
Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Les FDLR sont plus fortes que jamais

Communiqué de presse: Les FDLR sont plus fortes que jamais.

16 juillet 2013
Communiqué de presse: Les FDLR sont plus fortes que jamais. dans Politiki logo_of_the_fdlr1-150x150En réaction à l'article paru sur le site en date du 05 juillet 2013,les Forces Démocratiques de Libération du Rwanda,FDLR en sigle, voudraient informer le public, la Communauté Internationale en général et la Communauté rwandaise tant de la diaspora et de l'intérieur du Rwanda en particulier, que les FDLR existent encore,qu'elles sont plus fortes maintenant qu'elles ne l'ont jamais été dans le passé.
Les FDLR possèdent en leur sein plusieurs Divisions dont certaines se trouvent à l'intérieur du Rwanda et deux autres basées l'une au Sud-Kivu et l'autre au Nord-Kivu.Chacune de ces Divisions possède son Etat-Major bien organisé et ces Divisions sont coiffées par un Etat-Major Général dirigé par le Général MUSENYERI Achille.
Les FDLR sont belle et bien structurées du sommet en bas et leur branche armée,les Forces Combattantes ABACUNGUZI(FOCA) ont un commandement solide ,perspicace dirigé par le commandant des FOCA,et ce commandement est déterminé à jamais à obliger le pouvoir dictatorial du FPR-Inkotanyi dirigé par le Général Paul KAGAME et sa clique à accepter le système démocratique dans le pays et la liberté du peuple rwandais dans toute sa diversité de s'exprimer et de choisir librement ses dirigeants.
Il n'est pas étonnant qu'un journal comme use du mensonge pour minimiser la force,l'importance et l'influence des FDLR,car à notre connaissance l'afroamerica est édité par certains membres de l'organisation RUD-Urunana(organisation en voie de disparition) dont la plupart de ses membres  et de ses dirigeants sont des dissidents issus des FDLR.
Les FDLR ont soutenu avec fermeté la proposition du chef de l'Etat Tanzanien et du Ministre des Affaires étrangères de la Belgique d'encourager le Gouvernement dictatorial du Général Paul KAGAME à accepter des négociations avec elles,afin de trouver une paix durable dans notre pays et par conséquent dans toute la région des Grands Lacs Africains.Il est à noter que ces responsables tanzaniens et belges n'auraient pas émis cette suggestion s'ils n'étaient pas convaincus que notre organisation est belle et bien réelle et forte.
En guise de conclusion,les FDLR demandent instamment à toutes les forces de l'opposition rwandaise que se soit de l'intérieur du pays ou de l'extérieur du Rwanda de se lever,marcher et agir comme un seul homme en vue d'aboutir à un résultat plus éclatant.
La conjugaison des efforts est opportune en vue  de lutter contre le mal commun qui est le système dictatorial du FPR,et son Président.       
Fait à Masisi,le 14/07/2013,
La Forge Fils Bazeye,
commissaire à l'information et
Porte-parole des FDLR.
Lisez ce communiqué en Anglais: fichier pdf FDLR Press release

Monday, 15 July 2013

The war rages on….

The war rages on….

UN DRCBy Jennifer Fierberg

The Land of a Thousand Hills is now accusing the land of a thousand rumors of bombing on its territory. Rwanda has released a series of tweets stating that the  army in DRC (FARDC) has shelled two areas on Rwanda. No injuries were reported as of publication. Further, Rwanda's proxy army, the M23 rebel group, is accusing FARDC of embedding FDLR (Hutu rebels in DRC) and assisting them in fighting the M23. This alphabet soup of a situation all boils down to Rwanda wanting to attack Eastern DRC because the M23 is being slowly but surely obliterated. They are putting up a good fight but their situation is dire and Rwanda needs to save face and maintain their access to the minerals that line their pockets. Unconfirmed reports state that Rwanda is forming another rebel group to take the place of the M23. The UN brigade is on high alert and active in the region.

