
Tuesday, 11 June 2013


Communiqué de presse
Conférence de presse

Département de l'information • Service des informations et des accréditations • New York


« Nous continuerons à utiliser tous les outils à notre disposition pour traquer et traduire en justice les neufs fugitifs poursuivis par le Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda », ont prévenu, ce matin, au Siège de l'ONU, à New York, le juge Hassan Bubacar Jallow,Procureur du Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda (TPIR), et Stephen J. Rapp, Ambassadeur itinérant des États-Unis pour les crimes de guerre.

Pour toute information qui aboutirait à l'arrestation, au transfèrement et à la comparution des neufs fugitifs, accusés d'être parmi les principaux planificateurs, organisateurs ou financiers du génocide rwandais de 1994, le Département d'État américain s'est, à nouveau, engagé à offrir jusqu'à 5 millions de dollars à travers son « Programme de récompenses pour les crimes de guerre », a expliqué, ce matin aux journalistes, Stephen J. Rapp.

En cas d'arrestation, aucun des neufs fugitifs rwandais ne sera jugé par le TPIR.  Les trois plus gros dossiers seront traités par la branche d'Arusha du Mécanisme international chargé d'exercer les fonctions résiduelles du TPIR et du Tribunal pour l'ex-Yougoslavie, qui est opérationnelle depuis le 1er juillet 2012.  Les six autres affaires seront renvoyées à la justice rwandaise.

« L'arrestation de ces fugitifs est très importante non seulement pour la justice mais aussi pour la paix et la stabilité dans la région », a souligné le juge Hassan Bubacar Jallow.  Il a lancé un appel à tous les États Membres pour qu'ils coopèrent avec le Mécanisme à l'arrestation des fugitifs.  « Il n'y a pas de limite de temps.  Le Mécanisme continuera à poursuivre ces fugitifs.  Les cacher ne sera donc pas payant.  La seule option qui s'offrent à eux est de se rendre », a-t-il tranché. 

« Nous ne serons pas tranquilles tant qu'ils ne seront pas arrêtés », a ajouté Stephen J. Rapp, qui a rappelé que ces hommes étaient accusés de « crimes d'horreur presque inimaginables ». 

Les trois accusés de haut rang qui, une fois arrêtés, seraient poursuivis par le Mécanisme résiduel sont Augustin Bizimana, ancien Ministre de la défense nationale du Gouvernement intérimaire, et Félicien Kabuga, ancien Président du Comité d'initiative de la Radio Télévision libre des Mille Collines et principal bailleur de fonds du Mouvement révolutionnaire national pour le développement (MRND) et de ses milices.  Protais Mpiranya commandait, quant à lui, le bataillon de la garde présidentielle.

Le Département d'État des États-Unis a déjà payé 14 récompenses dans le cadre de son « Programme de récompenses pour les crimes de guerre », qui a été élargi en janvier 2013, a expliqué Stephen J. Rapp.  Le programme s'applique aux fugitifs poursuivis par les Tribunaux pénaux internationaux pour le Rwanda, l'ex-Yougoslavie et la Sierra Leone. 

La traque de ces fugitifs est un défi car il a lieu sur un terrain difficile, a concédé le juge Hassan Bubacar Jallow.  Il a cependant assuré que les recherches restaient intenses pour le moment et que le TPIR avait conservé les preuves et les témoignages.  Il a émis l'espoir que le Programme de récompenses suscitera la coopération du public.

Demain, dans la matinée, le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU tiendra un débat public sur les Tribunaux pénaux internationaux pour le Rwanda et l'ex-Yougoslavie.

