Laurent-Désiré Kabila à la tête d'une rébellion, en 1997, la coopération militaire entre la RDC et l'ancienne puissance coloniale avait été rétablie peu de temps après l'arrivée au pouvoir de l'actuel président, Joseph Kabila, et n'avait plus été interrompue depuis.

Elle concerne principalement des actions de formation. Les militaires belges avaient notamment formé deux brigades d'interventions rapides, qui s'étaient illustrées contre l'insurrection Enyele, dans l'Équateur, au début des années 2010, puis contre la rébellion du Mouvement du 23 mars (M23) au Nord-Kivu, en 2012 et 2013. Ils accompagnent encore les militaires congolais sur le terrain aujourd'hui.

Critiques de Bruxelles

Cette décision intervient dans un contexte de tension entre Bruxelles et Kinshasa. Le vice-Premier ministre belge et ministre des Affaires étrangères, Didier Reynders, avait notamment critiqué la nomination au poste de Premier ministre de Bruno Tshibala, un transfuge de l'opposition dans un communiqué le 8 avril dernier.

Cette nomination « s'écarte de la lettre et de l'esprit de l'Accord de la Saint-Sylvestre » avait-il notamment estimé. « La Belgique est préoccupée par le fait que les autorités de transition ne disposent pas du large soutien nécessaire », avait-il ajouté.

« Dans ce contexte, et suite à la forte détérioration de la situation sécuritaire et des droits de l'Homme dans différentes parties du pays, la Belgique se concertera avec ses partenaires internationaux concernant les relations avec la RDC » avait encore affirmé le ministre belge. Visiblement, Kinshasa a décidé de prendre les devants.

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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Thursday, 13 April 2017

[] Re: Kicukiro:umugore warokotse Jenoside bamusanze mu cyumba cye yishwe [1 pièce jointe] [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Nzi Nink included below]

Kuri uyu mugoroba wo kuwa Kane, numvise kuri Radio Itahuka ko uyu nyakwigendera (Imana imuhe iruhuko ridashira) ava inda imwe n'umudamu wa Bwana Jean Mbanda. 

Nizeye ko ubu bwicanyi ntaho buhuriye na kandadatire ya Jean Mbanda.

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.

On Apr 13, 2017, at 5:21 PM, ndimbati jonas [Democracy_Human_Rights] <> wrote:


Ubu kandi ntihagiye kubura inzirakarengane z'abahutu bahita babyegekaho!!!


Ngo iyo upfuye uri "umucikacumu", ni "interahamwe" ziba zazuye umugara, nta yindi anketi iba igikenewe!!!


Njye ndahamya ko nta muhutu wapfa kwisukira ruriya rupangu mbonye ku mafoto, cyane cyane muri iyi minsi abenshi bitahira kare kandi bakagenda bikandagira, ngo hatagira ubiyenzaho dore ko haba mu mvugo, mu ndoro cyangwa se mu ntambuko, hose baba babagera amajanja!


Birashoboka cyane rwose ko uyu mugore yishwe na "bene wabo"!!! Dore ko ngo basangira amaraso, badasangira amata! Ese uko kuva kwe mu Bubiligi byo ntacyo bihatse ahari?!


Abashakisha amagi yo kumena kandi ngo bakunde bakore umuleti nabo ntaho bagiye, ahubwo noneho bahawe rugari!


Dore aho nibereye!




2017-04-13 17:08 GMT-04:00 Agnès Murebwayire [Democracy_Human_Rights] <>:
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Daddy Sadiki Rubangura - Umuseke

Uyu mugore w'imyaka 58  yishwe bamusanze iwe mu mudugudu wa Gakeke mu mu kagari ka Niboye Umurenge wa Niboye.

Umunyamakuru w'Umuseke uriyo avuga ko yamenye ko uyu mugore yabaga mu nzu wenyine, afite n'umuzamu. Ngo yari afite umwana umwe ariko ubu ntiyari ari mu rugo kuva mu byumweru bibiri bishize. Abahaturiye bavuga ko umwana we ashobora kuba yari yaragiye mu biruhuko ahandi hatari mu rugo.

ACP Theos Badege, umuvugizi wa Police y'u Rwanda yabwiye Umuseke ko batangiye iperereza ku rupfu rw'uyu mugore.

Umwe mu bantu batabaye mbere utifuje gutangazwa yabwiye Umuseke ko yitambukiraga agiye hafi aho akumva umuzamu ataka maze we n'abandi benshi bagatabara bagasanga amerewe nabi cyane.

Uyu avuga ko umuzamu abagizi ba nabi bamujombaguye ibyuma mu buryo bukabije bashaka kumwica maze bagakomeza bagasanga nyirabuja mu nzu.

Iribagiza ngo bamusanze mu cyumba cye, baramuzirika ubundi bamuniga bakoresheje umugozi kugeza apfuye.

Uyu mutangabuhamya wageze ku mubiri wa nyakwigendera ati "Twamusanze ku buriri bwe yapfuye anizwe, kandi bamutamirijeho za bougie zaka, ntabwo twamenye impamvu yabyo."

