Ingabire's family faces her prison sentence in RwandaNovember 9, 2012 by Ann Garrison KPFA Evening News broadcast Nov. 3, 2012TranscriptRaissa, dressed in the pink uniform of a Rwandan prisoner, holds a photo poster of her imprisoned mother, Victoire Ingabire, at a rally in Brussels on Oct. 20, 2012. Raissa, her family and other supporters of her mother hold rallies frequently in Brussels and The Hague. KPFA/Ann Garrison: Raissa, how are you and the rest of your family feeling now that the court has finally handed down this verdict, two years after your mother was imprisoned? Raissa: Well, we realize that it is not over yet. And this verdict is another part of her journey in fighting for reconciliation, equality and freedom in Rwanda. As her family, we have tried to stay strong. And, yeah, I have to say that the worst moment for me is when I think about my youngest brother. He was 8 when my mother left the Netherlands; and seeing the way things are going for her, it is uncertain when we will see her again, so he might be a teenager at that time, as he is already 10. But, yeah, we have each other as a family, and besides that, there are many who support us – friends, churches – and that makes going through all of this much easier. So, there is hope and there is faith. Victoire Ingabire hugs her daughter Raissa Ujeneza over 20 years ago in the Netherlands. Raissa, now 23, is studying international and European law there, while her mother remains in prison in Rwanda. Raissa: Well, we have not yet received a response from the Dutch government on our petition. The Dutch government currently is dealing with national complications that arise with the new government. Ahh, we will have to wait and see if the petition will be given importance. We realize that it is not over yet. And this verdict is another part of her journey in fighting for reconciliation, equality and freedom in Rwanda. As her family, we have tried to stay strong.KPFA: The issues at stake in your mother's trial are very large. She has steadfastly maintained that not only Rwandan Tutsis but also Rwandan Hutus were killed and were victims of crimes against humanity before, during and after the Rwanda Genocide. This undermines President Kagame's justification for Rwanda's 16-year war and occupation in Congo, where he has claimed the right to hunt down perpetrators of the Tutsi Genocide who fled across the border. Rwandans and Congolese have come together in European capitals to demonstrate for both your mother's release and an end to Rwanda's war in Congo, which they understand to be connected. But, do you think many Europeans outside the diaspora understand that connection? Raissa: No, I don't think the connection between the war in Congo and Rwanda's role in it is understood well. I'm afraid actually that only those who are familiar with the Great Lakes Region understand their connection. Victoire Ingabire's family at the airport before Victoire departed for Rwanda in January 2010: her husband Lin Muyizere, left, daughter Raissa Ujeneza, center left, Victoire, center right, son Remy Ndizeye Niyigena, right, and son Rizst Shima, front. Raissa: I believe that this is a problem that is rooted with the old generation Rwandans. Young Rwandans from the '70s and after, such as myself, we were not compelled to keep the hate going that has destroyed so many lives of Rwandans already. My mother does not want to entice anybody to hate another. Her message is one of peace, freedom and equality, and she's a Hutu herself, but her party has worked and still works with Tutsis. My mother advocates for a Rwanda where people look beyond these differences, while the Kagame regime hides behind the genocide of 1994 and the genocide ideology law. This is just another way the regime tries to justify the way it rules and consequently this also appears to hold the international community back from protesting. Young Rwandans from the '70s and after, such as myself, we were not compelled to keep the hate going that has destroyed so many lives of Rwandans already.My mother welcomes any collaboration between different ethnic groups. She taught us at home that we should learn from history by choosing to do better. And yeah, both Tutsis and Hutus suffered, killed and were murdered. A war always has victims on both sides, and anyone who can deny that is – yah – simply not being real. KPFA: And that was Raissa Ujeneza, daughter of imprisoned Rwandan opposition leader Victoire Ingabire on Ingabire's guilty verdict and eight-year prison sentence. For Pacifica, KPFA and AfrobeatRadio, I'm Ann Garrison. San Francisco writer Ann Garrison writes for the San Francisco Bay View, Global Research, Colored Opinions,Black Star News and her own website, Ann Garrison, and produces for AfrobeatRadio on WBAI-NYC, KPFA Evening News and her own YouTube Channel, AnnieGetYourGang. She can be reached If you want to see Ann Garrison's independent reporting continue, please contribute on her website at
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Sunday, 11 November 2012
Victoire Ingabire’s family faces her prison sentence in Rwanda
Brown urges PM to help with Rwanda visa urges PM to help with Rwanda visa12:40 AEST Mon Nov 12 2012 Former Australian Greens leader Bob Brown has asked Prime Minister Julia Gillard to try and get a ban on him travelling to Rwanda lifted so he can visit the country's Green party. Dr Brown was due to fly to Africa on Monday to speak at Rwanda's Democratic Green Party conference, but was told on Sunday his visa, granted in late October, had been cancelled due to "contradictory messages" in his application. He says it is further evidence the government of Rwandan President Paul Kagame is restricting democracy and crushing political opposition. Ms Gillard met president Kagame in October when they co-chaired a meeting of the Millennium Development Goals Advocates Group at the United Nations. Dr Brown urged Ms Gillard to speak with president Kagame on his behalf, while Greens leader Christine Milne has already called on Foreign Minister Bob Carr to intervene as well. The former Tasmanian senator also said claims online that he had visited Rwanda in the past were "demonstrably wrong". |
Visit cancelled as Rwanda bans Brown cancelled as Rwanda bans BrownAds by GoogleMan Cheats Credit 1 simple trick & my credit score jumped 217 pts. Banks hate this! Banned: Bob Brown. Photo: Andrew Meares FORMER federal Greens leader Bob Brown has been banned from entering Rwanda after the African nation's government cited ''contradictory messages'' in his visa application. Dr Brown received approval on October 30 to travel to the war-torn African nation to support the local Greens party. He was to depart today before the government's reversal on Sunday. ''This is very unfortunate, not just for the Greens in Rwanda, but for democracy in a country where political opposition is not wanted by the government of President [Paul] Kagame,'' Dr Brown said on Sunday. ''I will continue to support the Rwandan Greens and to work for people pursuing democracy under far more difficult circumstances than we experience in Australia.'' ''The last Greens conference was broken up violently with men wielding sticks and some people's arms and legs were broken,'' Dr Brown said. ''The journalist who reported on, and indicated that the government was involved in the break-up of that Greens conference was shot, so it's very tough going.''Dr Brown said he feared for the safety of members of the Democratic Green Party in Rwanda. Party deputy leader Andre Kagwa Rwisereka was found beheaded in 2010 and his killing remains unsolved. ''This is a test for the Commonwealth, whether President Kagame is going to be taken on.'' Rwandan government critics say the country is an authoritarian state, with any who speak out persecuted and often killed. In October, Rwanda controversially gained a non-permanent African seat on the United Nations Security Council. This came despite a UN report that claimed a high-ranking Rwandan official was leading a violent militia uprising in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Human Rights Watch said last month's eight-year jail sentence handed to opposition leader Victoire Ingabire for treason and genocide denial ''illustrates the Rwandan government's unwillingness to tolerate criticism and to accept the role of opposition parties in a democratic society''. With BIANCA HALL, AAP Read more: |
Bob Brown refused entry to Rwanda
-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”
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-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”
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