
Monday, 16 September 2013

Rwanda: Who has Kagame been fooling with his elections?

Effectively there is no political opposition to the Rwandan Patriotic Front. Why then entering the ring to fight an absent opponent? Guess why?

Effectively there is no political opposition to the Rwandan Patriotic Front. Why then entering the ring to fight an absent opponent? Guess why?

On September 16th, 2013 Rwanda goes again to elect its members of parliament. When a dictator decides that his citizens should not have a say in anything concerning their lives, an ethical question arises of why he should pressure them into elections.

If it was up to them they would not surely participate willingly to the electoral process. With or without elections, the result is nothing else but the same policies and mechanisms of oppression from the regime. Rwandan masses cannot expect any different outcome from any Rwandan Patriotic Front's election.

Consequently, the rationale of holding elections in the Rwandan situation needs to be found elsewhere than in the essence of election which is the search of objective representation of the people and some level of accountability of elected individuals before their electorate.

It is a fact that members of the Rwandan parliament don't represent any of the peoples' constituencies, except those not necessarily geographical serving the regime. Even the so widely praised and significant number of women in that parliament is there not to advocate for women's issues but instead to fool the rest of the world into believing that the Rwandan Patriotic Front cares about them. Obviously it takes credit and advantage of the created image for the country: a place where women are like queens and cared for.

Having said that, if the Rwandan president and his dictatorial system don't stage elections for Rwandans, who do they then perform them for? This is a critical question.

Dictators are pretentious people. They cannot be real, if they did by accident, they would lose their power instantly. They stage elections in order to pretend they operate in the norms of the politically acceptable standards. They are trying to be like others though it takes them tremendous efforts and ingenuity to be able to fool everyone not well informed about their tricks.

The Rwandan president has to fool donors that his government and institutions are somehow representatives of the will of the people. He badly needs such image because without it he cannot collect external aid from partner countries. The irony of the election masquerade is that these countries take it as a reflection of an acceptable democracy, then pledge their taxpayers' money to the Kagame's regime. If the citizens in these donor countries were well informed, they would surely make their governments change their minds about Rwanda and its system of leadership.

Another irony and even laughable side of the story is that sometime the dictator would use whenever necessary his rubber-stamping parliament to enact certain decisions, and other times by-passing it for some other very important ones such as going to war, dispossessing or starving deliberately some sections of the population, or discriminating among Rwandan children about their right to education, and so forth.

He is however also fooling Rwandans in many ways through his sham elections. They are being forced to vote on lists of fake candidates [paraded as so for the sake of it], while he has already selected who will be sitting in his parliament. He has to play this game as a necessary investment for his system which needs external financial support to operate and oppress persistently the majority of its citizens.

I am totally convinced that if Rwandans wanted strongly to end Kagame's foolishness of elections they could. It is not about its stupidity only they need to act against but also because of the numerous crimes it enables in the name of democracy.

At the end, is the Rwandan regime seriously fooling anybody? I don't think so. It is only those who feel comfortable in being fooled who believe its electoral treacheries. Unfortunately such comfort can be considered as criminal as it is allowing the commission of crimes which has not stopped for all the time the Rwandan Patriotic Front has been in power.

Rwanda: Who has Kagame been fooling with his elections?

Effectively there is no political opposition to the Rwandan Patriotic Front. Why then entering the ring to fight an absent opponent? Guess why?

Effectively there is no political opposition to the Rwandan Patriotic Front. Why then entering the ring to fight an absent opponent? Guess why?

On September 16th, 2013 Rwanda goes again to elect its members of parliament. When a dictator decides that his citizens should not have a say in anything concerning their lives, an ethical question arises of why he should pressure them into elections.

If it was up to them they would not surely participate willingly to the electoral process. With or without elections, the result is nothing else but the same policies and mechanisms of oppression from the regime. Rwandan masses cannot expect any different outcome from any Rwandan Patriotic Front's election.

Consequently, the rationale of holding elections in the Rwandan situation needs to be found elsewhere than in the essence of election which is the search of objective representation of the people and some level of accountability of elected individuals before their electorate.

It is a fact that members of the Rwandan parliament don't represent any of the peoples' constituencies, except those not necessarily geographical serving the regime. Even the so widely praised and significant number of women in that parliament is there not to advocate for women's issues but instead to fool the rest of the world into believing that the Rwandan Patriotic Front cares about them. Obviously it takes credit and advantage of the created image for the country: a place where women are like queens and cared for.

