
Sunday, 21 July 2013



Réunis à Bruxelles en Belgique dans son congrès extraordinaire du 20-21 Juillet 2013, les délégués des membres des FDU-Inkingi à l'Etranger ;
-         Après avoir passé en revue la situation socio-politique au Rwanda et l'oppression que subit la population rwandaise;
-         Considérant la politique de déstabilisation de la région des Grands Lacs, notamment à l'Est de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC);
-         Vu le refus du régime de Kigali d'enregistrer des partis politiques  qui ne lui sont pas inféodés;
-         Vu que, en cas d'agréation des partis, ces derniers doivent encore requérir des autorisations administratives et franchir des obstacles supplémentaires pour pouvoir se présenter aux élections;
-         Vu les prochaines élections législatives;
-         Constatant que le régime du Front Patriotique Rwandais (FPR) continue à fermer l'espace politique et maintient les leaders de l'opposition en  prison ;
Le Congrès extraordinaire :
  1. Adopte la proposition lui présentée par le Comité de coordination de ne pas se présenter aux prochaines élections législatives à aucun titre que ce soit ;
  2. Adopte la proposition lui présentée par le Comité de coordination d'orienter son action politique à la demande de négociations politiques directes avec le Gouvernement rwandais, négociations dans lesquelles participeraient tous les partis de l'opposition politique pacifique ainsi que les groupes armés ;
  3. Salue chaleureusement à ce titre et soutient les initiatives des pays de la SADC, des USA et, en particulier, du Président Tanzanien Son Excellence Kikwete pour une approche globale de la crise des pays des grands lacs.
Par ailleurs, le Congrès extraordinaire:
  1. Réaffirme que le parti FDU-Inkingi est et reste au Rwanda ;
  2. Réaffirme le leadership de Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza en tant que Présidente incontestable du Parti et lui exprime son soutien indéfectible ;
  3. Condamne sans réserve le procès politique contre Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza et son maintien injuste en prison ;
  4. Condamne sans réserve la détention tout aussi arbitraire des autres membres des FDU-Inkingi ainsi que des autres opposants politiques et des journalistes de la presse indépendante;
  5. Exprime son plein soutien au Comité Exécutif Provisoire et lui sait gré pour sa résistance endurée à l'oppression du régime rwandais ;
  6. Renouvelle sa confiance au Comité de Coordination et confirme ses compétences telles qu'adoptés par les congrès antérieurs;
  7. 10.  Approuve la dynamique en cours pour renforcer la synergie entre les forces de l'opposition démocratique notamment RNC-Ihuriro, PS-Imberakuri, PC-Amahoro, PDR-Ihumure;
  8. 11.  Demande au Comité Exécutif Provisoire et au Comité de Coordination de poursuivre et d'approfondir les réflexions pour prendre toutes les mesures et démarches nécessaires pour libérer le peuple rwandais de l'oppression du FPR et réaffirme les choix pacifiques de changement du pouvoir.
Enfin, le Congrès extraordinaire :
  1. 12.  Exprime sa solidarité avec le peuple rwandais et les peuples de la région des Grands Lacs qui continuent de souffrir de la déstabilisation de la dictature du régime du FPR qui organise le pillage de ses ressources et les pertes en  vies humaines qui s'en suivent ;
  2. Exprime sa gratitude au Parlement européen pour sa déclaration concernant la situation des droits de l'homme au Rwanda, sur la Présidente du Parti FDU-Inkingi, Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza ;
  3. Condamne le discours du Président rwandais Paul Kagame du 30 juin dernier devant le parterre de jeunes, à qui il a exigé, tel un péché originel, de demander le pardon pour les crimes contre l'humanité supposés commis par leurs parents, cela même quand bien même un grand nombre parmi eux croupissent en prison et n'ont pas encore été jugés.
Fait à Bruxelles, le 21 Juillet 2013.
Pour le Congrès extraordinaire
Nkiko Nsengimana,

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Tanzanian Jakaya Kikwete’s Negotiation Proposal: Yoweri Museveni Willing, Joseph Kabila Fighting, and Paul Kagame Still Insulting

Tanzanian Jakaya Kikwete's Negotiation Proposal: Yoweri Museveni Willing, Joseph Kabila Fighting, and Paul Kagame Still Insulting


