
Monday, 14 March 2016

Is Ivory Coast attack the new normal? ...

Today's humanitarian news and analysis 

Is Ivory Coast attack the new normal?


Gunmen killed 16 people in a Cote d'Ivoire resort area, yesterday - the third such attack in West Arica in the last six months. Is this kind of militancy the new normal in the region? 

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The Gates of Perception


Another New Year, another Annual Letter from Bill and Melinda Gates in which the richest man in the world tells everybody else how to stop being so bloody poor.

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Afghanistan's surprisingly predictable economic crash


Afghanistan's economy collapsed when most US troops withdrew at the end of 2014, taking jobs and contracts with them. Why didn't anyone see it coming?

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[] TR: TR: [fondationbanyarwanda] Re: THE ECONOMIST @Rwanda: A hilly dilemma. Should Paul Kagame be backed for providing stability and prosperity or condemned for stifling democracy?


C. Nsengiyunva ayez a l'esprit que dans la vie de ce monde, le plus malin politicien est celui qui applique sans etat d'ame l' "apres moi le deluge". 
Si les autorites actuelles peuvent jouer avec un simulacre de succes jusqu'a la fin de leur political business, ce qui adviendra a la posterite n'est pas leur affaire. Certaines  de ces autorites d'ailleurs sont au Rwanda comme en mission et rejoindront leur Seconde Patrie apres la mission.
C'est seulement les petits intellectuels non engages/non courtisans et les citoyens ordinaires qui prennent peur de l'avenir incertain du Rwanda qui leur sera laisse, resume dans votre derniere interogations "Et que  l'impossibilite mathematique ou statistique de partager ce qu'il y a entre tous les enfants du pays n'aboutisse sur une situation inegalitaire, qui risque de faire le lit d'un autre genocide?
Nul rwandais serieux ne croit que c'est par exemple la villa de feu J. Habyarimana qui attirera a jamais les touristes pour garantir le bugdet suffisant au Rwanda!  

De : Nsengiyumva Celestin <>
Envoyé : vendredi 11 mars 2016 16:25
À : kota venant;;;; rwagasana gerard; Joseph Matata;;; Michel Niyibizi;;
Objet : Re: TR: [fondationbanyarwanda] Re: THE ECONOMIST @Rwanda: A hilly dilemma. Should Paul Kagame be backed for providing stability and prosperity or condemned for stifling democracy?
Tu as touché a la demographie galopante du Rwanda. Je ne suis pas sur que le Gouvernement actuel, avec toutes ses bonnes intentions, a formule une politique de la population pour le pays. Je crois que l'ONAPO a ete emporte par "le genocide". Mais peut-on parler de developpement, de la lute contre la pauvrete, de l'education et des services sociaux sans les faire correspondre a une politique visant a contenir la poussee demographique, pour empecher que les ressources nationales ne deviennent trop insuffisantes pour la population? Et que  l'impossibilite mathematique ou statistique de partager ce qu'il y a entre tous les enfants du pays n'aboutisse sur une situation inegalitaire, qui risque de faire le lit d'un autre genocide?

Le Vendredi 11 mars 2016 10h12, kota venant <> a écrit :

Tout oiseau, toute creature a droit de chanter son cantique au reveil ou au moment opportun. 
A etre impartial, aucun de deux  groupes combattants rwandais n'a montre beaucoup de pitie envers le Rwanda. Le temoignage succinct de C Nsengiyunva  ci-dessous est assez eloquent. Et un autre petit apport pour preuve: y a-t-il quelqu'un qui peut retrouver les jolies residences de Habyarimana, Zigiranyirazo qui arboraient Gasaza, la maison en etage de la famille du ministre P. Nyiramasuhuhok a Butare? Qui les a detruites? 
TPIR-Arusha a rapporte des cas de destructions faites par ceux qui se battaient du cote Rwanda de l'Interieur, on y revient pas, sauf citer peut-etre la fameuse maison de senateur Safari Stanely qui est d'actualite.

Revenons au desastre humain  illustre dans le graphe tire des donnees FAO 2005 ( )
This article is about the demographic features of the population of Rwanda, including population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic ...