Having said that, if the Rwandan president and his dictatorial system don't stage elections for Rwandans, who do they then perform them for? This is a critical question.

Dictators are pretentious people. They cannot be real, if they did by accident, they would lose their power instantly. They stage elections in order to pretend they operate in the norms of the politically acceptable standards. They are trying to be like others though it takes them tremendous efforts and ingenuity to be able to fool everyone not well informed about their tricks.

The Rwandan president has to fool donors that his government and institutions are somehow representatives of the will of the people. He badly needs such image because without it he cannot collect external aid from partner countries. The irony of the election masquerade is that these countries take it as a reflection of an acceptable democracy, then pledge their taxpayers' money to the Kagame's regime. If the citizens in these donor countries were well informed, they would surely make their governments change their minds about Rwanda and its system of leadership.

Another irony and even laughable side of the story is that sometime the dictator would use whenever necessary his rubber-stamping parliament to enact certain decisions, and other times by-passing it for some other very important ones such as going to war, dispossessing or starving deliberately some sections of the population, or discriminating among Rwandan children about their right to education, and so forth.

He is however also fooling Rwandans in many ways through his sham elections. They are being forced to vote on lists of fake candidates [paraded as so for the sake of it], while he has already selected who will be sitting in his parliament. He has to play this game as a necessary investment for his system which needs external financial support to operate and oppress persistently the majority of its citizens.

I am totally convinced that if Rwandans wanted strongly to end Kagame's foolishness of elections they could. It is not about its stupidity only they need to act against but also because of the numerous crimes it enables in the name of democracy.

At the end, is the Rwandan regime seriously fooling anybody? I don't think so. It is only those who feel comfortable in being fooled who believe its electoral treacheries. Unfortunately such comfort can be considered as criminal as it is allowing the commission of crimes which has not stopped for all the time the Rwandan Patriotic Front has been in power.


Referring to the article 55 of the statute of the Social Party P.S IMBERAKURI such as published in Official Gazette n° 45 of 09/11/2009, the National Council of the party P.S IMBERAKURI held an extraordinary meeting on September 07, 2013 and took the following resolutions:

In a particular way:

1. Having analysed the problem in which the party was plunged to by the enemies of the democracy; noticing in particular the imprisonment of the Founder and President of the party, Me Bernard NTAGANDA who, like his fellows prisoners don't have the basic rights of a human person; having been informed that Me Bernard NTAGANDA always continue to undergo ill treatment related in particular to the refusal of getting visit from his family and party militants, getting food adapted to his health condition as prescribed by his doctor and the refusal to go to hospital; the National Council of the party P.S IMBERAKURI firstly thank the leaders and militants of the party who continue to be faithful to the ideology of the ideals of democracy which is the goal of the party PS IMBERAKURI;

2. The National Council was pleased with the action made by the party in presenting its list of candidates to the upcoming legislatives elections although the electoral commission acting under the cupola of the government of the RPF in Kigali refused the list of the party PS IMBERAKURI;

3. The National Council examined the working manner of the leader bodies of the party and took the following resolutions:

• Having noted that the Secretary General of the party, Mrs Immaculate UWIZEYE KANSIIME who was sent in a working mission in Europe in January 2013 didn't came back and didn't give any explanation on the reason which forced her to not return; that she didn't give any report of her mission; considering that the activities of the Secretary General are based in the country at the headquarter of the party; the National Council consider that Mrs Immaculate UWIZEYE KANSIIME has seriously failed to fulfil her obligations. Thus, the Council made the decision to inform to whom it may concern that Mrs Immaculate UWIZEYE KANSIIME can't no longer engage the party any more putting in front the post of the Secretary General with which she was in charge;
• The National Council set up a commission with objective to support the committee to analyze the ways and means to reinforce the activities of the party. In its attribution, the commission will examine the reason which made that Mrs Immaculate UWIZEYE KANSIIME didn't return. The commission will examine with her what the party can do for her or what she can do for the party where she is. The conclusions on the case of Mrs Immaculate UWIZEYE KANSIIME will be given to the National Council within two weeks. This commission is headed by Mr Jean-Claude NDAMIRA, President of the party in the capital town of Kigali and has one month mandate which starts at the signature of these resolutions. Its mandate should be renewed once taking into account the reason which the commission would explain to the National Council;