Rwandan Young Men Being Rounded Up

Rwandan Young Men Being Rounded Up by Security Forces

"The Government is ready to talk to anybody who has grievances, including the ADF[Allied Democratic Forces]. If there is any genuine political group that wants dialogue, we are ready to do so,  because war is not an option," Ugandan Minister for Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Refugees, Mr. Hilary Onek told the media in Kampala, Uganda  on Tuesday July 16, 2013.  On Friday, July 19, 2013,  Minister of Defence, Dr Crispus Kiyonga, confirmed Mr Onek's comments and went further that the Ugandan Government has already agreed to the principle of negotiating with the Ugandan ADF rebels. ADF rebels have recently become a significant  force with close to 2,000 troops operating  Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The  willingness by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni to negotiate with ADF  falls in line with  the proposition by the Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete on May 26, 2013(See our article: Talk to Your Armed Opposition, Tanzanian President Kikwete Tells Yoweri Museveni of Uganda, Paul Kagame of Rwanda, and Joseph Kabila of DRC of May 26 2013).

Since the proposition by  President Jakaya Kikwete, President Yoweri Museveni welcomed the idea of negotiations. He did it right away. DRC President Joseph Kabila has resumed negotiations with  and …. engaged into war against his armed M23 rebels.  Rwandan Paul Kagame has belittled and threatened to assassinate Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete (see our article: I will Just Wait For You At the Right Place And I will Hit You, Rwandan General Paul Kagame Threatens Tanzanian Jakaya Kikwete).

Following his proposal, President Jakaya Kikwete has not remained his hands crossed. It appears he has been on the same page with Yoweri Museveni since the start. He has welcomed to his country the most powerful man in the World, US President Barack Obama (see here:  President Obama: armed groups[in Africa] need to lay down their arms, and human rights abusers need to be held accountable of July 2, 2013),  he has sent his troops to fight for Joseph Kabila,  and he has promised to wallop General Kagame like a small boy (see here: You Will Be Whipped Like a Small Boy, Tanzania Government Warns Rwandan Dictator General Kagame of July 13, 2013).

Since May 2013, Jakaya Kikwete has become the most important leader in the Great Lakes Region and the peace broker to reckon with. To see how important the man has become, one may refer to our various articles related his political and diplomatic actions since May 2013,  here .

The situation is now that: Jakaya Kikwete is leading the pace and has the tailwind; Yoweri Museveni has listened;  Joseph Kabila is following; and Paul Kagame is being driven nuts.

How about the rebels themselves, those the governments  are supposed to negotiate with.

ADF rebels, aka ADF/NALU,  have lately been on offensive, driving thousand of Congolese refugees into Uganda. Earlier this month, they seized the towns of Kikingi and Kamango, near the major city of Beni in North Eastern DRC causing a lot damages. The FARDC managed to chase them out  of the towns by July 15, 2013. But they had made their statement.

M23 Congolese rebels are on the run;  this despite the overwhelming support,  from Rwandan Defense Forces Special Forces,  in troops, modern weapons, and  equipments. Also, Rwandan Military and Security forces have been rounding up the youth inside Rwanda and sending them across the border to reinforce the ranks of the rebels, but  to no avail. The Congolese forces FARDC, usually notorious for their lack of military courage and discipline have surprised almost everyone. They chased the M23 rebels from their advanced strong positions in the town of Mutaho, Kanyarucinya, Kibati near he provincial capital Goma and Kinyandonyi and Ngwenda around Rutshuru.

Near Goma, the M23 rebels, rather the RDF special forces,  only control the towns of Kibumba and Buvira, across the border from Rwanda. M23 rebels have lost hundreds of troops killed and hundreds more injured. The situation is so bad for M23 rebels that Rwandan Government had to complain to the United Nations Security Council, against the United Nations, arguing that United Nations Mission in DRC, MONUSCO, is working with Rwandan rebels of FDLR and bombing Rwanda. The once proud Rwandan Defense Forces are on the run from the once looked down FARDC. The FARDC count on one officer  the Rwandan Military leaders never expected: the self style Colonel Mamadou N'Dala Moustafa. In May, Colonel  Mamadou N'Dala Moustafa  threatened to Bring War to Rwanda. Will he do it? (see our May 30, 2013 article: FARDC Commander Colonel Mamadou N'Dala Moustafa Threatens to Bring War All Way to the Source).

Rwandan rebels, namely FDLR-FOCA,  RUD-Uruana and RPR-Inkeragutabararemain emboldened by their recents successes on the Rwandan Defense Forces (RDF) (see our article: Invigorated by Recent Successes Against Rwandan Defense Forces, Rwandan Rebels Close in to Rwandan Border of July 5, 2013). They also feel good following Jakaya Kikwete's statements.