"According to the 2010 revison of the World Population Prospects the total population was 10 624 000 in 2010, compared to only 2 072 000 in 1950 (wikipedia)". Ce bon accroissement demographique merite une analyse de faits et causes beaucoup plus profonde que plusieurs declarations superficielles et amatrices de ceux qui se moquent des rwandais en singeant les cherir.  Le graphique dans Wikipedia est bien clair, ne coute rien, ne traumatise personne, et tout citoyen du monde peut le voir sans rien depenser ni en temps ni en argent. N'est-ce pas la un veritable memorial du drame rwandais, capitalise loin des intemperies spatiales et temporelles? Evidemment le graphe  n'arrange ni les interets politico-economiques  recherches  par quelques gouvernants et lobbies ni n'assouvit l'adrenaline pour les emotions et discrimination de certains. Il est bon pour ceux qui aiment les maths et s'en servent dans leur vie courante pour graver les faux pas dans  la marche humaine.  

Et finalement l'Economist ecrit: "Hospitals and universities were devastated, their staff butchered or in exile. "We lost a lot of scientists," Gerardine Mukeshimana, the minister of agriculture, says matter-of-factly, when explaining why the country has only limited capacity for agricultural research." 
Yes! Et quiconque a bien connu le Rwanda avoue que ministre Mukeshimana fait montre d'un certain courage, en osant ouvrir les yeux parmi les aveugles/courtisans. Lorsqu'on sait comment et pourquoi ISAE Busogo fut transfere a Kigali des 1992, les plantations et usine de the de Mulindi transformees en camp- centre d'operation militaire,  comment et pourquoi les services d'agriculture et de recherche agronomique furent vandalises partout ou simplement detruits, l'on ne peut que feliciter cette dame qui ose reconnaitre que la recherche n'est pas encore a la hauteur.  Elle semble avoir une opinion differente par rapport a sa predecesseure qui recevait plutot des medailles d'excellence!  

A graph showing Rwanda's total population, Data of FAO, year 2005 ; Number of inhabitants in thousands.

De : <> de la part de Jean Bosco Sibomana [fondationbanyarwanda] <>
Envoyé : jeudi 10 mars 2016 20:29
À : Sibomana Jean Bosco
Objet : [fondationbanyarwanda] Re: THE ECONOMIST @Rwanda: A hilly dilemma. Should Paul Kagame be backed for providing stability and prosperity or condemned for stifling democracy?
Essayez d'envoyer ces commentaires à THE ECONOMIST; j'ai vu qu'ils ont publié aujourd'hui une série d'articles sur le Rwanda dont un autre sur le gaz méthane du Kivu. Il m'est difficile de savoir les lobbies derrière ces publications. Mais c'est un journal important.

