
Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Sommet sur la paix et la sécurité à Paris : le Rwanda décline l’invitation - Jambonews, actualités sur la région des Grands Lacs d'Afrique (Rwanda, Burundi, RDC (Congo), Ouganda, Kenya & Tanzanie)

Sommet sur la paix et la sécurité à Paris : le Rwanda décline l'invitation

19. juin | Par  | Catégorie: A la une

francois hollande à addis abeba


Kigali a décliné l'invitation lancée le 25 mai à Addis-Abeba par François Hollande pour un sommet sur la paix et la sécurité sur le continent africain.

Lors des festivités du 50e anniversaire de l'Union africaine, le chef de l'Etat Français, a annoncé qu'il invitait les pays africains à Paris pour un sommet sur la paix et la sécurité sur le continent les 6 et 7 décembre à Paris. Cette invitation qui fait suite à l'implication française dans la guerre au nord du Mali a été mal accueillie à Kigali.

Pour le Rwanda, pas question de se rendre à ce sommet. « Ceux qui estiment avoir encore besoin de la protection de l'ancien maître colonial se rendront à cette convocation. Ce n'est pas notre cas, » a formulé un proche collaborateur de Paul Kagame, cité par Jeune Afrique

Pourtant le Président français, seul chef d'État européen invité aux festivités du 50e anniversaire de la création de l'Organisation de l'Unité africaine (OUA), devenue l'Union africaine (UA) en 2002,  a tenu à souligner que « ce sont les Africains qui, demain, devront assurer la sécurité de leur continent ».

De même, depuis son élection le 6 mai 2012, François Hollande n'a cessé d'annoncer la mort de la Françafrique, estimant que « la relation entre l'Afrique et Paris « doit être limitée à l'appui que la France va donner aux armées africaines pour qu'elles se défendent elles-mêmes  » .  « C'est pour leur sécurité, c'est également pour notre propre sûreté en Europe » a martelé le chef d'Etat Français à Addis-Abeba le 25 mai dernier.

Le non du Rwanda à l'invitation de François Hollande n'est toutefois pas surprenant. Si l'élection de François Hollande a plus au moins été saluée à Kigali, cette victoire signifiant également le départ d'Alain Juppé (ennemi juré de Paul Kagame) du ministère des affaires étrangères, les embuches à une réelle normalisation des relations franco-rwandaises sont restées nombreuses. Dernière en date, le dossier M23. Depuis que le Rwanda est accusé de soutenir les rebelles du M23 qui sèment le chaos à l'Est du Congo, la France est perçue, à Kigali, comme le pays le plus inflexible à ne pas considérer la position Rwandaise dans ce dossier.

Dans un rapport que le parlement rwandais a publié le 11 février 2013, la France y est ainsi citée comme le pays le plus obstiné à faire pression  sur les  Nations Unies et les autres puissances, afin que des sanctions fermes soient prises envers le régime de Kigali. Le rapport du Parlement explique que les projets de résolutions aux Nations-Unies condamnant le Rwanda dans le dossier du M23, ont été presque toutes déposés par la France.


Jean Mitari



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FDLR ntiri ku rutonde rw’abaterabwoba rwa ONU cyangwa USA

FDLR ntiri ku rutonde rw'abaterabwoba rwa ONU cyangwa USA.


Nkuko bisanzwe buri wa gatandatu BBC Gahuzamiryango, itegura ikiganiro kitwa « Imvo n'imvano ». Imvo n'imvano y'uyu munsi tariki ya 15 Kamena 2013, yibanze ku bitekerezo byatanzwe ku cyifuzo cyatanzwe na Perezida wa Tanzaniya Jakaya Kikwete, cy'uko leta y'u Rwanda yarikwiye gushyikirana na FDLR, kugira ngo u Rwanda n'akarere kose bigire amahoro arambye.

Muri iki kiganiro bigaragara ko ijambo « imishyikirano » na FDLR ari nk'igitutsi ku bantu ba FPR n'abayishyigikiye. Bose bahuriza ko ngo u Rwanda rutashyikirana na FDLR, kubera ko FDLR ari umutwe w'iterabwoba, kandi ko abayobozi bawo bashyiriweho impapuro mpuzamahanga zo kubafata. Iyo umuntu yitegereje neza ibi bimenyetso bitangwa n'aba bavugira FPR usanga nta shingiro bifite, cyane cyane ko ingingo nyisnhi baheraho bamagana FDLR atari ukuri.