The fastest, yet unpredictable, way of getting information on the region is through twitter. Knowing who to follow for up to the minute reports is key. Below is a list of tweets from just the last few hours from sources all over the region. Sources include the Government of Rwanda, journalists, the UN, civilians in the region and major news outlets. You will begin to see the pattern of Rwanda tweeting and making statements about how they are under attack, despite the fact that they have been invading the region for the last 19 years, and will most certainly use this opportunity to bring their forces into the DRC. This war is far from over but it looks as though things are changing quickly.

Tweets from July 15, 2013 on the situation in Eastern DRC:

  • DR Congo says 130 dead in army-rebel clashes
  • The New Times : There are reports that FARDC (RDC Army) shelled different locations in two districts in western Rwanda.
  • #Rwanda complains to UN SecCouncil about new UN #Congo intervention brigade, says it colludes with FLDR
  • now that their #m23 team is losing  #Kigali desperate to move the goalposts
  • RDF tweet: 2 Bombs land in Rwanda territory, at Busasamana, Rubavu, District at 15h05 from DRC area controlled by MONUSCO and FARDC.
  • M23: 'Yes we wer hit&fighting is still going on, we lost some fighters, loosing forces on the battle is normal' #M23 fighter. #DRC
  • Meanwhile, the ADF-NALU continues wreaking havoc in far North Kivu, with little response from anyone: (Kagame created an ADF group two days ago so it is not clear the ADF is the Ugandan rebel group.)
  • Young people from Kanyaruchinya fed up with M23, attacked them with knives on Saturday:
  • M23 & govt forces engaged in heavy fighting just 7km from Goma town in #DRC (Key Rwandan Gov person)
  • Congo's army claims it has killed 120 M23 rebels in fresh fighting in eastern
  • FDLR: FARDC has UN support. It has no interest in FDLR assistance.But RDF has sent more saboteurs to ambush and kill UN, as locals
  • +- 66000 refugees frm #DRC have entered Uganda:  How long @UN will keep watching this and shy away from its sponsor ?
  • #DRC: #MONUSCO will soon have surveillance drones to monitor developments on the ground in eastern Congo
  • Any attempt by the #M23 to advance toward #Goma will be considered a direct threat to civilians, #MONUSCO said
  • #Rwanda, in letter to @UN, accuses #Congo Intervention Brigade of "tactical + strategic" collaboration with #FDLR
  • M23: Kabila should bear all consequences of what is happening now around Goma, bcoz he refused 2 sign the cease fire. M23 Fighter's moral is high
  • Congo army kills 120 M23 rebels: Spokesman (from @AP)
  • #DRC: Given the #FIB has not even really started operating, the "credible, reliable and detailed information" #Rwanda has of #FDLR collaboration might be a fiercely refuted as #Rwanda dismisses #M23 allegations on their side. Again, #PR war..
  • #Rwanda Gov is looking for excuses to enter North Kivu openly and save #M23 before it gets wiped out by #DRC army
  • RDF openly/desperately making pro-M23 statements: "@RwandaMoD: Since Sunday 14 July, FARDC & MONUSCO fighting M23. FDLR embedded in FARDC."
  • The UN Force Intervention seems to be deployed in full force. Arrival of more logs today
  • DR Congo: #UN blue helmets on 'high alert' as M23 rebels advance towards

People are dying every day in this war while thousands more flee to safer regions. Innocent victims are in the line of fire and too many lives have been lost. The UN Brigade in the region remains in full force and their effectiveness in the area will be seen in the days to come. Rwanda's actions will be very telling also as the situation unfolds.

Updates continue….



The war rages on….

The war rages on….

UN DRCBy Jennifer Fierberg

The Land of a Thousand Hills is now accusing the land of a thousand rumors of bombing on its territory. Rwanda has released a series of tweets stating that the  army in DRC (FARDC) has shelled two areas on Rwanda. No injuries were reported as of publication. Further, Rwanda's proxy army, the M23 rebel group, is accusing FARDC of embedding FDLR (Hutu rebels in DRC) and assisting them in fighting the M23. This alphabet soup of a situation all boils down to Rwanda wanting to attack Eastern DRC because the M23 is being slowly but surely obliterated. They are putting up a good fight but their situation is dire and Rwanda needs to save face and maintain their access to the minerals that line their pockets. Unconfirmed reports state that Rwanda is forming another rebel group to take the place of the M23. The UN brigade is on high alert and active in the region.

