
Thursday, 7 January 2016

Contrôleur de gestion international H/F – Paris

Contrôleur de gestion international H/F – Paris


Contrôleur de gestion international H/F – Paris

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 04:04 PM PST

Offres d'emploi » Contrôleur de gestion international H/F – Paris Description La Croix-Rouge française intervient dans plus de 28 pays, en Afrique, Asie, Moyen Orient et Caraïbes au travers de plus de 100 projets, sur diverses thématiques : lutte contre le VIH, promotion à l'hygiène, reconstruction, formation au secourisme, santé publique et communautaire, nutrition, aide […]

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Juriste (H/F)

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 03:57 PM PST

Offres d'emploi » Juriste (H/F) Description Médecins du Monde, association médicale militante de solidarité internationale, s'engage depuis plus de 30 ans à soigner les populations les plus vulnérables ici et là-bas, à témoigner des entraves constatées quant à l'accès aux soins, à obtenir des améliorations durables des politiques de santé pour tous. Association indépendante nous […]

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Responsable National(e) de Groupes Communautaires – CDD

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 03:54 PM PST

Offres d'emploi » Responsable National(e) de Groupes Communautaires – CDD remplacement congé maladie Description Emmaüs , mouvement solidaire et laïc, né de la rencontre de l'abbé Pierre et d'un ancien bagnard, est engagé depuis 1949 dans la lutte contre la pauvreté et l'exclusion. Aujourd'hui Emmaüs en France, ce sont 8 050 bénévoles, 4 127 compagnons […]

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Un(e) Chargé/e des systèmes et réseaux informatique

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 03:49 PM PST

Offres d'emploi » SIEGE – Un(e) Chargé/e des systèmes et réseaux informatique Description Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) est une organisation non gouvernementale de solidarité internationale, à but non lucratif, apolitique et laïque. L'ensemble de ses personnels se mobilise au quotidien pour couvrir les besoins fondamentaux des victimes civiles mises en péril, marginalisées ou exclues par […]

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Chargé de missions comptabilité et gestion

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 03:45 PM PST

Offres d'emploi » Adjoint au RAF – Chargé de missions comptabilité et gestion – PlaNet ADAM Description I. Rôles et responsabilités L'Adjoint au RAF est responsable de : Suivre l'exécution budgétaire de la Tête de Réseau et des PlaNet ADAM. Plus particulièrement, l'Adjoint au RAF: Appuie le Responsable administratif et financier dans la production des […]

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Un(e) Chargé(e) de Recrutement

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 03:39 PM PST

Offres d'emploi » SIEGE – Un(e) Chargé(e) de Recrutement Description Première Urgence InternationalePUI_logo-fond-blanc est une ONG humanitaire présente dans une vingtaine de pays, en Afrique, en Asie, en Europe et au Moyen-Orient. Elle vient en aide aux personnes victimes de situations dramatiques – guerres, déplacements forcés, catastrophes naturelles. A travers 140 projets par an, elle […]

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Un/e Chargé/e de Logistique Missions

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 03:33 PM PST

Offres d'emploi » SIEGE – Un/e Chargé/e de Logistique Missions Description Première Urgence InternationalePUI_logo-fond-blanc est une Organisation Non Gouvernementale de solidarité internationale, à but non lucratif, apolitique et laïque. L'ensemble de ses personnels se mobilise au quotidien pour couvrir les besoins fondamentaux des victimes civiles mises en péril, marginalisées ou exclues par les effets de […]

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Cameroun – Chef de Mission (H/F) – Bertoua

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 03:23 PM PST

Offres d'emploi » Cameroun – Chef de Mission (H/F) – Bertoua Description Date de rédaction : 06/01/15 Date de prise de fonction souhaitée : 21/03/2016 Durée de la mission : 6 mois Localisation : Bertoua/Yaoundé, Cameroun "Le premier travail d'un manager n'est pas d'apporter la motivation mais de supprimer les obstacles." – Scott Adams Que […]

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[] The @Rwanda is sliding into a new tragedy. And this time we’re funding it.