Le jeudi 10 mars 2016, Nsengiyumva Celestin <> a écrit :
> "Soldiers and militias loyal to the genocidal Hutu regime had systematically destroyed power plants and factories as they retreated".
> This is not true. Who shelled the NTARUKA hydropower plant? And the telecommunication station of Nyanza, near Kicukiro/Kigali? And health centers in Byumba? And the central maket of Kigali? It's true that our country needs reconstruction. But how do we build on foundations of lies?
> Le Jeudi 10 mars 2016 13h08, "Jean Bosco Sibomana [uRwanda_rwacu]" <> a écrit :
> Rwanda: A hilly dilemma. Should Paul Kagame be backed for providing stability and prosperity or condemned for stifling democracy? Mar 12th 2016 | KIGALI | From the print edition.
> AT SIX in the evening, as the streets start to throng with motorcycle taxis taking people home, a senior civil servant in Rwanda's ministry of infrastructure sits back at his desk with a large flask of tea. The security officers on the entrance may have already left, but on the second floor officials are settling in for several more hours of work. Glance at their targets—more than doubling the amount of electricity generated in the country, providing infrastructure in cities to accommodate an urban population twice its current level, and all by 2018—and you can see why they are still at their desks. This is a country in a hurry. Twenty-two years since the start of a genocidal civil war that killed about a fifth of the population (and 70% of the minority Tutsis) and saw a third of the survivors fleeing across its borders, Rwanda is still racing to rebuild itself. And the sternest taskmaster is its president, Paul Kagame, who led the rebel forces that ended the genocide and has since shaped the country.
> The country he liberated had suffered not just an unimaginable human disaster; it was also left wrecked at the end of the civil war. Soldiers and militias loyal to the genocidal Hutu regime had systematically destroyed power plants and factories as they retreated. Hospitals and universities were devastated, their staff butchered or in exile. "We lost a lot of scientists," Gerardine Mukeshimana, the minister of agriculture, says matter-of-factly, when explaining why the country has only limited capacity for agricultural research.
> In this section
> One step forward, one step backLet's go togetherPalace in the jungleA hilly dilemmaWhat lies beneath
> Reprints
> It was also still dangerous, as forces from the former government attacked across the border from bases in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), to the west, killing civilians and soldiers. "The hills were alive with the sounds of bazookas," recalls Praveen Moman, a British businessman who runs a string of eco-lodges in the region, of his visits in the late 1990s, years after the war had officially ended. "Now visitors get off the plane and think they've arrived in the Switzerland of Africa."
> By almost all social and economic measures Rwanda has proved to be the developing world's shining star. Income per capita has doubled since 2000 and, unlike most other countries in the region, it has managed to grow quickly while also reducing inequality. One reason is that its Tutsi-dominated government (it would contest this designation, since talk of ethnicity is firmly suppressed) has bucked the trend of many of its neighbours. Instead of crafting policies aimed at benefiting the kin of those in power, many of its resources have gone to improving the lives of the rural poor, who are largely Hutu. The UN Human Development Index shows that Rwanda had improved by more than any other country over the past 25 years.
> These achievements are the more impressive since Rwanda is small, hilly, overcrowded and landlocked. Yet with few natural resources other than its fertile soil and a few mines, it has cranked out average growth of 7.5% over the past 10 years.
> Much of its success is due to effective government. It has clamped down on corruption—Transparency international, a Berlin-based organisation, ranks it as the fourth-least corrupt country in Africa, and well above places such as Greece and Italy. It is also because its government is both disciplined and technocratic. Officials and ministers are expected to work hard and are held accountable through performance contracts that extend right down to local mayors and other community leaders. Those who fail to meet targets (or who fiddle the numbers) are swiftly fired.
> A third reason is that it has embraced economic policies that are friendly to investment, growth and trade with great vigour; it is rated by the World Bank as the easiest place in continental Africa to do business. Many of its policies read as if they could have been written by the IMF, or this newspaper. Take power, for instance. Instead of trying to boost supply by pouring money into a state-owned utility it has encouraged private investment. That has spurred a wave of projects including extracting gas from Lake Kivu (seearticle). "Rwanda is an absolute pleasure to do business in compared with a lot of other countries in Africa," says Paul Hinks, the CEO of Symbion Power, an American firm that is building one of them.
> Because of its relatively competent administrators and its commitment to the poor it has become the darling of Western governments and NGOs. More than a third of government revenues (and a tenth of GDP) come from aid. The fecund soils of its green capital, Kigali, sprout aid-agency offices like grass after the rains.
> The downside
> Yet those pouring money into Rwanda are confronted by a dilemma. As much as Rwanda has progressed on the economic front, its record is badly blotted when it comes to human rights. Domestic opponents of Mr Kagame have a nasty habit of getting locked up or being murdered, even once they have fled into exile.
> Another stain was Rwanda's destabilisation of the DRC in the late 1990s after Rwandan troops invaded to stop cross-border raids by forces of the former government. The subsequent violence led to more than 5m deaths and contributed to the disintegration of the DRC. Fear of Mr Kagame runs so deep that in Kigali's drinking holes people glance left and right, and drop their voices to a whisper, when venturing an opinion on him. With almost no opposition, and no obvious successor, Mr Kagame recently won an overwhelming mandate for changes to the constitution that will allow him to run for a third term in office in 2017 (and two more after that, potentially leaving him in power until 2034, when he will be only 76).
> The dilemma facing the West is whether to keep giving money to an authoritarian government with such scant regard for human rights and little more than the trappings of democracy. A consensus among aid and development workers in Kigali seems to be that it should; for in few other countries does assistance go so effectively to helping the poor. A broader conundrum facing the country's benefactors is whether they ought to press Mr Kagame not to run in 2017. Yet aside from limp statements of disapproval (America said it was "disappointed" by his decision) from a few countries, many diplomats privately question whether anyone else could hold the country together. They point to its neighbour, Burundi, which is falling towards a civil war that is already being marked by ethnic killings. Without Mr Kagame's firm hand, they argue, the miracle wrought in Rwanda could quickly be reversed.
> From the print edition: Middle East and Africa
> --
> SIBOMANA Jean Bosco
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Saturday, 12 March 2016

[] Re: *DHR* KAGAME IGIHUGU CYAMUNANIYE!"Nabihanganiye bihagije" -Abwira abayobozi bahora muri za misiyo.UBANZA ARI WE WIVUGA?


