
Friday, 20 March 2015

FW: [] Who Is Afraid Of The Rwanda Regime?


Ubu bwoba bwazonze abanyarwanda babuterwa n'bibi bishoramo bashaka amaronko agayitse,  ntakindi.

None se uzaba umaza kubeshyera abandi kugeza ubicisha, ulye amafranga ya Kagame na RPF ubabeshya ngo uliho urabatechnikira, uzonge abaturage ubabeshya unabasenyera, hanyuma nibakuvumbura ukirukanka witwaje amanasiyonaliti n'inshuti mwakuranye ibibi zili muli za ambassade, maze ubure kugenda ubundabunda ngo abo wagambaniye, wambuye, wakoreye ibitavugwa, wabeshye batakubona? Nicyo Kagame na RPF bateze bya byimane "Semuhanuka-Nyirarunyonga-Kamegeli-Ngunda"  babibeshya ngo babiboneye amarongo, yahe arakajya!


Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2015 15:49:11 -0400
Subject: [] Who Is Afraid Of The Rwanda Regime?


"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


Posted by: kota venant <>
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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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Thursday, 19 March 2015

[] Rwanda: Issues in One Laptop per Child programme


[...] According to the Auditor General's report that covered the year ending July 2014, on the implementation of One Laptop per Child programme in schools, there were operational challenges which were feared to limit the programme from achieving its intended objectives.

The report indicated that, out of 2,334 schools targeted by the programme for distribution by 2017, only 407 schools had received laptops by April 2014 and there was no clear roll out plan covering the remaining schools.

"There was no integration plan showing how the One Laptop programme will be integrated with the primary schools curriculum in Rwanda and no assessment criteria for children under the One Laptop programme," the report said.

Site visits made to different schools across the country revealed that a number of laptops had gone missing (528 laptops were missing in 35 of 67 schools visited).

"In most schools, laptops are still kept in boxes and store rooms and have not been put to use, while 42 out of 67 schools visited had laptops in boxes)," the report noted.

The laptops are not yet loaded with e-Learning modules and many schools use few of them for ICT lessons. Many schools do not have teaching of ICT or use of laptops on their school timetables. This has limited pupils' use of the laptops as a tool for learning.

The report further says that 4,730 laptops were distributed to 13 schools which had no access to electricity between 2010 and 2013.

The laptops stayed unutilised for between one and four years and were only re-distributed to other schools in March 2014 [...]

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


Posted by: Nzinink <>
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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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[] Rwanda’s lion and political hyenas


Rwanda's lion and political hyenas: The legacy of a failed president that some want to keep in power by breaching the nation's constitution. Read on...
"I have followed with – I must avow- a bit of intellectual laziness, the monologue of the Kagame third term talk, that some misrepresent as a debate. Finally from my lethargy comes a vivid image- that of a lion and its prey and hyenas prowling around, knowing that finally the prey will go down and the lion will take out the heart, and leave the rest of the carcass to them.
Fred Mufulukye the Director in Rwanda's Ministry of local government; Joseph Rwagatare from the President's office; Nshuti Manasseh former boss of RPF business empire; Pierre Damien Habumuremyi sacked PM; Senator Joseph Karemera aging and sickly; and Evode Uwizeyimana brought from the cold from exile in Canada to be deputy head of lawreform and those of their ilk, are just political hyenas propelled by greed, but kept at bay by fear of the lion, Kagame.
In Rwanda's Orwellian game park, there happens to be just too many hyenas that Kagame himself remarked recently at the Leaders Retreat in Gabiro Combat Training Centre, thatthe peoplehe was addressing were made of the same material like those he once fought as a revolutionary.
Nobody is surprised that Rwagatare writes his piece in praise of Kagame; that is his job. He would be reprimanded for not doing so. 
Evode Uwizeyimana brought in from exile and given a post in Law Reform Commission looks like a mercenary on hire, and wants to show gratitude for lost time in opposition politics. He will be instrumental in proposing amendments to the constitution and has expressed desire to 'break down' articles of the constitution that put term limits to the presidency.
Damien Habumuremyi out of limbo after being ejected out of the Premiership seat and put in charge of Heroes' mausoleums is trying to shout himself out of Hades. Climbing up the political rut he dug himself into before his sacking, will need to placate the RPF. And this he did when he apologized during an RPF politburo meeting that he misused his office for personal gain. Having survived going to jail after forgiveness by the party, he will be used as a political mop for a long while.
Senator Karemera, long-time RPF cadre who should have the political ruggedness and wisdom to say what his heart tells him- is old, sickly and broken and wants to die peacefully.
Karugarama the turn-coat
Former Justice Minister Tharcisse Karugarama, who is now out of work, surprised many recently when he went public with an apology over the statement in international Media criticizing Kagame's third term bid. As one of the brains behind the formation of the RANU-RPF in late 80's and early 90's, it is pathetic that he is now crawling for mercy.
With emptying pockets and uncertainty of being on the other side of power, he can become part of the political hyena pack.
There is a reason for each of the apologetics of the Kagame's third term to suggest fear, greed and lack of vision and patriotism.
Kagame knows they are 'pathetic and full of themselves and for what'?!
Kagame is frustrated that there is no verve in Rwanda's political class. Kagame would love to see a pride of lions by his side, but instead he seems to have raised a pack of hyenas, critics say. Pity."
The above quote is an edited extract. Photo is one of the author. For those whose access is not blocked by Kagame's junta, you can read the original story at
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"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


Posted by: Nzinink <>
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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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-SVP, considérer  environnement   avant toute  impression de  cet e-mail ou les pièces jointes.
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[] Le procès de Bosco Ntaganda en RDC - BBC Afrique


Le procès de Bosco Ntaganda en RDC - BBC Afrique

"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


Posted by: Nzinink <>
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-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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[] Who Is Afraid Of The Rwanda Regime?


"Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate. Only Love Can Do That", Dr. Martin Luther King.


Posted by: Nzinink <>
Reply via web post Reply to sender Reply to group Start a New Topic Messages in this topic (1)
-Ce dont jai le plus peur, cest des gens qui croient que, du jour  au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre.
-The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
-I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.
-The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
-To post a message:; .To join:; -To unsubscribe from this group,send an email to:
-More news:
-SVP, considérer  environnement   avant toute  impression de  cet e-mail ou les pièces jointes.
-Please consider the environment before printing this email or any attachments.



-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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