The fastest, yet unpredictable, way of getting information on the region is through twitter. Knowing who to follow for up to the minute reports is key. Below is a list of tweets from just the last few hours from sources all over the region. Sources include the Government of Rwanda, journalists, the UN, civilians in the region and major news outlets. You will begin to see the pattern of Rwanda tweeting and making statements about how they are under attack, despite the fact that they have been invading the region for the last 19 years, and will most certainly use this opportunity to bring their forces into the DRC. This war is far from over but it looks as though things are changing quickly.

Tweets from July 15, 2013 on the situation in Eastern DRC:

  • DR Congo says 130 dead in army-rebel clashes
  • The New Times : There are reports that FARDC (RDC Army) shelled different locations in two districts in western Rwanda.
  • #Rwanda complains to UN SecCouncil about new UN #Congo intervention brigade, says it colludes with FLDR
  • now that their #m23 team is losing  #Kigali desperate to move the goalposts
  • RDF tweet: 2 Bombs land in Rwanda territory, at Busasamana, Rubavu, District at 15h05 from DRC area controlled by MONUSCO and FARDC.
  • M23: 'Yes we wer hit&fighting is still going on, we lost some fighters, loosing forces on the battle is normal' #M23 fighter. #DRC
  • Meanwhile, the ADF-NALU continues wreaking havoc in far North Kivu, with little response from anyone: (Kagame created an ADF group two days ago so it is not clear the ADF is the Ugandan rebel group.)
  • Young people from Kanyaruchinya fed up with M23, attacked them with knives on Saturday:
  • M23 & govt forces engaged in heavy fighting just 7km from Goma town in #DRC (Key Rwandan Gov person)
  • Congo's army claims it has killed 120 M23 rebels in fresh fighting in eastern
  • FDLR: FARDC has UN support. It has no interest in FDLR assistance.But RDF has sent more saboteurs to ambush and kill UN, as locals
  • +- 66000 refugees frm #DRC have entered Uganda:  How long @UN will keep watching this and shy away from its sponsor ?
  • #DRC: #MONUSCO will soon have surveillance drones to monitor developments on the ground in eastern Congo
  • Any attempt by the #M23 to advance toward #Goma will be considered a direct threat to civilians, #MONUSCO said
  • #Rwanda, in letter to @UN, accuses #Congo Intervention Brigade of "tactical + strategic" collaboration with #FDLR
  • M23: Kabila should bear all consequences of what is happening now around Goma, bcoz he refused 2 sign the cease fire. M23 Fighter's moral is high
  • Congo army kills 120 M23 rebels: Spokesman (from @AP)
  • #DRC: Given the #FIB has not even really started operating, the "credible, reliable and detailed information" #Rwanda has of #FDLR collaboration might be a fiercely refuted as #Rwanda dismisses #M23 allegations on their side. Again, #PR war..
  • #Rwanda Gov is looking for excuses to enter North Kivu openly and save #M23 before it gets wiped out by #DRC army
  • RDF openly/desperately making pro-M23 statements: "@RwandaMoD: Since Sunday 14 July, FARDC & MONUSCO fighting M23. FDLR embedded in FARDC."
  • The UN Force Intervention seems to be deployed in full force. Arrival of more logs today
  • DR Congo: #UN blue helmets on 'high alert' as M23 rebels advance towards

People are dying every day in this war while thousands more flee to safer regions. Innocent victims are in the line of fire and too many lives have been lost. The UN Brigade in the region remains in full force and their effectiveness in the area will be seen in the days to come. Rwanda's actions will be very telling also as the situation unfolds.

Updates continue….