[PHOTOS] A visit to the Presidential Palace Museum

  • Munsobanurire icyo iy'inzu irusha izindi  uretse ibigambo n'ibinyoma byanditse hano? Ibi binyoma ni  nk'abya bindi bya Faustin Twagiramungu, ba Michel Niyibizi ba PDC  na FPR bavugaga ko Habyarimana ahinga urumogi muri Nyungwe. Kera byari ukuri none ubu byabaye ibinyoma n'urwenya.
The Presidential Palace Museum in Kanombe was home to former presidents Juvenal Habyarimana (from 1973 to 1994) and Pasteur Bizimungu (1994 to 2000). (Faustin Niyigena)
At a glance, it looks like a large old abandoned hotel. A closer look however reveals to you an affluently built palace as you enter through its large maroon gate into the tarmac pathway flanked on every side by white and black pavements.
Several avocado, mango and palm trees lead to the building that once housed two of Rwanda's presidents and their families which is now a museum that attracts hundreds of local and international tourists daily.
Why turn it into a museum?
Except for the fact it is old with the paint peeling off, the house still looks strangely beautiful on the outside reflecting the opulence in which former President Juvenal Habyarimana lived.
So, I find myself asking, "Why was it made a museum?" Because it is still a very elegant house that with a little bit of renovation, could still be a state lodge.  
The museum has portraits of former presidents Habyarimana and Sindikubawo. (Faustin Niyigena)
Jackie Mudahogora, the Manager of the museum who was guiding us on the tour replies: "Just like we have a museum for the ancient kings in Nyanza, so do we have this one. It is as a result of the history about this house".
Museum manager Jackie Mudahogora explains to The New Times reporter about the phone that was used by President Habyarimana. (Faustin Niyigena)
As we enter from the rear since it is where the history begins according to Jackie. A single look inside is simply mind blowing not only because of the beauty but also the ironic facts about how the president lived his life.
The office
From the rear, you enter into the president's office which is preceded by a small waiting room furnished with the antique styled king Louis sofa set that bears the usual museum precautions of "Don't touch" inscribed on masking tape that stretches across their arms. Like the walls and curtains, the chairs are white too reflecting Habyarimana's obsession with the colour.
One of the offices in the house which was used by both presidents. (Faustin Niyigena)
These like many other items in the house have been here since 1980 the year which President Habyarimana entered the house shifting from Kiyovu save for a few which were brought by President Pasteur Bizimungu.
A large beautiful art piece, a gift from the president of North Korea ushers you into the president's office that except for the phones, it absolutely looks like a small dining room because of a round table surrounded by about four chairs in what looks like a real dining setting.
Control protocol house. This is where every armed man would leave his guns before entering the president's office. (Faustin Niyigena)
"These didn't belong to Habyarimana," Mudahogora explained, "These were introduced by Bizimungu after the previous ones had been looted in the war".
The sitting room and dining
This except for a few chairs has become nothing but an eye catching gallery that mostly depicts the pictures of Rwanda's dark history. On display are portraits of crying children, water bleached dead bodies, a collection of machetes and many other pictures throw you into a somber mood as they silently speak about the gory details of the Genocide against the Tutsi. 
Dining room. (Faustin Niyigena)
Asked why they were be in a former president's sitting room, Mudahogora explained that it was due to the undeniable role the government played in the 1994 tragedy.
Then there is a large dining table that has more than ten seats to suit Habyarimana's large family of eight children.
Gym room. (Faustin Niyigena)
Habyarimana's house before he became president after a military coup in 1973. (Faustin Niyigena)
In the dining room is the maroon carpeted staircase that leads to the bed rooms. It is wired with security sensors that notified the president as soon as anyone stepped on them trying to go up. They were switched on only when the president had gone up to his bed room.
The president's bedroom is furnished with only a king-sized bed, peach black leather sofas and a large mirror. All these belonged to Bizimungu except for a large table with elephant legs that Habyarimana received as a gift from Mobutu.
The secret exit, TV room and gym
On the first floor is the TV room that also doubled as the president's secret exit in case of trouble. One of the walls of the room is completely wood paneled only leaving space in the middle large enough to fit a television set.
Habyarimana's python house and its swimming pool. It was also a gift given to him by Mobutu Sese Seko. (Faustin Niyigena)
Habyarimana's deer heads, gift received from the Netherlands. (Faustin Niyigena)
On the left is a gun chamber from which the president could hastily access a gun to flee with to the remote controlled door on the right- his secret escape to a staircase leading to the third floor.
The third floor bears the president's gym, a room containing two deer heads with protruding antlers which were given to the president as a gift from Netherlands and other few art pieces and a small private office for the president.
The irony of the witch and the priest
After the deer antlers, there is the presidential chapel that has an entrance from the balcony where the priest used to pass. This entrance also doubled as the president's emergency exit from the house in case of trouble.
The museum gives an overview about the Genocide against the Tutsi in 1994. (Faustin Niyigena)
The museum has an exhibition showroom. (Faustin Niyigena)
He had two entrances from inside and another on the balcony. The ironic part of it is that just in the proximity of the chapel is the office of the witch doctor who used to render services to the first family. The floor finally winds up with the first lady's saloon and a study room where private coaching was administered to the first children.
The plane wreckages
After a tour of the palace, an epic sight awaits you outside to bring your tour to a climax.  The plane wreckage that tells the story of the death of a president in his own compound on April 6, 1994.
The debris of the Falcon 50 lay at the extreme end of the compound where we could only have a look at them by standing on what used to be a guard's watch tower.
Waiting room. (Faustin Niyigena)
This table stands on elephant's legs. (Faustin Niyigena)
The wreckages are just a little portion of the rich compound where such eye catching sights like the shade for the president's convoy, a house for his python which he received as gift from Mobutu, the former president of DR Congo and a large fountain can be found.
At the extreme opposite end of the wreckages is a large tennis court from where the president used to play.

