
Monday, 29 July 2013

Rwanda: A dead American officer used to discredit Human Rights Watch

Rwanda: A dead American officer used to discredit Human Rights Watch

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Rwanda attacks HRW

by Christophe Sangano

Who has interest in tarnishing the image and the work of Human Rights Watch in Rwanda? Who would go the extra mile in creating a fake 55-page report to discredit one of the world's leading independent organizations dedicated to defending and protecting human rights?

A fake report with an already dead author !

A newly opened blog on the internet with the name of The Travesty of Human Rights Watch on Rwanda published a report about the Human Rights Watch on Rwanda. The report is titled The Travesty of Human Rights Watch on Rwanda. The author of the report is said to be Richard G. Johnson.

In Summary, the report shows how "HRW's discourse on Rwanda over the past twenty years has been viscerally hostile to the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) which defeated the genocidal Hutu Power regime in 1994, and systematically biased in favor of letting unrepentant Hutu Power political forces back into Rwandan political life…"

Before the reader takes a deeper look into the report, one will notice that the blog is named after the report itself. The blog was open in March 2013 and has no posts, no other pages  except one page dated March 18, 2013 which contains the entire report dated March 19, 2013 and a link to download the report. In other words, the report was out on the internet (the 18th) before its own publication date (the 19th).

The Author of the report, who is also the owner of the blog is said to be "Richard G Johnson". Everyone will be surprised to know that the real Richard G. Johnson died in 2011 aged 90. In fact, according to Washington Post, Richard G. Johnson, 90, a retired political officer with the U.S. Foreign Service who specialized in Eastern European affairs, died on 19th November 2011 in his home in Potomac, Maryland, United States.

The problem is: the author died two years before the existence of the report and the blog belonging to him was also created by him two years after his own death. However, the same blog states that "he can be reached at".

Are we talking about the same person? Yes. Theauthor's profile on Blogger is of Richard Johnson who "served as a Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. Department of State from 1979 to 2002, specializing in Russian, East European and North African affairs…"

No international publisher, journal, newspaper or blog posted this report but to raise awareness of that report, only Rwanda-based media wrote articles mentioning it:

On 21st March 2013, two days after the report publication , News of Rwanda newspaper wrote "A retired American diplomat Richard Johnson has rapped Washington-based group Human Rights Watch (HRW) and said that what it does on Rwanda is not human rights advocacy, but rather political advocacy. In a well articulated document he called 'The Travesty of Human Rights Watch on Rwanda'; Johnson said that HWR has become profoundly unscrupulous in both its means and its ends."

On the 19 April 2013, The New Times referred to the report: "Last month, Richard Johnson, a retired American diplomat wrote a lengthy document; 'The travesty of Human Rights Watch on Rwanda' in which he says that HRW's discourse on Rwanda is a threat to peace and stability in the region."

A Ugandan newspaper The Independent published extracts from the report this way:  "I'm a retired American diplomat. My professional experienceincludes the genocide in Bosnia, and my personal experience includes living in Rwanda in 2008-2010 as the spouse of another U.S. diplomat. My purpose here is not to defend the Rwandan government, which is accountable first and foremost to its own people as well as to a variety of outside institutions. My purpose is to expose and perhaps alter the conduct of HRW"

You do not need to have been in FBI training school to be able to identity without error who is the "really author of the report'

The most important point to retain here is the damage the report might be doing, in different courts, when HRW reports used by defense teams are being discredited using this pseudo report by a fake American experts. What does the late Richard G. Johnson's family think of all of this? Are they aware that his career and reputation are being used in these dirty tactics?

Christophe Sangano

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Rwanda: A dead American officer used to discredit Human Rights Watch

Rwanda: A dead American officer used to discredit Human Rights Watch

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Rwanda attacks HRW

by Christophe Sangano

Who has interest in tarnishing the image and the work of Human Rights Watch in Rwanda? Who would go the extra mile in creating a fake 55-page report to discredit one of the world's leading independent organizations dedicated to defending and protecting human rights?

A fake report with an already dead author !

A newly opened blog on the internet with the name of The Travesty of Human Rights Watch on Rwanda published a report about the Human Rights Watch on Rwanda. The report is titled The Travesty of Human Rights Watch on Rwanda. The author of the report is said to be Richard G. Johnson.

In Summary, the report shows how "HRW's discourse on Rwanda over the past twenty years has been viscerally hostile to the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) which defeated the genocidal Hutu Power regime in 1994, and systematically biased in favor of letting unrepentant Hutu Power political forces back into Rwandan political life…"

Before the reader takes a deeper look into the report, one will notice that the blog is named after the report itself. The blog was open in March 2013 and has no posts, no other pages  except one page dated March 18, 2013 which contains the entire report dated March 19, 2013 and a link to download the report. In other words, the report was out on the internet (the 18th) before its own publication date (the 19th).

The Author of the report, who is also the owner of the blog is said to be "Richard G Johnson". Everyone will be surprised to know that the real Richard G. Johnson died in 2011 aged 90. In fact, according to Washington Post, Richard G. Johnson, 90, a retired political officer with the U.S. Foreign Service who specialized in Eastern European affairs, died on 19th November 2011 in his home in Potomac, Maryland, United States.

