
Saturday, 17 November 2012

Journée de lutte contre le mensonge au Rwanda: Mercredi 21/11/2012

--- On Sun, 11/11/12, MUSABYIMANA JEAN DE DIEU <> wrote:

Subject: *DHR* Fw : Journée de lutte contre le mensonge au Rwanda: Mercredi 21/11/2012
To: "Democracy Human grpe" <>
Date: Sunday, November 11, 2012, 7:10 AM

Mercredi le 21 novembre 2012, première
« Journée de lutte contre le mensonge et l'impunité au Rwanda » :
Mardi 20 novembre 2012 de 18h à 21h au n°25, Rue Marcq à 1000 Bruxelles (métro Sainte Catherine
 « Mu gisaza »), vous êtes invités dans une conférence réservée aux débats et aux stratégies de lutte contre le mensonge. Jeunes et moins jeunes vous êtes concernés et vos suggestions sont attendues.
En tant que survivants des crimes de masses commis au Rwanda et en
 République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), nous avons le DROIT et le DEVOIR de lutter contre la culture de l'Impunité et du Mensonge. Les chefs des principaux partis politiques de l'opposition rwandais et des journalistes indépendants sont emprisonnés grâce à cette culture du mensonge qui permet d'instaurer un système d'apartheid et d'injustice au Rwanda.
Le régime du président rwandais, le général Paul KAGAME, fonctionne grâce à deux puissants moteurs : la terreur et le mensonge. Ces deux outils ont rendu possible tous les crimes de
 sang et tous les emprisonnements arbitraires.
Considérant que la culture du MENSONGE est imposée au peuple rwandais comme un « nouveau mode de vie » notamment dans les procès GACACA où des milliers d'innocents sont condamnés arbitrairement, et sans aucune chance de se défendre, à des peines très lourdes pouvant atteindre 30 ans de prison ou la prison à vie avec ou sans isolement ;
Considérant que tous les rwandais de l'intérieur et ceux de la diaspora doivent être sensibilisés à la lutte permanente contre la culture du mensonge qui consolide l'impunité et l'injustice dans  la société rwandaise ;
Le Centre de Lutte contre l'Impunité et l'Injustice au Rwanda (CLIIR)* propose à tous les leaders de la Société Civile Rwandaise de l'intérieur et de la Diaspora, à ceux de toutes les confessions religieuses et à
 tous les leaders des partis politiques rwandais de mettre dans leurs programmes prioritaires, un volet de sensibilisation à la lutte contre la culture de l'impunité et du mensonge. Deux fléaux qui gangrènent et paralysent la société rwandaise.
Le CLIIR propose que le 21 novembre de chaque année soit célébrée comme une journée nationale de lutte contre la Culture de l'impunité et du mensonge.
Fait à Bruxelles, le 11 novembre 2012
Pour le Centre, MATATA Joseph, Coordinateur.

Le Centre de Lutte contre l'Impunité et l'Injustice au Rwanda est une association de défense des droits humains basée en Belgique, créée le 18 août 1995. Ses membres sont des militants des droits humains de longue date. Certains ont été actifs au sein d'associations rwandaises de défense des droits humains et ont participé à l'enquête CLADHO/Kanyarwanda sur le génocide de 1994. Lorsqu'ils ont commencé à enquêter sur les crimes du régime rwandais actuel, ils ont subi des menaces et ont été contraints de s'exiler à l'étranger où ils poursuivent leur engagement en faveur des droits humains.
Centre de Lutte contre l'Impunité
et l'Injustice au Rwanda (CLIIR)
Rue de la Colonne, n°54/4
Tél/Fax : +32.81.601.113
GSM : +32.487.616.651 (Base)
& +32.476.701.569 (Proximus)

US Government and FPR Inkotanyi Triggered 1994 Rwanda Genocide

US Government and FPR Inkotanyi Triggered 1994 Rwanda Genocide
Published on Nov 5, 2012 by
The US was behind the Rwandan Genocide: Rwanda: Installing a US
Protectorate in Central Africa
by Michel Chossudovsky

IMF-World Bank policies and the Rwandan holocaust
By Michel Chossudovsky, 26 January, 1995

One important note-you make mention of Jean Pierre Turatsinze. Turns out
he was an RPF agent (a letter from him stating so was placed in evidence
in our trial) providing disinformation about weapons caches to Dallaire.
Also turns out that no such weapons caches were ever found in possession
of govt or MRND people.