*   ***   *

À l'intention des organes d'information • Document non officiel

FDLR: Why President Kagame will not negotiate

FDLR: Why President Kagame will not negotiate

Kagame 2By: Jennifer Fierberg
The Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) remain a topic of much debate among those who research and spend time in the Great Lakes Region of Africa. There are a few schools of thought as to who this group is and what their motives are.
The first school of thought is the 'official narrative' provided by the Government of Rwanda which states that the FDLR planned out and committed genocide in 1994, fled into the DRC to live in refugee camps in order to escape persecution by the government that "stopped the genocide" and took power in Rwanda. Less than two years after the genocide the ruling party in Rwanda, the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF), invaded  Eastern Congo in order to seek vengeance on these escaping 'genocidaires' and bring justice to them.
In contrast to the official report, Wikipedia states:
"The Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda is the primary remnant Rwandan Hutu rebel group in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is often referred to as simply the FDLR after its original French name: the Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda. It has been involved in fighting from its formation on 30 September 2000 throughout the last phase of the Second Congo War and the fighting which has continued since then. It is composed almost entirely of majority ethnic Hutus opposed to minority Tutsi rule and influence in the region. The FDLR was formed after negotiations between the Army for the Liberation of Rwanda and the remnant Hutu military command agreed that the ALiR be dissolved. Paul Rwarakabije was appointed commander in chief of the entire force, but ALiR had to accept the political leadership of the FDLR."
On May 26th 2013, during the 21st African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the President of Tanzania, Kikwete, advised the President of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, to negotiate with the FDLR in order to stop the 16 years of war that this situation has created. President Kagame did not respond himself rather his Minister of Foreign Affairs, Louise Mushikiwabo, stated "they would not negotiate with a terrorist group," and demanded an apology from President Kikwete. A spokesperson for the government of Tanzania stated in reply to a request for an apology that, "President Kikwete will not apologise because his statement was based on facts. We ask Rwanda to take this advice. Our President cannot apologise for the truth."
The FDLR published a press release in response to President Kikwete's request and stated in part:
"The Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) are rejoicing and firmly support His Excellency Mr Jakaya Mrisho KIKWETE, Tanzanian President's proposition of setting about global and pacific solutions of the conflicts which have been prevailing up to date within the African Great Lakes region in general and the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in particular; which proposition suggests a resolution by means and ways of organizing relevant dialogues between all the involved warring parties."
The decision to seek peace seems to remain in the hands of President Kagame, yet he has emphatically stated that he will not negotiate with the FDLR under any circumstances. There has been a long war in Eastern DRC at the hands of Paul Kagame and his endless quest for "justice" against the FDLR. If there remain members of the FDLR who committed genocide in 1994 they would be a least 50 years of age now.  It would appear that Kagame's motives are out of vengeance rather than justice.
Ironically, in 1993 Paul Kagame and his rebel group, the RPA, were in the midst of negotiations with the then President of Rwanda Juvenal Habyarimana, in Arusha, Tanzania in order to reach and sign a joint power sharing agreement. Paul Kagame was leading a group of Tutsi refugees who were returning home to Rwanda. These negotiations were to provide a path for peaceful return. On April 6, 1994 President Habyarimana was returning home by plane after having just signed a power sharing agreement to incorporate the RPF into the government when his plane was shot out of the sky on the orders of Paul Kagame and his rebels triggering the 1994 genocide.
Sharing power with the previous government of Rwanda was not enough for Paul Kagame; he wanted total power which he seized in the weeks following the assassination of President Habyarimana.
For President Kagame to negotiate with the FDLR and come to an agreement then he would be giving up his strangle hold on Eastern DRC thereby giving up his unlimited access to the minerals and other geostrategic interests keeping his pockets lined and full. Peace in Eastern DRC means there is no need for Rwanda to be in Eastern DRC. Since the government of Rwanda has stated that "Peace in Eastern DRC is in the best interest of the region", President Kagame should be willing to prove that by negotiating for that peace through talks with the FDLR.
Time will tell whether history will repeat itself in Rwanda or if the trajectory of this country will change resulting in peace in The Great Lakes Region of Africa.