Rwanda is sliding into a new tragedy. And this time we're funding it

Never lighthearted, my African political exile friend sounded particularly lugubrious on the line from Washington. His voice was low and pensive. For the past few months, he said, he'd been hearing of plans hatched by the regime back home for his assassination. 'They are very gruesome, very gruesome indeed.'
It was not the first time. In the past he'd always passed the details on to the FBI, which had also called him up several times when they thought he was in danger. This time he hadn't bothered. 'I always ask them: 'What are you doing to protect me?' and they say, 'Well, if you see anything suspicious, call 911.' I've come to the conclusion that the people here, or the people in your place, honestly don't care about our lives.'
I've had similar conversations with rather too many of his haunted fellow nationals, dissidents convinced that fleeing the country of their birth has done little to guarantee protection from an African government they dared to challenge. What's chilling is that the nation concerned is not some oil or diamond giant whose wealth allows it to arrogantly defy international opprobrium, some drug-trafficking republic run by a crazed general. This is no failed state, torn apart by warring militias.
No, it's orderly little Rwanda, the ultimate 'donor darling', and a government that relies on western aid for nearly 40 per cent of its operating budget, much of it provided by the United States and United Kingdom. Its president, Paul Kagame, hobnobs with the likes of Bill Gates, Bill Clinton and the Blairs — Tony advises him on governance and Cherie recently defended his spy chief on war crimes charges in a British court. Kagame so impressed the organisers in Davos that Kigali is due to host the African edition of the World Economic Forum in May.
You might think the intimacy of that relationship would grant western officials some leverage on behalf of the likes of Theo-gene Rudasingwa, founding member of the Rwanda National Congress (RNC) party, who shared his concerns over the phone. Or that Kagame's regime might think twice before embarrassing its western sponsors. You'd be wrong.
As the man who has run the country since a genocide perpetrated by the late Juvénal Habyarimana's forces shows signs of becoming permanently entrenched, suppressing all criticism and contemptuous of international opinion, the response by British and US policymakers goes little further than putting their fingers in their ears and singing 'la la la'.
Any student of the Great Lakes will already be familiar with the claims and counterclaims that have swirled around the region since the 1994 genocide. Well-informed analysts reject the neat theory of the 'double genocide', whereby killings of nearly a million Tutsis and moderate Hutus by Habyarimana's soldiers and militiamen were somehow morally counterbalanced by the massacres of Hutus committed by Kagame's advancing Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) rebel movement. But anyone who reads Jason Stearns's Dancing in the Glory of Monsters can be in little doubt there is copious blood on RPF hands, shed in both Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. This is a complex story, without easily identifiable goodies and baddies.
So Kagame has always been accused of ruthlessness, but the violence was excused in Washington and London on the grounds that Rwanda sat in a tough neighbourhood. A regime that had ended a genocide could not be expected to respect the Marquess of Queensbury rules, the thinking went. But what the international community, mired in guilt for failing to stop the 1994 massacres, fails to register is that the human rights charges now being lodged against Kigali can't be viewed through the traditional lens of scarred Tutsi survivors hitting out at unrepentant Hutu genocidaires. Like most of Kagame's most vocal critics today, Theogene Rudasingwa is a Tutsi. He was once Kagame's chief of staff and Rwanda's ambassador to the US.
Kayumba Nyamwasa, who was shot in the stomach in a South African shopping mall in 2010 and lives under armed guard in that country, was the Rwandan army's chief of staff before setting up the RNC. He also is a Tutsi. So was co-founder Patrick Karegeya, former Rwandan intelligence chief, strangled last year in a South African hotel. These men were not saints, but it's difficult to portray them as genocidaires either, although the regime in Kigali does its best. No, this is a case of the revolution devouring itself, as possible political rivals and successors from within the RPF's cosy Tutsi elite are systematically eliminated.