But the most important thing is that Dallaire never sent a fax to New York
about being informed by Turatisinze that there was a plan t o exterminate
Tutsis. (and kill Belgians). He sent a fax only about JP's information
about weapons caches. Dallaire did not need permission to search for such
caches-his terms of engagement permitted him to do that. What New York
refused was his request for protection of Turatsinize.

The so-called genocide fax that Dallaire purported to have sent to New
York in January talking of a plan to exterminate Tutsis was never sent.
The document they have tried to use in the trials (and which Philip
Gourevitch made a big splash with in 97 or so) is a forgery produced by
the British Army.

I have written an article on this which I can send you explaining all
this. The prosecution tried to produce the "Dallaire genocide fax" in our
trial-but we stopped them from doing so by producing the fax that New York
actually had which reveals that it was placed in UN files only on November
28, 1995 by British Army Colonel R.M. Connaughton based at Camberly. U.K.
site of the British military academy, Sandhurst, and also several military
intel units.

It did not exist prior to that date. There was never a plan to exterminate
I attach the article so you can understand what transpired and how
criminal these criminals really and how the mass media version of events
has been manipulated by false information. The article details that no
mention of Tutsis ever occurred in the interviews of Jean Pierre with
Dallaire's officers.

The article was originally published on Sanders Research Associates
website but this attached is a repost on the Paris website of American
ex-pat Mick Collins, Cirgueminime. I use it for convenience. Mick put in
some comments as well. But have a read of it. I can send both the original
fax from new York that shows it was faxed in to them from Colonel
Connaughton and the doctored version the prosecutor tried to use where
they had the notes and fax number removed so its origin could not be

Interview de Muhirwa Alice: gagnante du prix Jeunesse engagée pour la démocratie

Interview de Muhirwa Alice: gagnante du prix Jeunesse engagée pour la démocratie

Pour votre info:

Prix Jeunesse engagée – La Relève

Chaque automne, le Réseau international des femmes pour la démocratie et la paix, RifDP, organise une soirée à l'honneur de « La Relève » au cours de laquelle est décerné le « Prix Jeunesse engagée ».

U.N. Group Recommends Sanctioning Rwandan Defense Minister

U.N. Group Recommends Sanctioning Rwandan Defense Minister
By Hayes Brown on Nov 17, 2012 at 9:00 am

Rwandan President Paul Kagame Addresses the U.N.

A United Nations Group of Experts (GoE) has suggested a new target for sanctions related to the ongoing violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: the Rwandan Minister of Defense. The experts offered Defense Minister James Kabarebe's name up for blacklisting due to his suspected role in arming and leading the M23 rebel group in the Congo, as detailed in a report earlier this year.
The GoE made its pitch to the United Nations Security Council committee responsible for sanctions on the Democratic Republic of Congo on Monday. While no action was taken on that specific suggestion, the committee did decide to send forward the rebel leader Sultani Makenga to the full Council for potential repercussions. Among the punishments that the U.N. has at its disposal for individuals accused of breaching international peace and security are travel bans, freezing of financial assets, and even potential referral to the International Criminal Court.
Drama of being named aside, the question of whether the Security Council will take action against any Rwandan officials is a different story:
Diplomats said it was unlikely the council would find the consensus necessary to add any Rwandans to the U.N. blacklist.  
>"But the fact that the Group of Experts would make this recommendation will itself send a strong political message to Rwanda about the need to curtail support for M23 rebels," another diplomatic source said.
>The accusations against Kabarebe have prompted the United States, Sweden and the Netherlands to suspend some aid to Rwanda, which relies on donors for about 40 percent of its budget. In September the European Union froze further budgetary support to Rwanda.
Even a slim chance that a member of President Paul Kagame's cabinet be sanctioned puts Rwanda in an interesting position. Rwanda was elected last month to join the Security Council for a two-year term, starting in January. While no vote will likely come of the GoE's suggestion at this point, it does still lend itself to the potential that further revelations of the link between Rwanda and the M23 could spur a U.N. response. In that event, Rwandan diplomats would have their work cut out for them.
The situation has the potential to be awkward for for U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice as well. Rice, thought to be the front runner for the position of Secretary of State once Hillary Clinton departs, is particularly close with Kagame. Also, the United States has been accused of holding back the release of the initial GoE report that accused Rwanda of aiding the Congolese rebels, possibly at the behest of Rice.