FDLR: Why President Kagame will not negotiate

FDLR: Why President Kagame will not negotiate

Kagame 2By: Jennifer Fierberg
The Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) remain a topic of much debate among those who research and spend time in the Great Lakes Region of Africa. There are a few schools of thought as to who this group is and what their motives are.
The first school of thought is the 'official narrative' provided by the Government of Rwanda which states that the FDLR planned out and committed genocide in 1994, fled into the DRC to live in refugee camps in order to escape persecution by the government that "stopped the genocide" and took power in Rwanda. Less than two years after the genocide the ruling party in Rwanda, the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF), invaded  Eastern Congo in order to seek vengeance on these escaping 'genocidaires' and bring justice to them.
In contrast to the official report, Wikipedia states:
"The Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda is the primary remnant Rwandan Hutu rebel group in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is often referred to as simply the FDLR after its original French name: the Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda. It has been involved in fighting from its formation on 30 September 2000 throughout the last phase of the Second Congo War and the fighting which has continued since then. It is composed almost entirely of majority ethnic Hutus opposed to minority Tutsi rule and influence in the region. The FDLR was formed after negotiations between the Army for the Liberation of Rwanda and the remnant Hutu military command agreed that the ALiR be dissolved. Paul Rwarakabije was appointed commander in chief of the entire force, but ALiR had to accept the political leadership of the FDLR."
On May 26th 2013, during the 21st African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the President of Tanzania, Kikwete, advised the President of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, to negotiate with the FDLR in order to stop the 16 years of war that this situation has created. President Kagame did not respond himself rather his Minister of Foreign Affairs, Louise Mushikiwabo, stated "they would not negotiate with a terrorist group," and demanded an apology from President Kikwete. A spokesperson for the government of Tanzania stated in reply to a request for an apology that, "President Kikwete will not apologise because his statement was based on facts. We ask Rwanda to take this advice. Our President cannot apologise for the truth."
The FDLR published a press release in response to President Kikwete's request and stated in part:
"The Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) are rejoicing and firmly support His Excellency Mr Jakaya Mrisho KIKWETE, Tanzanian President's proposition of setting about global and pacific solutions of the conflicts which have been prevailing up to date within the African Great Lakes region in general and the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in particular; which proposition suggests a resolution by means and ways of organizing relevant dialogues between all the involved warring parties."
The decision to seek peace seems to remain in the hands of President Kagame, yet he has emphatically stated that he will not negotiate with the FDLR under any circumstances. There has been a long war in Eastern DRC at the hands of Paul Kagame and his endless quest for "justice" against the FDLR. If there remain members of the FDLR who committed genocide in 1994 they would be a least 50 years of age now.  It would appear that Kagame's motives are out of vengeance rather than justice.
Ironically, in 1993 Paul Kagame and his rebel group, the RPA, were in the midst of negotiations with the then President of Rwanda Juvenal Habyarimana, in Arusha, Tanzania in order to reach and sign a joint power sharing agreement. Paul Kagame was leading a group of Tutsi refugees who were returning home to Rwanda. These negotiations were to provide a path for peaceful return. On April 6, 1994 President Habyarimana was returning home by plane after having just signed a power sharing agreement to incorporate the RPF into the government when his plane was shot out of the sky on the orders of Paul Kagame and his rebels triggering the 1994 genocide.
Sharing power with the previous government of Rwanda was not enough for Paul Kagame; he wanted total power which he seized in the weeks following the assassination of President Habyarimana.
For President Kagame to negotiate with the FDLR and come to an agreement then he would be giving up his strangle hold on Eastern DRC thereby giving up his unlimited access to the minerals and other geostrategic interests keeping his pockets lined and full. Peace in Eastern DRC means there is no need for Rwanda to be in Eastern DRC. Since the government of Rwanda has stated that "Peace in Eastern DRC is in the best interest of the region", President Kagame should be willing to prove that by negotiating for that peace through talks with the FDLR.
Time will tell whether history will repeat itself in Rwanda or if the trajectory of this country will change resulting in peace in The Great Lakes Region of Africa.



Perezida Kagame yakomeje agira ati "Mbere na mbere impamvu nacecetse kuri ibyo, ni ukubera intego nabonaga ibyo bifite, icya kabiri ; numvaga ko ntacyo bivuze, icya gatutu natekereje ko ari ubujiji, icya kane ni ikibazo cy'ingengabitekerezo."
Ni amagambo make Perezida Kagame yavuze kuri icyo kibazo, ariko yatanze icyizere ati "Gusa ariko tuzagira undi munsi wo gukemura iki kibazo"

Aya mahano twayavugaho iki?

Ubundi abanyarwanda twari tumenyereye gutukwa na Perezida Kagame n'agatsiko ke. Utavuga rumwe nako gatsiko bamwita interahamwe, umujenosideri, umuteroriste, umujura, umusazi, umurwayi w'ingengabitekerezo, ibigarasha, umwanda, nibindi bitutsi by'urukozasoni.

None Kagame yubahutse Perezida wa Tanzania, Nyakubahwa Kikwete amwita injiji irwaye ingengabitekerezo. Kagame yunze mu rya Mushikiwabo wavuze ko Perezida Kikwete atazi "gutandukanya ururo n'icyatsi."

Koko Perezida Kikwete niwe njiji? Kikwete yarangije Universite ya Dar es Salam, ahabwa impamya ubushobozi mu byubukungu (B.A. Economics ). Kagame y'ivanye mu mashuri adakandagiye muri kaminuza, atari uko abuze ubwenge, yigira umucuruzi wa madolari y'ibikwangara muri Kampala. Iyo Fred Rwigyema atamwandurura kuriyo mihanda, ake kari kashobotse. 

Kikwete afite ipeti rya Lt.Col mu gisirikare cya Tanzania gifite icyubahiro muri Afurika yose. Kagame yigize generali mu ntambara zarwanywe nabandi we yibera inyuma yizo ngabo ubu yagize ingwate abandi muri zo yahinduye abicanyi.

Kikwete yabaye Ministiri w'Ububanyi n'Amahanga nu w'Imali muli manda za Perezida Mkapa na Perezida Mwinyi. Uko Kikwete yacunze akazi ayahawe mu bubanyi n'amahanga ntabwo wabigereranya ni bya Kagame na Mushikiwabo, bakora uwo gucura abanzi, kubeshya, no gutukana. Mu gucunga imali, Kikwete ntabyo yibye. Kagame niwe usahura umutungo wabanyarwanda, abaho nku mubillionnaire mu gihugu abanyarwanda bicwa n'inzara. 