1. FDLR si umutwe w'iterabwoba nta n'ubwo uri ku rutonde na rumwe ku isi, rwaba urwa ONU cyangwa USA.

Muri iki kiganiro, umunyamakuru wa BBC Gahuzamiryango yifashishije Bwana Charles Kambanda, impuguke mu mategeko, akaba ari n'umucamanza i New York. Charles Kambanda yasobanuye neza ko ONU itigeze ikora urutonde rw'abantu bashinjwa iterabwoba ku isi. Bityo rero FDLR ntiyari kuba ku rutonde rutabaho. yasobanuye impamvu nyamukuru ituma ONU idashobora gukora urwo rutonde.

Urutonde rw'abaterabwoba rwagombye kwemezwa n'akanama gashinzwe amahoro ku isi, kandi biriya bihugu bitanu by'ibihangange, ari byo: USA, Chine. Russie, UK, France, byananiwe kumvikana kuri urwo rutonde. Usanga abo USA yita abaterabwoba, mu Burusiya babita intwari. Abaterabwoba bo mu Burusiya, USA ibita intwari, gutyo gutyo. Iki nicyo gituma nta rutonde rw'abaterabwoba rwakozwe na ONU. Buri gihugu muri ibi by'ibihangange bigira urutonde rwabyo rwihariye. Niyo kandi urebye urutonde rwa USA nta FDLR irangwaho. Charles Kambanda abyemeza ashingiye ku kazi ke ka buri munsi, kamuhesha ububasha bwo kureba kuri urwo rutonde buri gihe iyo ari kuburanisha imanza rimwe na rimwe ziba zijyanye n'ibikorwa by'iterabwoba muri USA.

Yongeyeho ko hari igihe ikitwa ALIR (Armée de Libération du Rwanda) kigeze gushyirwa kuri urwo rutonde, kubera abanyamerika bigeze kwicirwa muri parike ya Bwindi mu Bugande ahagana muri '99. Icyo gihe byavuzwe ko abishe abo banyamerika bari abasirikari ba ALIR. Igitangaje ariko nuko bafashwe n'ingabo z'u Rwanda ku butaka bwa Uganda, bakajyanwa i Kigali, nyuma ngo bakemera ko ari bo bakoze ayo mahano. Nyuma byabaye ngombwa ko USA ijya kubaburanisha mu rukiko rwa leta ya Columbia. Urukiko rwasanze ari abere, ahubwo amakuru yagiye asohoka nyuma yemeza ko ingabo za APR- inkotanyi ari zo zishe bariya banyamerika, kugira ngo babone uko basiga ALIR icyaha.

Ubu buryo si ubwa mbere FPR yari ibukoresheje, kubera ko yabikoze ubwo yoherezaga aba comando bagatsemba abagogwe, barangiza bagasiga icyo cyaha leta ya Habyalimana (umva ubuhamya uko abagogwe bishwe).

Abo banyarwanda rero (Francois Karare, Nyaminani Gregoire, Léonidas Bimenyimana) bazize akamama, ubu bakaba bafungiye i Guantanamo, gereza ya USA ifungirwamo abaterabwoba kaabuhariwe ku isi.

2.  Impapuro mpuzamahanga zashyiriweho gufata abayobozi ba FDLR 

Abavugira FPR bakomeza bavuga ko nta washyikirana n'umtwe ufite abayobozi bashyiriweho impapuro mpuzamahanga zo kubafata. Iki n'ikigaragaza ubuswa n'ubujiji abanywanda bavugira FPR bakomeje kugaragaza.

Iyo bavuga impapuro mpuzamahanga, biyibagiza ko abo babatuma abenshi muri bo bafite impapuro mpuzamahanga zo kubafata z'ibihugu 2 by'i Burayi, aribyo France na Espagne ( fichier pdf Rapport Bruguierefichier pdf Acte d'accusation-ordonnance espagnole).