On Saturday, 12 March 2016, 19:14, Alfred Nganzo <> wrote:

Nsubiye ku byo kwizirika umukanda  Habyarimana yari yaramenyereje Abanyarwanda cyane cyane  mu bihe u Rwanda rwakurikizaga amategeko ya FMI, iyo nsomye ibinyamakuru byo mu Rwanda byerekana inzu ya Habyarimana ubu yagizwe  inzu y'umurage, ntanganzwa ni uko iyo nzu bayiha agaciro idafitye.  Iyo rero mbona ibinyamakuru nka New Times bitangaza amashusho y'iyo nzu mbona ari urwenya no gufata abasomyi nk'ibicucu usa nk'ubureka ko batazi agaciro k'inzu. Ubwo bikaba bisobanura ko Kagame aba mu nzu iri hasi y'iyo ya Habyariamana yabagamo !
Iriya nzu ya Habyarimana ni umucuruzi cyangwa se undi wese ufite umutungo uciriritse yayubaka. Nta birimo bihambaye, ni inzu isanzwe. N'ubu  abayisura bavuga ko nta kintu gihambaye gihari.  Ndakeka ko nta mu Perezida waba mu nzu nk'iriya  yubatse bisanzwe kandi nta kintu kigaragara irusha izindi.
Abakozi ba Kagame ntawe ubabujije gukora politike bahereye  kuri uru rugero. Nibatanganze inkuru nibyo, ariko hari igihe iyo ukabya, ibyo ushaka kugeraho bikaba urwenya.

On Saturday, 12 March 2016, 18:50, Alfred Nganzo <> wrote:

Ariko Kagame aha aravuga ukuri. Noneho maze kumva impamvu Kagame ariwe wigirayo.
Kera ku butegetsi bwa Habyarimana missions nazo zarakorwaga ariko kandi akenshi zabaga zarishywe n'abatumiye. Iyo mission itabaga yarishwye n'uwatumiye ntawagigamo.

Missions zakoreshaga amafaranga y'isanduka ya Leta zari nke kandi akaba  ariwe utanga uruhusa. Habyarimana nawe muzi ko yajyaga gusa mu nama z'abandi bakuru b'ibihugu. Ntabwo mvuze ko Kagame agomba gukurikiza ubutegetsi bwa  kera. Ariko hari bimwe ibitekerezo bishya byaheraho nko kwizirika umukanda. "Kwizirika umukanda" na  "wamenye uko ureshya" kwa Habyarimana byavugaga kudasesagura umutungo wa Leta kandi yari yarabihereye kuri Perezida Nyerere. Perezida mushya wa Tanzania nawe yabwiye abaturage be ko bakwizirika umukanda.