Kikwete yahawe ikizere nishyaka CCM, atorwa nabaturage muri Tanzania, uburi ari muri manda ye yakabiri. Perezida Kikwete ni Perezida wa kane kuva Tanzania yabona ubwigenge..nyuma ya Nyerere, Mwinyi, na Mkapa. Kagame yatowe nande? Na FPR?Nabanyarwanda? Yihaye ubutegetsi, arabwikubira, ategekesha igitugu cy'amasasu n'inkongi y'umuliro. 

Tanzania yaranzwe no kurengerea inyungu zabandi banyafurika: South Africa, Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Burundi, Rwanda, DRC, Uganda, etc. Kagame arangwa n'iki? Gushoza intambara mu bindi bihugu. Yarwanye na Museveni wamufashije gufata ubutegetsi. Ahora ateza intambara muri Congo, ashaka gusahura amabuye y'agaciro, no kwishimisha ngo ni igihinza.

None yadutse Tanzania, atuka umukuru wayo, avuga ngo "icyo kibazo azagikemura". Azagikemura ate? Nkuko yakemuye icya Perezida Habyarimana na Perezida Ntaryamira? Nka Perezida Laurent Kabira? Arema undi mutwe M24 gutera Tanzania?

Ibyo Perezida Kikwete azira nuko yavugishije ukuri avuga ati Kagame nacyemure ibibazo by'u Rwanda avugana nabanyarwanda bafitanye ikibazo nawe. Ese ubwo nibwo bujiji ningengabitekerezo bya Kikwete? Ubwo noneho bivuze ko majorite yabanyarwanda, abanyafurika nabanyamahanga ari injiji kandi bose barwaye ingengabitekerezo!

Naho gutega iminsi Perezida Kikwete nabanyarwanda nimfabusa: ucira abandi akobo, Imana ibacira akanzu. Kandi ngo umutego mubi ushibukana nyirawo.

Rwandan students seek asylum in Uganda over insecurity claims


Rwandan students seek asylum in Uganda over insecurity claimsBy ERIASA MUKIIBI SSERUNJOGI | Monday, June 10   

An empty classroom. Rwandan students who entered Uganda citing security threats back home say they are also being harassed by officials from the High Commission in Uganda at their camp at Old Kampala Police Station. FILE | NATION MEDIA GROUP 

Rwandan students who entered Uganda citing security threats back home say they are also being intimidated by officials from the High Commission in Uganda at their camp at Old Kampala Police Station.

Speaking to the Daily Monitor at Old Kampala yesterday, the 16, (14 boys and two girls) said the process of applying for refugee status in Uganda had been going on smoothly until a "top" official from the Rwandan High Commission intervened.

The spokesperson of the group who asked not to be named citing security reasons, said on arrival in Kampala on Monday evening and reporting at the offices of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees in Kololo, they were advised to go to Old Kampala Police Station to start processing their asylum papers.

An official at UNHR said he is aware of the group's case, but said the issue is still within the hands of the government of Uganda.

At Old Kampala, the group's spokesperson says, they filled asylum registration cards but Rwanda High Commission officials intervened. "A man who identified himself as Ngarambe from the Rwanda High Commission asked to go with two of us to the Rwanda High Commission but we refused," he said.

The Rwandan High Commissioner to Uganda, Maj Gen Frank Mugambagye, who we first contacted for a comment on Saturday, told us last evening that he needed more time to find out about the case. Mr Ibin Ssenkumbi, the police spokesperson for Kampala Metropolitan area, said he was not aware of the case.

The students' leader said the police officer at the refugee desk then changed his mind and told the group that there was no use continuing with the process because they were going to be returned to their country anyway. The group also say they encountered hostile reception by some officials at the Office of the Prime Minister in-charge of refugees.

The group says the officer from the Rwandan High Commission threatened to pick them up from Nakivale Refugee Camp in Mbarara, if they are ever taken there, and return them to Rwanda.

Earlier threats

It is such threats which the 16 say forced them out of Rwanda. They say the problem started when results for a total of 574 students who sat for the National Examinations 2012 were withheld by the Rwanda Examinations Board (REB).

Some of the affected students took up the matter with REB, to the Ministry of Education in Rwanda, Transparency Rwanda, the Prime Minister's Office and finally the President's office, all in vain.

At the President's Office, they say, they were promised feedback in three or four days of filing their complaint. When they went back on April 18, they say 48 of them were arrested and detained by the police for "illegal gathering." The next morning, they picked 20 of them to take up the matter with the Ombudsman, who promised to resolve the matter.

On Saturday June 1, the spokesperson said, one of the girls told the group that she had decided to run away due to the threats. "It was then that all of us discovered that we had all been threatened individually," the spokesperson said.

By that time, they say, four of the 20 members were "no longer seen" and when they called one of them, the group spokesperson says he said, "You should leave those things." They suspect they had given in due to threats.

-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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