Ahubwo uhereye kuri izi mpapuro gusa wasanga FDLR ari yo idakwiye gushyikirana na FPR! Harahagazwe! Umva imvo n'imvano


Source: Ikaze Iwacu

President Kagame prophecies Doom while addressing a thousands of Rwandan youth

President Kagame prophecies Doom while addressing a thousands of Rwandan youth

Instead of President Kagame giving out a word of wisdom to a thousands youth who had gathered at the National Stadium, he shockingly delivered prophecy of doom

By Gasasira,Sweden
Our sources in Rwandan Capital Kigali reveals that in the recent ceremony which brought together different dignitaries of different portfolio and thousands of Rwandan youth from different provinces who had gathered together in the National Stadium in an event which was organised by the ministry of youth ,local government and ministry of education , President Kagame as the guest of honour who was supposed to deliver a word of wisdom to the attendants as a head of state instead uttered out prophecy of doom.

With unusual calm character which showed that President Kagame intended to deliver his prophecy of doom which was more of an intimidation and terrorising speech ,the president shocked the attendants when he urged Rwandan youth to stand with him in a challenging situation the country had reached in and warned them that failure to do so the country was risking to be teared into pieces.

He reminded the Rwandan youth of the tragedy which their Country passed through where neighbours and relative killed each other . To those who understand President Kagame's indirect way of sending message to his critics understood well what he meant which was none apart from vowing to terrorise and murdering any one who dared to oppose his autocracy and macheting relatives of his critics like the way his predecessors of MRND regime which carried out tutsi genocide in the same spirit of retaliating at relatives of tutsi dominated party RPF who had attacked Rwanda to top over the dictatorial regime of President Habyarimana .

In the same speech President Kagame warned Rwandan youth who are out of the country who have deliberately continued to destroy their own country and depriving him of his rights of acquiring wealth yet even those who criticise them in their normal life where they are living they also ought to prosper in whatever they are doing . Analyst of President Kagame's speech directly understood that the president was threatening to retaliate at those who deprive from him his rights of plundering DR Congo wealthy minerals .

What President Kagame wanted from the Rwandan youth who had gathered in a thousands by delivering such alarming and intimidating speech was intended to mobilise Rwandan youth to join him in the preparation of war against UN Forces and the Congolese National Forces "FARDC" given that a lot of the recruited Rwandan youth who were high school livers realised that the reasons of recruiting them weren't civil training as they had thought but they instead realised at a later stage that they had recruited them to attend a special Combat training which is among Rwanda Defence Forces in preparation of fighting with it's allies alongside with the notorious M23 rebels against UN Peace Keepers and Intervention Forces in DR Congo . This saga of recruiting for M23 which was more of hijacking the Rwandan youth led to their fleeing to neighbouring Countries like Uganda and Burundi where they are hunted by the Rwandan embassies in those respective countries dead or live in order to do not link their secrets to international community most especially the UN Security Council where Rwanda is among their seating members yet it repeatedly denied of having not owned her proxy notorious rebel group M23 which has continued to murder a thousands of innocent civilians and displaced other to neighbouring countries where they are wandering due to insecurity caused by Rwandan greedy autocratic President Kagame .

Posted by editor on Jun 16 2013. Filed under Breaking NewsPoliticsTop Stories. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

President Kagame prophecies Doom while addressing a thousands of Rwandan youth

President Kagame prophecies Doom while addressing a thousands of Rwandan youth

Instead of President Kagame giving out a word of wisdom to a thousands youth who had gathered at the National Stadium, he shockingly delivered prophecy of doom

By Gasasira,Sweden
Our sources in Rwandan Capital Kigali reveals that in the recent ceremony which brought together different dignitaries of different portfolio and thousands of Rwandan youth from different provinces who had gathered together in the National Stadium in an event which was organised by the ministry of youth ,local government and ministry of education , President Kagame as the guest of honour who was supposed to deliver a word of wisdom to the attendants as a head of state instead uttered out prophecy of doom.