Uyu muzamu ngo yabanje guterwa ibyuma n'abagizi ba nabi baje mu gitondo ahagana saa mbili. Uyu muzamu ubu akaba ari kwa muganga amerewe nabi kuko ngo abagizi ba nabi bagize ngo nawe bamwishe.

Hari amakuru y'abahageze mbere avuga ko abagizi ba nabi bishe Iribagiza baje ari batatu barimo n'umugore umwe.

Amakuru aravuga ko Iribagiza yari aherutse kugaruka kuba mu Rwanda avuye mu Bubiligi...


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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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Wednesday, 12 April 2017

[] Donald Trump on Bashar al-Assad: Vladimir Putin is backing 'truly an evil person'


"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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[] 'The Media Coverage on Syria is the Biggest Media Lie of our Time' -- Interview with Flemish Priest in Syria


'The Media Coverage on Syria is the Biggest Media Lie of our Time' -- Interview with Flemish Priest in Syria


Flemish Father Daniël Maes (78) lives in Syria in the sixth-century-old Mar Yakub monastery in the city of Qara, 90 kilometers north of the capital Damascus. Father Daniel has been a witness to the "civil war" and according to him, Western reports on the conflict in Syria are very misleading. In short: "the Americans and their allies want to completely ruin the country."

Interviewer: You are very critical of the media coverage on Syria. What is bothering you?

Father Daniel: "The idea that a popular uprising took place against President Assad is completely false. I've been in Qara since 2010 and I have seen with my own eyes how agitators from outside Syria organized protests against the government and recruited young people. That was filmed and aired by Al Jazeera to give the impression that a rebellion was taking place. Murders were committed by foreign terrorists, against the Sunni and Christian communities, in an effort to sow religious and ethnic discord among the Syrian people. While in my experience, the Syrian people were actually very united.

Before the war, this was a harmonious country: a secular state in which different religious communities lived side by side peacefully. There was hardly any poverty, education was free, and health care was good. It was only not possible to freely express your political views. But most people did not care about that."

Interviewer: Mother Agnès-Mariam, of your Mar Yakub ("Saint Jacob") monastery, is accused of siding with the regime. She has friends at the highest level.

Father Daniel: "Mother Agnès-Mariam helps the population: she has recently opened a soup kitchen in Aleppo, where 25,000 meals are prepared five times a week. Look, it is miraculous that we are still alive. We owe that to the army of Assad's government and to Vladimir Putin, because he decided to intervene when the rebels threatened to take power.

When thousands of terrorists settled in Qara, we became afraid for our lives. They came from the Gulf States, Saudi Arabia, Europe, Turkey, Libya, there were many Chechens. They formed a foreign occupation force, all allied to al-Qaeda and other terrorists. Armed to the teeth by the West and their allies with the intention to act against us, they literally said: "This country belongs to us now." Often, they were drugged, they fought each other, in the evening they fired randomly. We had to hide in the crypts of the monastery for a long time. When the Syrian army chased them away, everybody was happy: the Syrian citizens because they hate the foreign rebels, and we because peace had returned."

Interviewer: You say that the Syrian Army protects civilians, yet there are all sorts of reports about war crimes committed by Assad's forces, such as the bombardments with barrel bombs.

Father Daniel: "Do you not know that the media coverage on Syria is the biggest media lie of our time? They have sold pure nonsense about Assad. It was actually the rebels who plundered and killed. Do you think that the Syrian people are stupid? Do you think those people were forced to cheer for Assad and Putin? It is the Americans who have a hand in all of this, for pipelines and natural resources in this region and to thwart Putin."

Saudi Arabia and Qatar want to establish a Sunni state in Syria, without religious freedom. Therefore, Assad must go. You know, when the Syrian army was preparing for the battle in Aleppo, Muslim soldiers came to me to be blessed. Between ordinary Muslims and Christians, there is no problem. It is those radical Islamic, Western-backed rebels who want to massacre us. They are all al Qaeda and IS. There are not any moderate fighters anymore."

Interviewer: You once mentioned Hillary Clinton to be a "devil in holy water," because as Secretary of State she deliberately worsened the conflict.

Father Daniel: "I am happy with Trump. He sees what every normal person understands: That the United States should stop undermining countries which possess natural resources. The Americans' attempt to impose a unipolar world is the biggest problem. Trump understands that radical Islam is a bigger threat than Russia.

What do I care whether he occasionally takes off his pants? If Trump practices geopolitics the way he has promised to do so, then the future looks bright. Then it will become similar to Putin's approach. And hopefully then, there will be a solution for Syria, and peace will return."

Interviewer: You understand that your analysis is controversial and will encounter much criticism?

Father Daniel: "I speak from personal observation. And no one has to believe me, right? But I know one thing: The media can either contribute to the massacre of the Syrian people or help the Syrian people, with their media coverage. Unfortunately, there are too many followers and cowards among journalists."

Reprinted with author's permission from Algemeen Dagblad. Translation: SOTT. Photo: Sjoerd Mouissie

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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