UN troops on 'high alert' in DR Congo after deadly clash

UN troops on 'high alert' in DR Congo after deadly clash
By AFP | Saturday, November 17  2012 at  14:00 *  19  24  43
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Indian soldiers of the United Nations mission in Democratic Republic of Congo sit on the top of tanks at a military post in Kibati, some 10 km from Goma, and some 15 km from the frontline on August 13, 2012. The UN mission in DR Congo, known as MONUSCO, has some 17,000 troops, deployed mainly in the east, to protect local residents.   PHOTO | AFP
The United Nations on Friday put its peacekeepers on "high alert" in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo as UN leader Ban Ki-moon again condemned outside help to rebels battling the government there.
Rapid reaction units among UN peacekeepers were moved to key areas around the provincial capital of Goma after battles between M23 rebels and government troops on Thursday reportedly left a large number of casualties.
UN spokesman Martin Nesirky said that "quick reaction teams" had been sent to the Kivu provincial capital Goma and the city's airport following the latest clashes.
He added that peacekeepers in the UN mission, officially known as MONUSCO, had been put on "high alert" with attack helicopters also on standby.
Government troops held off an M23 rebels attack on Thursday at Kibumba, about 25 kilometers (15 miles) northeast of Goma, officials said.
"Unconfirmed reports indicate that the M23 sustained a high number of casualties in the clash," said Mr Nesirky.
An M23 spokesman denied government claims that more than 110 rebels were killed in the battle.
The UN sent the rapid reaction forces to a district between Kibumba and Goma while forces in the provincial capital were added to the "high alert" status in case of attacks on civilians.
The fighting was the most serious in the rebellion since July when the UN's attack helicopters were last put into action against M23.
Long-term threat
The M23 group broke away from the national army in April and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said in a report made public Friday that the rebels now pose a long term threat to the government.
"Reprisal attacks on civilians are intensifying, fuelling cycles of hatred and violence among different communities," Mr Ban said in the report.
UN experts have said Rwanda and Uganda back the rebels, bringing strong denials from the neighbouring governments.
The UN sanctions committee for DR Congo this week ordered a travel ban and assets freeze against M23 leader Sultani Makenga, a former army colonel. The US government has also ordered sanctions.
Diplomats said that other sanctions could follow. The sanctions experts this week called for Rwanda's defense minister, General James Kabarebe, to be added to the blacklist, diplomats said.
The 15-member Security Council is unlikely to agree to the move, the diplomats said, while other M23 figures would be sanctioned.
Without naming any countries, the UN leader again condemned help from other countries given to the M23 in his new report.
Mr Ban said he was "disturbed by continuing reports of external support to the M23.
"I welcome the strong condemnation by a number of member states of all forms of support to the M23 and other negative forces in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and call on all those responsible to immediately and permanently end this destabilizing assistance."
He said DR Congo's sovereignty had to be "fully respected" by neighbouring countries.

-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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