Kigali says two mortar bombs fired into Rwanda from DRC

Kigali says two mortar bombs fired into Rwanda from DRC

  • photo_1373913913681-1-HD.jpg
    DR Congo's national army FARDC soldiers stand in formation in Karisimbi, south of Goma, on May 27, 2013. Rwanda's military spokesman said two mortar bombs were fired into the country from neighbouring DR Congo on Monday, blaming the DRC army - the FARDC - and the UN force MONUSCO. (AFP)
Rwanda's military spokesman said two mortar bombs were fired into the country from neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo on Monday.
He said the bombs, which caused no injuries, were fired in mid-afternoon "deliberately" and blamed the DRC army - the FARDC - and the UN force MONUSCO on the grounds they were fired from territory they control.
"Two bombs landed at Kageshi and Gasiza," Joseph Nzabamwita said in a statement, referring to two villages in Rubavu district in northwestern Rwanda which borders the troubled eastern DR Congo.
Nzabamwita said the attack was a "provocative and deliberate act by FARDC and MONUSCO since there was no fighting nearby between the warring factions."
His accusation came amid fierce clashes across the border between the DRC army and M23 rebels, which flared again Sunday around the flashpoint Congolese city of Goma, leaving at least 130 dead, according to a government spokesman.
Rwanda, along with neighbouring Uganda, has been accused of backing the M23, a charge both countries have denied.
Meanwhile Kigali has accused the DRC of co-operating with Rwandan Hutu rebels from the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) whose leaders are wanted for their alleged involvement in the 1994 Rwandan genocide.
Nzabamwita said the army had "credible information" that FDLR rebels were "currently embedded" in the DRC army.
The M23 briefly seized control of Goma, the capital of DRC's North Kivu province last November but then pulled out.
The rebel group has since been weakened by an outright split into two factions and ensuing internal fighting that resulted in heavy casualties and a wave of desertions.
Talks in the Ugandan capital Kampala destined to restore calm to North Kivu started in December but have made little headway.
Since the talks started the only outbreak of fighting recorded between M23 and the army was in May.
The M23 however is just one of a myriad of armed groups operating in eastern Congo and other groups are involved in skirmishes and abuses against the civilian population on a regular basis.

Read more:

Kigali says two mortar bombs fired into Rwanda from DRC

Kigali says two mortar bombs fired into Rwanda from DRC

  • photo_1373913913681-1-HD.jpg
    DR Congo's national army FARDC soldiers stand in formation in Karisimbi, south of Goma, on May 27, 2013. Rwanda's military spokesman said two mortar bombs were fired into the country from neighbouring DR Congo on Monday, blaming the DRC army - the FARDC - and the UN force MONUSCO. (AFP)
Rwanda's military spokesman said two mortar bombs were fired into the country from neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo on Monday.
He said the bombs, which caused no injuries, were fired in mid-afternoon "deliberately" and blamed the DRC army - the FARDC - and the UN force MONUSCO on the grounds they were fired from territory they control.
"Two bombs landed at Kageshi and Gasiza," Joseph Nzabamwita said in a statement, referring to two villages in Rubavu district in northwestern Rwanda which borders the troubled eastern DR Congo.
Nzabamwita said the attack was a "provocative and deliberate act by FARDC and MONUSCO since there was no fighting nearby between the warring factions."
His accusation came amid fierce clashes across the border between the DRC army and M23 rebels, which flared again Sunday around the flashpoint Congolese city of Goma, leaving at least 130 dead, according to a government spokesman.
Rwanda, along with neighbouring Uganda, has been accused of backing the M23, a charge both countries have denied.
Meanwhile Kigali has accused the DRC of co-operating with Rwandan Hutu rebels from the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) whose leaders are wanted for their alleged involvement in the 1994 Rwandan genocide.
Nzabamwita said the army had "credible information" that FDLR rebels were "currently embedded" in the DRC army.
The M23 briefly seized control of Goma, the capital of DRC's North Kivu province last November but then pulled out.
The rebel group has since been weakened by an outright split into two factions and ensuing internal fighting that resulted in heavy casualties and a wave of desertions.
Talks in the Ugandan capital Kampala destined to restore calm to North Kivu started in December but have made little headway.
Since the talks started the only outbreak of fighting recorded between M23 and the army was in May.
The M23 however is just one of a myriad of armed groups operating in eastern Congo and other groups are involved in skirmishes and abuses against the civilian population on a regular basis.

Read more:

-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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