4. The National Council welcomed well the wish of the Founder and President to set up an Executive Secretariat charged to coordinate all the activities of the party outside of the country. The Council also approved the nomination of Mr Jean - Baptiste RYUMUGABE, current representative of PS IMBERAKURI in Europe to the coordination of this Executive Secretariat. The main objectives and attributions of the Executive Secretariat are contained in the press release n° 020/P.S.IMB/013 of September 15, 2013;

5. By closing his meeting, the National Council wished that accent be put on the actions of the party concerning the daily problems of the population, which are the leitmotiv which guided the IMBERAKURI to take the flambeau and work in peace so that the democracy be installed in Rwanda. The Council reiterated all its support so that the objectives of the party are achieved.

6. These resolutions shall come into force the day of the signature.

Done in Kigali, September, 15 2013

First Vice President


Referring to the article 55 of the statute of the Social Party P.S IMBERAKURI such as published in Official Gazette n° 45 of 09/11/2009, the National Council of the party P.S IMBERAKURI held an extraordinary meeting on September 07, 2013 and took the following resolutions:

In a particular way:

1. Having analysed the problem in which the party was plunged to by the enemies of the democracy; noticing in particular the imprisonment of the Founder and President of the party, Me Bernard NTAGANDA who, like his fellows prisoners don't have the basic rights of a human person; having been informed that Me Bernard NTAGANDA always continue to undergo ill treatment related in particular to the refusal of getting visit from his family and party militants, getting food adapted to his health condition as prescribed by his doctor and the refusal to go to hospital; the National Council of the party P.S IMBERAKURI firstly thank the leaders and militants of the party who continue to be faithful to the ideology of the ideals of democracy which is the goal of the party PS IMBERAKURI;

2. The National Council was pleased with the action made by the party in presenting its list of candidates to the upcoming legislatives elections although the electoral commission acting under the cupola of the government of the RPF in Kigali refused the list of the party PS IMBERAKURI;

3. The National Council examined the working manner of the leader bodies of the party and took the following resolutions:

• Having noted that the Secretary General of the party, Mrs Immaculate UWIZEYE KANSIIME who was sent in a working mission in Europe in January 2013 didn't came back and didn't give any explanation on the reason which forced her to not return; that she didn't give any report of her mission; considering that the activities of the Secretary General are based in the country at the headquarter of the party; the National Council consider that Mrs Immaculate UWIZEYE KANSIIME has seriously failed to fulfil her obligations. Thus, the Council made the decision to inform to whom it may concern that Mrs Immaculate UWIZEYE KANSIIME can't no longer engage the party any more putting in front the post of the Secretary General with which she was in charge;
• The National Council set up a commission with objective to support the committee to analyze the ways and means to reinforce the activities of the party. In its attribution, the commission will examine the reason which made that Mrs Immaculate UWIZEYE KANSIIME didn't return. The commission will examine with her what the party can do for her or what she can do for the party where she is. The conclusions on the case of Mrs Immaculate UWIZEYE KANSIIME will be given to the National Council within two weeks. This commission is headed by Mr Jean-Claude NDAMIRA, President of the party in the capital town of Kigali and has one month mandate which starts at the signature of these resolutions. Its mandate should be renewed once taking into account the reason which the commission would explain to the National Council;

4. The National Council welcomed well the wish of the Founder and President to set up an Executive Secretariat charged to coordinate all the activities of the party outside of the country. The Council also approved the nomination of Mr Jean - Baptiste RYUMUGABE, current representative of PS IMBERAKURI in Europe to the coordination of this Executive Secretariat. The main objectives and attributions of the Executive Secretariat are contained in the press release n° 020/P.S.IMB/013 of September 15, 2013;

5. By closing his meeting, the National Council wished that accent be put on the actions of the party concerning the daily problems of the population, which are the leitmotiv which guided the IMBERAKURI to take the flambeau and work in peace so that the democracy be installed in Rwanda. The Council reiterated all its support so that the objectives of the party are achieved.