With unusual calm character which showed that President Kagame intended to deliver his prophecy of doom which was more of an intimidation and terrorising speech ,the president shocked the attendants when he urged Rwandan youth to stand with him in a challenging situation the country had reached in and warned them that failure to do so the country was risking to be teared into pieces.

He reminded the Rwandan youth of the tragedy which their Country passed through where neighbours and relative killed each other . To those who understand President Kagame's indirect way of sending message to his critics understood well what he meant which was none apart from vowing to terrorise and murdering any one who dared to oppose his autocracy and macheting relatives of his critics like the way his predecessors of MRND regime which carried out tutsi genocide in the same spirit of retaliating at relatives of tutsi dominated party RPF who had attacked Rwanda to top over the dictatorial regime of President Habyarimana .

In the same speech President Kagame warned Rwandan youth who are out of the country who have deliberately continued to destroy their own country and depriving him of his rights of acquiring wealth yet even those who criticise them in their normal life where they are living they also ought to prosper in whatever they are doing . Analyst of President Kagame's speech directly understood that the president was threatening to retaliate at those who deprive from him his rights of plundering DR Congo wealthy minerals .

What President Kagame wanted from the Rwandan youth who had gathered in a thousands by delivering such alarming and intimidating speech was intended to mobilise Rwandan youth to join him in the preparation of war against UN Forces and the Congolese National Forces "FARDC" given that a lot of the recruited Rwandan youth who were high school livers realised that the reasons of recruiting them weren't civil training as they had thought but they instead realised at a later stage that they had recruited them to attend a special Combat training which is among Rwanda Defence Forces in preparation of fighting with it's allies alongside with the notorious M23 rebels against UN Peace Keepers and Intervention Forces in DR Congo . This saga of recruiting for M23 which was more of hijacking the Rwandan youth led to their fleeing to neighbouring Countries like Uganda and Burundi where they are hunted by the Rwandan embassies in those respective countries dead or live in order to do not link their secrets to international community most especially the UN Security Council where Rwanda is among their seating members yet it repeatedly denied of having not owned her proxy notorious rebel group M23 which has continued to murder a thousands of innocent civilians and displaced other to neighbouring countries where they are wandering due to insecurity caused by Rwandan greedy autocratic President Kagame .

Posted by editor on Jun 16 2013. Filed under Breaking NewsPoliticsTop Stories. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

Reporters without Borders urges Ugandan Police to share it’s investigations of those who brutally murdered New vision Journalist Thomas Pere and immediately bring those culprits to Justice

Reporters without Borders urges Ugandan Police to share it's investigations of those who brutally murdered New vision Journalist Thomas Pere and immediately bring those culprits to Justice

Inspector General of Police ,Kare Kayihura is urged by Media activist bodies to share his investigations with the public in order to know Killed New vision reporters

By Gasasira,Sweden

In a press release copied to Umuvugizi by the media activist body "Reporters Without Borders" which is shocked by last night but one's murder of Thomas Pere, a reporter for the state-owned New Vision media group in the Ugandan capital of Kampala where his body was found early that morning in an open field a few miles outside the city.

"It is clear from the injuries to Pere's body and the way it was found that his death was not accidental, and that in fact he was murdered," Reporters Without Borders said. " It went on and said that the motive, and whether it was linked to his work, is not yet clear but so far everything suggests that it was not a robbery.

"We welcome the fact that the police lost no time in starting an investigation. We urge them to shed all possible light on the circumstances of Pere's death in order to identify and arrest the perpetrators and instigators." Said Reporters without borders

Pere was last seen in the New Vision newsroom at around 8 p.m. yesterday but one evening before he left to go home. The police found his body at 6 a.m. yesterday in an open field in Massajja, beside the highway from Kampala to Entebbe, the town where he lived.

The police said they did not think he was killed at the place where the body was found. None of his personal effects had been taken. His mobile phone, wallet and two credit cards were all found in his pockets, suggesting that robbery must be ruled out as a motive.

Kampala police spokesman Ibin Ssenkumbi said he appeared to have been killed by a blow to the head with blunt object.

Pere covered society stories for the entertainment and supplements sections and was an active member of the Uganda Tourism Press Association.

Posted by editor on Jun 18 2013. Filed under Breaking NewsInternationalTop Stories. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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