Shockingly, national borders count for nothing in Kagame's campaign of removal and intimidation, a recklessness that can only be premised on the all-too-accurate assumption that western donors whose territorial sovereignty is violated in this way may fulminate in public but never take substantive action.
Not only have US authorities felt impelled to inform Rwandan dissidents on American soil that they are in danger — a congressman recently revealed that they issued a formal warning to Major Robert Higiro, a former Rwandan army officer who exposed Kigali's assassination plans and was living in Belgium, telling him his life would be in danger if he stayed there.
The British have taken similar action in the past, too. In May 2011, the Metropolitan Police formally warned two Rwandan dissidents living in London that they faced an 'imminent threat' of assassination and turned back their suspected attacker, who had taken the coach from Belgium to Folkestone.
Logged by Human Rights Watch, the series of killings, disappearances, kidnappings and jailings appears to have escalated as Kagame's personal ambition has hardened. Last month, in a referendum whose outcome bore more than a whiff of Ceausescu's Romania, 98 per cent of Rwandans voted for a constitutional change allowing Kagame to run for a third, fourth and fifth term. In his new year's address, to no one's surprise, he confirmed that he would stand. That means he could still be in power in 2034.
The US has made clear its disapproval, with Samantha Power, ambassador to the United Nations, surprisingly forthright on the topic. However, it's hard to imagine Washington, which puts great weight on Rwanda's readiness to deploy troops as peacekeepers in African hot spots, putting its aid money where its mouth is.
And what about Britain, due to provide Kigali with at least £75 million in aid in 2015/16? Under Clare Short and Andrew Mitchell, the Department for International Development was an ideologically driven ministry, ready to robustly defend funding to the likes of Rwanda. Today's ring-fenced budget, legally enshrined at a time when so much public spending faces the axe, should in theory boost institutional confidence. Instead, the department under Justine Greening, who never asked for the job, appears to lack both backbone and moral conviction.
These days it's virtually impossible for journalists to meet anyone in authority at Dfid, including Greening. Colleagues' experiences tally with mine. When I asked the press office whether Dfid felt any qualms about funding an African government that was conducting targeted assassinations on its allies' territory, it sidestepped the question, stressing that no aid goes directly into Rwanda's Treasury, as though that dealt with the issue. 'The UK government will continue to make decisions concerning aid to Rwanda based on the government's commitment to poverty reduction, anti-corruption, transparency, human rights and domestic accountability,' ran the bland Dfid statement I eventually received after a fortnight of chasing. 'As part of our bilateral partnership, we regularly raise concerns about civil and political rights in Rwanda and continue to press for reforms in these areas.'
The questions Dfid ducks so determinedly have never been more pertinent. In recent years, the quiet belief has taken hold in aid circles that benign dictators are better at delivering clean water, paved roads and primary education to 'the poorest of the poor' — always that justifying mantra — than messy, unstable democracies. Kagame, who used to share the crown with the late Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia, now epitomises this development model, a form of idealism that allows for some alarmingly cynical policies.
At the very least, the taxpaying British public should be allowed to debate whether its taxes should be going to prop up a regime that even its closest allies acknowledge routinely uses murder to crush political challenge. A thick grey wall of bureaucratic obfuscation currently ensures it never gets that chance.
Michela Wrong has reported from across Africa. Her books include In the Footsteps of Mr KurtzIt's Our Turn to Eat and, most recently, Borderlines, a thriller.