However, as the United Nations Group of Expert on DRC reported in the leaked June 2013 report, FDLR-FOCA continues to be rocked by internal divisions. According to our sources within FDLR-FOCA, the divisions were aggravated this week, when two FDLR-FOCA executive committee members based in Europe, Djumatatu and Callixte  Mbarushimana, wrote a press release in which they targeted RUD-Urunana (see our article:FDLR-FOCA Spokesperson Mr Laforge Fils Bazeye Does Not Know What He is Talking About of July 17, 2013). They wrote the press release,  added the name of the FDLR-FOCA spokesperson, La Forge  Fils Bazeye, before publishing it and gave interviews to news media. According to AfroAmerica Network sources, La Forge Fils Bazeye explained to FDLR-FOCA military leaders  that he was not informed of the press release by Djumatatu and Callixte Mbarushimana  until the release was published. The press release also claims that General Achille Musenyeri aka Leopold Mujyambere is the FDLR-FOCA commander, instead of General Mudacumura.  The press release has created further tensions within FDLR-FOCA, according to our sources and have raised concerns especially that the June 2013 leaked  UN Experts reports says that:

"The Group has not found any evidence that FDLR receives significant financial or other support from abroad. The Group has investigated a diaspora network led by Bernard Twayiramungu, Felicien Barabwiriza, and Jean Bosco Uwihanganye, who have been residing in Germany. In December 2012, German authorities arrested these individuals and charged them on suspicion of belonging to a terrorist organization. The Group continues to investigate FDLR support networks that may be maintained in Europe."

Despite these tensions, FDLR-FOCA and other Rwandan, Ugandan, and Congolese rebels  appear  positioned to benefit  from the momentum of negotiation  in the Great Lakes region of Africa, momentum launched by Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete..

©2013 AfroAmerica Network. All Rights Reserved.

Tanzanian Jakaya Kikwete’s Negotiation Proposal: Yoweri Museveni Willing, Joseph Kabila Fighting, and Paul Kagame Still Insulting

Tanzanian Jakaya Kikwete's Negotiation Proposal: Yoweri Museveni Willing, Joseph Kabila Fighting, and Paul Kagame Still Insulting


Rwandan Young Men Being Rounded Up

Rwandan Young Men Being Rounded Up by Security Forces

"The Government is ready to talk to anybody who has grievances, including the ADF[Allied Democratic Forces]. If there is any genuine political group that wants dialogue, we are ready to do so,  because war is not an option," Ugandan Minister for Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Refugees, Mr. Hilary Onek told the media in Kampala, Uganda  on Tuesday July 16, 2013.  On Friday, July 19, 2013,  Minister of Defence, Dr Crispus Kiyonga, confirmed Mr Onek's comments and went further that the Ugandan Government has already agreed to the principle of negotiating with the Ugandan ADF rebels. ADF rebels have recently become a significant  force with close to 2,000 troops operating  Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The  willingness by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni to negotiate with ADF  falls in line with  the proposition by the Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete on May 26, 2013(See our article: Talk to Your Armed Opposition, Tanzanian President Kikwete Tells Yoweri Museveni of Uganda, Paul Kagame of Rwanda, and Joseph Kabila of DRC of May 26 2013).

Since the proposition by  President Jakaya Kikwete, President Yoweri Museveni welcomed the idea of negotiations. He did it right away. DRC President Joseph Kabila has resumed negotiations with  and …. engaged into war against his armed M23 rebels.  Rwandan Paul Kagame has belittled and threatened to assassinate Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete (see our article: I will Just Wait For You At the Right Place And I will Hit You, Rwandan General Paul Kagame Threatens Tanzanian Jakaya Kikwete).

Following his proposal, President Jakaya Kikwete has not remained his hands crossed. It appears he has been on the same page with Yoweri Museveni since the start. He has welcomed to his country the most powerful man in the World, US President Barack Obama (see here:  President Obama: armed groups[in Africa] need to lay down their arms, and human rights abusers need to be held accountable of July 2, 2013),  he has sent his troops to fight for Joseph Kabila,  and he has promised to wallop General Kagame like a small boy (see here: You Will Be Whipped Like a Small Boy, Tanzania Government Warns Rwandan Dictator General Kagame of July 13, 2013).

Since May 2013, Jakaya Kikwete has become the most important leader in the Great Lakes Region and the peace broker to reckon with. To see how important the man has become, one may refer to our various articles related his political and diplomatic actions since May 2013,  here .