The problem is: the author died two years before the existence of the report and the blog belonging to him was also created by him two years after his own death. However, the same blog states that "he can be reached at".

Are we talking about the same person? Yes. Theauthor's profile on Blogger is of Richard Johnson who "served as a Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. Department of State from 1979 to 2002, specializing in Russian, East European and North African affairs…"

No international publisher, journal, newspaper or blog posted this report but to raise awareness of that report, only Rwanda-based media wrote articles mentioning it:

On 21st March 2013, two days after the report publication , News of Rwanda newspaper wrote "A retired American diplomat Richard Johnson has rapped Washington-based group Human Rights Watch (HRW) and said that what it does on Rwanda is not human rights advocacy, but rather political advocacy. In a well articulated document he called 'The Travesty of Human Rights Watch on Rwanda'; Johnson said that HWR has become profoundly unscrupulous in both its means and its ends."

On the 19 April 2013, The New Times referred to the report: "Last month, Richard Johnson, a retired American diplomat wrote a lengthy document; 'The travesty of Human Rights Watch on Rwanda' in which he says that HRW's discourse on Rwanda is a threat to peace and stability in the region."

A Ugandan newspaper The Independent published extracts from the report this way:  "I'm a retired American diplomat. My professional experienceincludes the genocide in Bosnia, and my personal experience includes living in Rwanda in 2008-2010 as the spouse of another U.S. diplomat. My purpose here is not to defend the Rwandan government, which is accountable first and foremost to its own people as well as to a variety of outside institutions. My purpose is to expose and perhaps alter the conduct of HRW"

You do not need to have been in FBI training school to be able to identity without error who is the "really author of the report'

The most important point to retain here is the damage the report might be doing, in different courts, when HRW reports used by defense teams are being discredited using this pseudo report by a fake American experts. What does the late Richard G. Johnson's family think of all of this? Are they aware that his career and reputation are being used in these dirty tactics?

Christophe Sangano

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Saturday, 27 July 2013

Kigali n’apprécie pas que la BBC donne la parole à certains

Une Tutsie demande pardon à tous les Hutus

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Kigali n'apprécie pas que la BBC donne la parole à certains

Ce n'est pas nouveau que les autorités de Kigali et leurs leaders d'opinion se plaignent de ce que le service en kinyarwanda/kirundi de la BBC donnent l'opportunité à ses opposants de faire entendre leurs différences sur des sujets délicats.

Le dernier de ceux-ci est cette question de la demande de pardon collective que les Hutus devraient adresser aux Tutsis pour le génocide commis au nom des premiers sur les seconds.

Dans l'émission Imvo n'Imvano du 20 juillet 2013, BBC Gahuza a organisé un débat entre deux pro-pardon Boniface Rucagu et Bamporiki d'un côté et de l'autre, deux personnes opposées à cette idée et au régime de Kigali, deux anciens ministres sous le régime du FPR, Anastase Gasana et le général  Emmanuel Habyarimana.

Dans la dernière émission du 27 juillet, la  BBC des Grands Lacs a fait fort en interviewant une Tutsie – Denise Nyetera, fille d'Antoine Nyetera – vivant en Belgique et qui elle demande pardon aux Hutus pour les crimes commis par les Tutsis "en leur nom" pour reprendre l'esprit de Kigali dans cette idée de pardon collectif. Dans sa démarche Mme Nyetera se place dans la droite ligne de feu son père un grand aristocrate tutsi (par la taille et par son ascendance) qui ne cachait pas son désamour, disons plutôt son dédain, pour le régime du Front patriotique rwandais et qui dans son exil bruxellois vivait en parfaite harmonie avec les dignitaires des anciens régimes (1961-1994).

L'ancien président de l'Assemblée nationale de transition (après 1994) Joseph Sebarenzi, exilé aux Etats-Unis, a aussi participé à cette émission en tant que rescapé tutsi du génocide et il a exprimé son désaccord avec la position du président Kagame dans ce débat. Il reproche à celui-ci de sensibiliser de jeunes hutus à l'idée de demander pardon aux Tutsis pour des actes qu'ils n'ont pas commis. Dans son entendement, des personnes dont des membres de la famille ont pris part au génocide peuvent individuellement demander pardon à des victimes et non tous les Hutus vivants et à naître. Et il propose même au président Kagame de demander pardon aux Rwandais en tant que chef actuel de l'Etat qui a permis ce génocide, il y a 19 ans et en tant que dirigeant du Front patriotique rwandais pour les crimes commis par ses membres notamment dans le nord du pays.

Nous écrivions, il y a quelques jours qu'en 2009, le relais de la BBC en FM au Rwanda avait été interrompu lorsque des invités de la BBC avaient rejeté le pardon collectif, il semble que les choses ont évolué depuis et que les Rwandais à l'intérieur des 26338 km2 continueront à entendre à la radio des voix dissonantes sur cette question.

NKB 27/07/2013

Reconciliation is central to the change debate (The New Times, 27/07/2013)

What is surprising is that, these [negative] forces are given a platform/air time by even such media as BBC and VOA etc in countries where the mention of genocide against Jews in a way that demeans it carries serious criminal offense is telling. 

Tous les Hutus devraient demander pardon pour le génocide des Tutsis ? (NKB, 21/07/2013) 

-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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