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Posted by: Samuel Desire <>
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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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Wednesday, 6 January 2016

[] Rwanda: le livre de Mado


Livre Mado

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


Posted by: Nzinink <>
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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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Tuesday, 5 January 2016

[] Re: Révélations: Les mercenaires rwandais FDLR contrôlent le Burundi


Attention Lecteurs/Readers Beware!
---Bisa bidasa---

1-Burundi-24 Vs Burundi24
2-Umuvugizi wa Gasasira Vs Unuvugizi wa Ndahiro
On Jan 4, 2016, at 7:25 PM, Billy Thekid <> wrote:

Révélations: Les mercenaires rwandais FDLR contrôlent le Burundi

Interahamwe burundi
Cet INTERAHAMWE a été sauvé en septembre pour avoir reconnu ses collègues FDRL au sein de l'armée burundaise
Depuis décembre 2015 les FDLR contrôlent toute l'armée, la police nationale et aussi les miliciens burundais Imbonerakure.
Nkurunziza est surveillé par des membres d'élite des FDLR et il est pratiquement leur otage.
Après la création du FOREBU, le régime et Nkurunziza ont essayé de negocier un compromis avec l'aide du médiateur ougandais le président Yoweri Museveni. Le compromis se base sur un gouvernement d'unité nationale avec la présence des éléments moins compromis du CNDD-FDD et l'abdication de Nkurunziza sur assurance d'immunité.
Ce compromis a été détruit par le haut Commandement des FDLR à Goma et à Paris. Les FDLR ont forcé Nkurunziza de s'opposer à la force de paix de l'Union Africaine et d'informer que les négociations prévues à Arusha n'allaient pas  enregistrer la présence du « gouvernement burundais ».
Au Burundi, le contrôle du pays a été confié aux membres militaires et politiques des FDLR suivants:
Contrôle politique sur le Burundi et coordination des actions politiques – militaires dans le pays: Felicen Kabuga, l'homme d'affaires rwandais bailleur des fonds du gouvernement Habyrimana pendant le génocide de 1994 au Rwanda.
Felicien Kabuga décide la politique du CNDD-FDD et il est l'auteur du discours à la Nation de fin d'année 2015 prononcée par Nkurunziza.
Responsable des opérations militaires et du génocide au Burundi: Colonel Kabuyoya Anaclet Hitimana, ancien officier de gendarmerie du régime de Habyrimana et haut commandant des forces génocidaires pendant l'holocauste de 1994 au Rwanda. Le Colonel Kabuyoya assure la coordination entre les FDLR et les mercenaires congolais Mai Mai envoyés par le président Joseph Kabila et commande les opérations militaires en collaboration avec le général congolais Delphin Kayimbi.
Nkurunziza et le CNDD-FDD sont désormais des personnes sans pouvoir, en otage des FDLR.
Le seul burundais ayant un pouvoir est le Commandant de la police Godefroid Bisimana jugé fiable par le Haut commandement des FDLR.
Les opérations militaires FDLR au Burundi sont décidées par le général Sylvestre Mudacumura.
Malgré un mandat d'arrêt de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) il circule tranquillement à Goma (Nord-Kivu) et entretien des rapports public avec hauts gradués de l'armée française envoyé par Paris en 2013 pour entrainer le FDLR. Les opérations politiques et la stratégie générale sont coordonnées par le Bureau Politique FDLR à Paris avec le soutien actif mais discret de la France.
Le 19 juin 2015 le FDLR déclara sur Twitter qu'ils ne sont pas présents au Burundi. C'est la seule mention officielle sur le Burundi fait en 2015.
NDLR: Révélations traduites de l'anglais par notre redaction.


Posted by: Nzinink <>
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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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[] TR: Paul Kagame ashobora kuzira kutumva inama agirwa n' amahanga.


Niba mwibuka uko byagendekeye Habyarimana, ntimukeneye nabusa dogiteri ubigisha ibyabashyikira, USA , UK, etc.  barekuye leta ya Kagame! 

De : Icare Dedale <>
Envoyé : lundi 4 janvier 2016 20:43
À : Icare Dedale
Objet : Paul Kagame ashobora kuzira kutumva inama agirwa n' amahanga.

Impuguke mu mibanire mpuzamahanga akaba n'umwarimu muri Kaminuza y'u Rwanda, Dr.Christopher Kayumba, aragira inama Leta y'u Rwanda kudaceceka ku byo itangazwaho n'ibihugu bikomeye, ku ngingo irebana n'icyemezo cya Perezida Kagame cyo kongera kwiyamamariza kuyobora igihugu nyuma ya 2017.

Ku wa Gatandatu tariki ya 2 Mutarama 2015, Leta Zunze Ubumwe z'Amerika zasohoye itangazo zivuga ko zitewe impungenge n'iki cyemezo cya Perezida Kagame, kuko ngo ari ukwirengagiza urwego rwa demokarasi u Rwanda rwari rumaze kugeraho mu myaka 20 ishize.

Mu kiganiro Radio KFM yagiranye na Dr.Kayumba kuri uyu wa mbere tariki 4 Mutarama, yagaragaje ingaruka zo gushyirwa mu majwi n'ibihugu bikomeye nka Amerika n'u Bwongereza, agira inama u Rwanda yo gufata iya mbere rukifashisha inzira zose zishoboka mu gusobanurira abadashyigikiye iriya ngingo, ariko bigakorwa mu buryo bwateguwe neza.