The situation is now that: Jakaya Kikwete is leading the pace and has the tailwind; Yoweri Museveni has listened;  Joseph Kabila is following; and Paul Kagame is being driven nuts.

How about the rebels themselves, those the governments  are supposed to negotiate with.

ADF rebels, aka ADF/NALU,  have lately been on offensive, driving thousand of Congolese refugees into Uganda. Earlier this month, they seized the towns of Kikingi and Kamango, near the major city of Beni in North Eastern DRC causing a lot damages. The FARDC managed to chase them out  of the towns by July 15, 2013. But they had made their statement.

M23 Congolese rebels are on the run;  this despite the overwhelming support,  from Rwandan Defense Forces Special Forces,  in troops, modern weapons, and  equipments. Also, Rwandan Military and Security forces have been rounding up the youth inside Rwanda and sending them across the border to reinforce the ranks of the rebels, but  to no avail. The Congolese forces FARDC, usually notorious for their lack of military courage and discipline have surprised almost everyone. They chased the M23 rebels from their advanced strong positions in the town of Mutaho, Kanyarucinya, Kibati near he provincial capital Goma and Kinyandonyi and Ngwenda around Rutshuru.

Near Goma, the M23 rebels, rather the RDF special forces,  only control the towns of Kibumba and Buvira, across the border from Rwanda. M23 rebels have lost hundreds of troops killed and hundreds more injured. The situation is so bad for M23 rebels that Rwandan Government had to complain to the United Nations Security Council, against the United Nations, arguing that United Nations Mission in DRC, MONUSCO, is working with Rwandan rebels of FDLR and bombing Rwanda. The once proud Rwandan Defense Forces are on the run from the once looked down FARDC. The FARDC count on one officer  the Rwandan Military leaders never expected: the self style Colonel Mamadou N'Dala Moustafa. In May, Colonel  Mamadou N'Dala Moustafa  threatened to Bring War to Rwanda. Will he do it? (see our May 30, 2013 article: FARDC Commander Colonel Mamadou N'Dala Moustafa Threatens to Bring War All Way to the Source).

Rwandan rebels, namely FDLR-FOCA,  RUD-Uruana and RPR-Inkeragutabararemain emboldened by their recents successes on the Rwandan Defense Forces (RDF) (see our article: Invigorated by Recent Successes Against Rwandan Defense Forces, Rwandan Rebels Close in to Rwandan Border of July 5, 2013). They also feel good following Jakaya Kikwete's statements.

However, as the United Nations Group of Expert on DRC reported in the leaked June 2013 report, FDLR-FOCA continues to be rocked by internal divisions. According to our sources within FDLR-FOCA, the divisions were aggravated this week, when two FDLR-FOCA executive committee members based in Europe, Djumatatu and Callixte  Mbarushimana, wrote a press release in which they targeted RUD-Urunana (see our article:FDLR-FOCA Spokesperson Mr Laforge Fils Bazeye Does Not Know What He is Talking About of July 17, 2013). They wrote the press release,  added the name of the FDLR-FOCA spokesperson, La Forge  Fils Bazeye, before publishing it and gave interviews to news media. According to AfroAmerica Network sources, La Forge Fils Bazeye explained to FDLR-FOCA military leaders  that he was not informed of the press release by Djumatatu and Callixte Mbarushimana  until the release was published. The press release also claims that General Achille Musenyeri aka Leopold Mujyambere is the FDLR-FOCA commander, instead of General Mudacumura.  The press release has created further tensions within FDLR-FOCA, according to our sources and have raised concerns especially that the June 2013 leaked  UN Experts reports says that:

"The Group has not found any evidence that FDLR receives significant financial or other support from abroad. The Group has investigated a diaspora network led by Bernard Twayiramungu, Felicien Barabwiriza, and Jean Bosco Uwihanganye, who have been residing in Germany. In December 2012, German authorities arrested these individuals and charged them on suspicion of belonging to a terrorist organization. The Group continues to investigate FDLR support networks that may be maintained in Europe."

Despite these tensions, FDLR-FOCA and other Rwandan, Ugandan, and Congolese rebels  appear  positioned to benefit  from the momentum of negotiation  in the Great Lakes region of Africa, momentum launched by Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete..

©2013 AfroAmerica Network. All Rights Reserved.