Mu Rwanda rero ubu missions zabaye nk'uburyo bwo gutubura umushahara. Missions zimwe zo mu mahanga si ngombwa  mu gihe hari za Ambassades zashobora kuzijyamo. Kuriha amafaranga y'abakozi bo muri Ambassades ukariha na ya za missions ni ukuriha kabiri.

Niba hari missions igombwa gukorerwa mu gihugu runaka hatari Ambassade y'u Rwanda, Umukozi wa Ambassade uhegereye yajyayo agatnga rapport ayiha Perezida wa Republika. Akandi kazi kagakorwa hagati y'u Rwanda imberemu gihugu na za Ambassades nyamahanga ziba mu Rwanda.

On Saturday, 12 March 2016, 12:14, "itwagira71 [Democracy_Human_Rights]" <> wrote:

KAGAME IGIHUGU CYAMUNANIYE!"Nabihanganiye bihagije" -Abwira abayobozi bahora muri za misiyo.UBANZA ARI WE WIVUGA?

Perezida Kagame yanenze abakozi ba leta bahora mu butumwa bw'akazi hanze y'igihugu, avuga ko arambiwe kumva ibintu nk'ibyo ndetse ko bikwiye kurangira burundu.
Mu ijambo rye yagize ati "Njya mbaza minisitiri w'Imari, nti ndebera amafaranga agenda muri za misiyo uko angana. Ni menshi ntabwo agira uko agana."
Perezida Kagame yavuze abayobozi bahora mu butumwa bw'akazi batajya batanga ibisobanuro ku butumwa bagiyemo ngo ni yo babitanze ngo bavuga ko ibyo bagiyeho byihutirwa.
Ati " Ubwa mbere ngitangira, nagiye mbaza abantu mu nzego za leta nti ariko nubwo ntashaka gufunga ngo mvuge ngo nta muntu uzagira aho ajya kuko ntabwo byashoboka kuko ni igihugu kigira uko kigomba kugenderana n'ibindi, ariko reka tugire isobanurampamvu."
"Niba ari ukuvuga ngo ni za misiyo za ba minisitiri, za bande, bagiye kugenda, tuvuge ngo agiye kuri iyi misiyo kandi ifitiye igihugu akamaro runaka. Tujye tubishyira mu bisobanuro na mbere y'uko uruhushya rwo kugenda ruboneka. Bijyaho… nkabona abasaba kugenda, nkareba mu bintu byose batanze ya mpamvu irabuze. Niyo ayishyizeho aravuga gusa ngo ni ibintu byihutirwa bifitiye igihugu akamaro gusa, akarekera aho."
Umukuru w'Igihugu yavuze ko yagerageje kureba uburyo amafaranga atangwa muri misiyo agabanuka, gusa ngo aho bigeze bikwiye gufatirwa umwanzuro bigacika burundu kuko bitumvikana ukuntu ngo umuyobozi yamara igihe kinini hanze kurusha mu Rwanda aho akora.
Yatanze urugero avuga ko buri gihe mu nama y'Abaminisitiri haba harimo bamwe basibye ngo bagiye mu butumwa bw'akazi.
Ati "Nzajya ngira inama n'abaminisitiri iteka hari abaminisitiri batanu bagiye muri misiyo? Njye ntabwo nabyemera."
Yakomeje avuga ko Perezida wa Tanzania, John Pombe Magufuli yakoze neza agaca burundu ibijyanye na misiyo.
Ati "Nemeranya na Perezida wa Tanzania uburyo yakuyeho burundu ibijyanye na za misiyo […] nagerageje kubitwara mu kinyabupfura, ndahendahenda ariko byanze, ntabwo nshaka kubona abaminisitiri hanze y'u Rwanda kurusha uko baba hano mu gihugu. Nihanganye bihagije, kwihangana kugiye kurangira."
Ubusanzwe umukozi wa Leta ugiye mu mahugurwa mu mahanga ahabwa impamba y'urugendo ingana n'amadorari y'amanyamerika magana abiri (200 US $) yuzuye yo kwitwaza.

Envoyé depuis mon appareil Samsung


Posted by: Alfred Nganzo <>
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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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-SVP, considérer  environnement   avant toute  impression de  cet e-mail ou les pièces jointes.
-Please consider the environment before printing this email or any attachments.



-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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