U Rwanda ngo rutabikoze byazagira ingaruka zikomeye bitewe nuko ibyo ibihugu bikomeye bivuga biba bifite agaciro gakomeye, kandi bijya kubivuga byashyize imbere inyungu zabyo.

Ingaruka byagira ku bihugu byashyizwe mu majwi

Dr. Kayumba avuga ko biriya bihugu bifite ijwi rikomeye mu miryango mpuzamahanga nka Loni, Banki y'isi, cyangwa ikigega cy'Isi cy'imari (IMF), kuba rero byashyira mu majwi igihugu cyangwa umuyobozi bishobora kugira ingaruka mbi.

Yagize ati"Iyo ibyo bihugu bishyize umuyobozi runaka cyangwa igihugu runaka mu majwi, bashobora kugenda bavuga icyo gihugu nabi cyangwa n'uwo muyobozi nabi ku buryo wakomanga ahantu ushaka nk'ubufasha, inguzanyo, ugasanga barangije izina ryawe."

Izi ngaruka mu bukungu zishobora kwiyongeraho iz'imiyoborere y'igihugu n'imibanire yacyo n'ibindi, bitewe n'uko ibihugu bikomeye bishobora kugikomanyiriza ntikigire ijambo.

Umukoro w'u Rwanda ku byo ruvugwaho n'ibihugu bikomeye

Mu rwego rwo kwirinda ingaruka ziterwa no gushyirwa mu majwi n'ibihugu bikomeye, Dr.Kayumba asanga Ambasade z'u Rwanda mu bihugu n'ibiro by'umuvugizi w'u Rwanda bagomba gutangira kare basobanura ibyakozwe mu Itegeko Nshinga ry'u Rwanda, uko byakozwe n'impamvu ibyo bintu byubahirije amategeko kandi bigomba gushyigikirwa.

Yagize ati"Icyakorwa ni uko Ambasade ziri mu gihugu runaka zigomba kuvugira icyo gihugu neza, zigasobanura ibyakozwe n'uko byakozwe, n'impamvu amahanga yakabaye yubaha ibikorwa mu Rwanda kandi akabishyigikira".

Akomeza avuga ko u Rwanda rugomba gusobanura ibyakozwe kugeza muri referandumu, aho Abanyarwanda bemeye yuko Perezida Kagame azongera akiyamamaza bwa gatatu. Impamvu ngo ni uko hari ahandi biriya bihugu byavuze biti wakosheje ntabwo tubishaka ugasanga bigize ingaruka mbi.

Dr. Kayumba atanga inama yo kubisobanura hakoreshejwe itangazamakuru, ibiganiro byeruye, kubivuga mu miryango mpuzamahanga, mu nama zitandukanye kugira ngo isi idakomeza gufata ibyakozwe mu Rwanda nko kwica amategeko.

Yagize ati"U Rwanda rudakoze ibintu runaka, bishobora kuva mu rwego rwo gutanga amatangazo ahubwo bagafata ibyemezo bigira ingaruka. Nk'igihugu ntabwo upfa guhagarara ukavuga ngo barabizi, urongera ukabisubiraho, abadipolomate bakagenda bacengeza mu bafata ibyemezo mu bihugu bikomeye ibirimo gukorwa n'impamvu bagomba kubishyigikira."

Leta Zunze Ubumwe z'Amerika n'u Bwongereza ni bimwe mu bihugu bikomeye bigaragaza ko bidashyigikiye gahunda yo guhindura Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika y'u Rwanda, kugira ngo Perezida Kagame yongere kwiyamamariza kuyobora igihugu nyuma ya 2017.
Dr Kayumba Christopher, umwarimu muri Kaminuza y'u Rwanda



Posted by: kota venant <>
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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
-To post a message:; .To join:; -To unsubscribe from this group,send an email to:
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-SVP, considérer  environnement   avant toute  impression de  cet e-mail ou les pièces jointes.
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-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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