6. These resolutions shall come into force the day of the signature.

Done in Kigali, September, 15 2013

First Vice President


Se référant à l'article 55 des statuts du Parti Social IMBERAKURI (PS IMBERAKURI) tels que publiés dans le Journal Officiel de la République Rwandaise n° 45 du 09 Novembre 2009, le Conseil National du Parti PS IMBERAKURI s'est réuni de façon extraordinaire à Kigali ce 07 Septembre 2013 et a pris des résolutions suivantes :
De façon particulière :
1. Après avoir passé en revu les problèmes auxquels le parti a été plongé par les ennemis de la démocratie à savoir notamment l'emprisonnement du Président Fondateur Me Bernard NTAGANDA, qui , avec ses codétenus n'ont pas accès aux droits fondamentaux de la personne humaine ; ayant été informé que Me Bernard NTAGANDA continue toujours de subir des mauvais traitements liés notamment au refus du droit de visite, de recevoir une nourriture adaptée à sa condition de santé telle que prescrite par son médecin et de se faire soigne ; le Conseil National du parti PS IMBERAKURI a d'abord remercier les dirigeants du parti et les militants qui continuent à être fidèles aux idéaux de la démocratie que le parti PS IMBERAKURI s'est fixé ;
2. Le Conseil National s'est félicité de l'action posée par le parti en présentant sa liste de candidats aux législatives prochaines bien que la commission électorale agissant sous la coupole du pouvoir du FPR en place à Kigali ait refusé la liste du parti PS IMBERAKURI ;
3. Le Conseil National a examiné le fonctionnement des organes dirigeants du parti et a pris des résolutions suivantes :
• Ayant constaté que le Secrétaire Général du parti, Madame Immaculée UWIZEYE KANSIIME a été envoyée en mission de travail en Europe en Janvier 2013 ; qu'elle n'est pas rentrée et n'a donné aucune explication sur les raisons qui l'ont contrainte à ne pas rentrer ; qu'elle n'a même pas daigné faire rapport de sa mission ; se basant sur le fait que le poste de Secrétaire Général base ses actions dans le pays au siège même du parti ; le Conseil National a constaté que Madame Immaculée UWIZEYE KANSIIME a manqué gravement à ses obligations. Le Conseil a donc pris la décision d'informer qui de droit que Madame Immaculée UWIZEYE KANSIIME ne peut plus engager le parti en mettant en avant la fonction de Secrétaire Générale dont elle était chargée ;
• Le Conseil National a mis en place une commission chargée d'épauler le comité pour analyser les voies et moyens de revigorer le fonctionnement du parti. Dans ses attributions, la commission examinera les raisons qui ont fait que Madame Immaculée UWIZEYE KANSIIME n'est pas rentrée. La commission examinera avec elle en quoi le parti peut lui être utile ou en quoi elle peut être utile pour le parti. Les conclusions sur le cas de Madame Immaculée UWIZEYE KANSIIME seront remises au Conseil National dans les deux semaines. Cette commission dirigée par Monsieur Jean – Claude NDAMIRA, Président du parti dans la Ville de Kigali a un mandat d'un mois qui commence dès la signature de ces résolutions. Ce mandat pourra être renouvelé une seule fois compte tenu des raisons que la commission expliquerait au Conseil National ; 
4. Le Conseil National a bien accueilli le souhait du Président Fondateur de mettre sur pieds un Secrétariat Exécutif chargé de coordonner toutes les actions du parti à l'extérieur du pays. Le Conseil a aussi approuvé la nomination de Monsieur Jean – Baptiste RYUMUGABE, actuel représentant du parti PS IMBERAKURI en Europe à la Coordination de ce Secrétariat Exécutif. Les attributions du Secrétariat Exécutif sont contenues dans le communiqué de presse n° 020/P.S.IMB/013 du 15 Septembre 2013 ;
5. En clôturant ses travaux, le Conseil National a souhaité que l'accent soit mis sur les actions du parti visant les problèmes quotidiens de la population, lesquels sont le leitmotiv qui a guidé les IMBERAKURI à prendre le flambeau pour œuvrer dans la paix à ce que la démocratie soit installée au Rwanda. Le Conseil a réitéré tout son soutien afin que les objectifs du parti soient atteints.
6. Ces résolutions entre en vigueur le jour de la signature.

Fait à Kigali, le 15 Septembre 2013

Premier Vice Président

-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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