Uganda: Govt open to peace talks with ADF

Govt open to peace talks with ADF

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Disaster preparedness minister Hillary Onek

By Taddeo Bwambale and Mayimunah Namulemo

The Government is ready to hold peace talks with the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) rebels to resolve the conflict that has destabilized parts of East Africa.

The minister for relief, disaster preparedness and refugees, Hillary Onek on Tuesday confirmed that Uganda would consider such talks with the rebel group if approached.

"The Government is ready to talk to anybody who has grievances, including the ADF. If there is any genuine political group that wants dialogue, we are ready to do so because war is not an option," Onek said at a media briefing in Kampala.

The ADF on Thursday night attacked parts of eastern Congo leading to an influx of refugees in the western district of Bundibugyo in Uganda.

Uganda is host to more than 65,000 Congolese refugees who have fled the conflict and are currently accommodated in several parts of Bundibugyo district. 

ADF started as a minor group in the Rwenzori Mountains along the Uganda border in 1996, but expanded its activities over the next several years. 

The rebel group carried out numerous attacks in the late 1990s, including bomb blasts in markets and restaurants in Kampala, Kasese and Mubende districts. 

In western Uganda, hundreds of civilians were murdered and others maimed from land mines planted by the rebels.

In February 1998, 30 students were abducted from a seminary in Kasese, while 80 students of Kichwamba Technical College were burnt alive in their dormitory. 

Several youth were abducted and others killed as their acts of brutality raged on. In 2007, the UPDF repulsed the ADF, killing at least 46 in Bundibugyo and Mubende districts. Later, in March the UPDF killed 34 of the rebels, including three senior commanders. 

Ceasefire and amnesty talks between the Government and the ADF were held in Nairobi in May 2008, but negotiations were complicated by the fragmentation of the ADF's leadership. 

More than 50 ADF fighters have since surrendered and received amnesty. In May this year, Hassan Nyanzi, the 25 year old son to the ADF rebel leader, Jamil Mukulu, was granted amnesty after he denounced the rebellion and handed himself over to Ugandan authorities.

On Thursday last week, the ADF attacked the town of Kamango in DRC, forcing over 65,000 refugees to across the border into Uganda.

Civil society groups and intelligence sources suggest that Al-Shabaab fighters from Somalia are collaborating with the ADF.

Uganda: Govt open to peace talks with ADF

Govt open to peace talks with ADF

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Disaster preparedness minister Hillary Onek

By Taddeo Bwambale and Mayimunah Namulemo

The Government is ready to hold peace talks with the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) rebels to resolve the conflict that has destabilized parts of East Africa.

The minister for relief, disaster preparedness and refugees, Hillary Onek on Tuesday confirmed that Uganda would consider such talks with the rebel group if approached.

"The Government is ready to talk to anybody who has grievances, including the ADF. If there is any genuine political group that wants dialogue, we are ready to do so because war is not an option," Onek said at a media briefing in Kampala.

The ADF on Thursday night attacked parts of eastern Congo leading to an influx of refugees in the western district of Bundibugyo in Uganda.

Uganda is host to more than 65,000 Congolese refugees who have fled the conflict and are currently accommodated in several parts of Bundibugyo district. 

ADF started as a minor group in the Rwenzori Mountains along the Uganda border in 1996, but expanded its activities over the next several years. 

The rebel group carried out numerous attacks in the late 1990s, including bomb blasts in markets and restaurants in Kampala, Kasese and Mubende districts. 

In western Uganda, hundreds of civilians were murdered and others maimed from land mines planted by the rebels.

In February 1998, 30 students were abducted from a seminary in Kasese, while 80 students of Kichwamba Technical College were burnt alive in their dormitory. 

Several youth were abducted and others killed as their acts of brutality raged on. In 2007, the UPDF repulsed the ADF, killing at least 46 in Bundibugyo and Mubende districts. Later, in March the UPDF killed 34 of the rebels, including three senior commanders. 

Ceasefire and amnesty talks between the Government and the ADF were held in Nairobi in May 2008, but negotiations were complicated by the fragmentation of the ADF's leadership. 

More than 50 ADF fighters have since surrendered and received amnesty. In May this year, Hassan Nyanzi, the 25 year old son to the ADF rebel leader, Jamil Mukulu, was granted amnesty after he denounced the rebellion and handed himself over to Ugandan authorities.

On Thursday last week, the ADF attacked the town of Kamango in DRC, forcing over 65,000 refugees to across the border into Uganda.

Civil society groups and intelligence sources suggest that Al-Shabaab fighters from Somalia are collaborating with the ADF.

-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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