
Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Obama réélu: le combat de Victoire Ingabire est-il sans issue?

Billet d'humeur d'Eugène Shimamungu (Newsletter n°38)


Voici encore une élection qui m'aura tenu en haleine jusqu'au bout de la nuit. C'est à 5h18 du matin que j'étais délivré. Depuis j'ai essayé de fermer l'œil sans y parvenir et j'ai décidé de ne pas dormir. Je suis sûr maintenant que je vais passer ma journée à somnoler, mais comme la dernière fois en 2008, je obama-2012-obama-2008vais finir par passer 36 heures éveillé tellement la joie est grande. Un seul regret : David Axelrod, le conseiller d'Obama, ne pourra pas raser sa moustache que je trouve horrible !!! (En fait je déteste les moustaches). Je ne suis pas Américain, mais mon cœur a voté ! Un vote, me direz-vous, « ethnique » ! Euh… oui ! S'il avait été battu, on aurait dit « c'est parce qu'il est noir », et on aurait ainsi porté un mauvais procès au peuple américain, que je trouve « magnanime » dans ses choix. Maintenant il va pouvoir être jugé sur ses actions. Imaginez-vous un Kofi Yamgnane. Personne ne se rappelle de lui, c'est celui-là, noir comme du charbon, que Jean-Marie Lepen appelait « Miam Miam », l'ex Ministre de François Mitterrand. Il n'avait réussi qu'à se faire élire par les paysans de St Coulitz, un petit village du Finistère de quelques 400 habitants, à l'époque, parmi lesquels il était le seul ingénieur « des mines », donc pas n'importe lequel. François Mitterrand avait pris cela pour un exploit et l'avait bombardé Ministre ! Il n'est pas allé plus loin, aujourd'hui il est retourné dans son village au… Togo ! Où il a perdu les élections à la présidentielle ! Qui a dit que « nul n'est prophète chez soi » ?!!! Drôle de parcours ! Pas ou pas encore de comparaison avec Barack Obama, juste le même rêve! Trève de plaisanteries, revenons au sérieux !

Quels espoirs pour le Rwanda, plutôt pour la population rwandaise et donc pour moi !

Pas grand chose, à vrai dire. Voilà un Président américain, même s'il ne faisait pas la cour au dictateur sanguinaire de Kigali, comme Bill Clinton son protecteur ou encore George W Bush, a posé, durant son mandat, un acte qui m'a fait froid dans le dos en donnant l'immunité à Paul Kagame, dès que les avocats avaient obtenu que la justice américaine se penche sur son cas pour répondre des charges de terrorisme, de crimes de génocide et des crimes contre l'humanité portés contre lui. Tout le contraire du discours qu'il avait fait à Accra en souhaitant aux Africains :

« (…) des institutions capables, fiables et transparentes sont la clé du succès - des parlements puissants et des forces de police honnêtes ; des juges et des journalistes indépendants ; un secteur privé et une société civile florissants, ainsi qu'une presse indépendante. Tels sont les éléments qui donnent vie à la démocratie, parce que c'est ce qui compte dans la vie quotidienne des gens…

(…) l'histoire est du côté de ces courageux Africains, et non dans le camp de ceux qui se servent de coups d'État ou qui modifient les constitutions pour rester au pouvoir. L'Afrique n'a pas besoin d'hommes forts, mais de fortes institutions.

Ce que fera l'Amérique, en revanche, ce sera d'accroître son aide aux personnes et aux institutions responsables, en mettant l'accent sur l'appui à la bonne gouvernance : aux parlements, qui maîtrisent les abus de pouvoir et s'assurent que les voix de l'opposition peuvent s'exprimer ; à la règle de droit, qui garantit l'égalité de tous devant la justice ; à la participation civile, afin que les jeunes soient actifs dans la vie politique ; et à des solutions concrètes à la corruption telles que l'expertise comptable, l'automatisation des services, le renforcement des lignes d'appel d'urgence, la protection de ceux qui dénoncent les abus afin de promouvoir la transparence, et la responsabilité. »

On aurait pu penser qu'il allait joindre le geste à la parole et changer les choses en Afrique centrale, la terre de ses ancêtres, mais son bilan en quatre ans est particulièrement négatif. Le discours d'Accra est resté lettre morte. On a même vu un citoyen américain, Peter Erlinder, avocat de son état, embastillé par le régime de Kigali malgré l'immunité que lui assure sa fonction, sous le seul prétexte qu'il voulait défendre l'opposante Victoire Ingabire. Les réactions du gouvernement américain se sont faites attendre et l'avocat n'a été libéré que par la magnanimité du régime rwandais, parce qu'il était malade et qu'il avait besoin de se faire soigner ! On aurait pu penser que l'Etat américain allait poser des actions pour le démantèlement d'un régime qui ne respecte rien, et qui foule aux pieds les conventions internationales ! Que nenni. Pas un mot ! Est-ce par ce que Barack Obama avait dans les pattes la Secrétaire d'Etat américaine Hilary Clinton qui n'osait pas contrarier les volontés de son Bill de mari lié au régime sanguinaire de Kigali ? En tous cas on a vu Hillary passer à côté au Congo, sur les terres du Dr Mukwege le réparateur des femmes violées, pour fustiger les atrocités commises (par le régime de Kigali ou les rébellions soutenus par lui) sur la population congolaise et la violence faite aux femmes. Elle ne mettra pas les pieds à Kigali. Et elle risque de ne jamais y aller à ce titre car elle a demandé d'être relevée de ses fonctions en fin 2012, si Obama était reconduit. Bref, comment alors expliquer l'inaction de Barack Obama au Congo et le soutien apparent au régime de Kigali? L'avez-vous vu agir autre part ailleurs (sauf en Lybie), me direz-vous ? Peut-être comptait-il sur Bill Clinton pour la campagne du second mandat en ménageant son épouse. Oui, on a vu Bill Clinton au four et au moulin dans cette campagne, en tous cas c'était un soutien important qui a participé à la réélection du Président Obama.

Barack Obama va-t-il avoir les coudées franches pour mettre en œuvre sa politique internationale ? En tous cas avec le départ de Hillary, ce sera peut-être la fin de l'autorité Clinton sur les relations internationales. Mais il n'est pas sûr que le Président puisse faire ce qu'il veut au niveau intérieur avec une majorité étriquée qu'on lui prévoit à l'issue des élections. Il va sans doute placer des personnes qui pourront lui ménager quelque soutien républicain pour passer telle ou telle réforme. Dans ce jeu d'échecs, il est fort probable que l'international dépende de l'intérieur. Dans le cas contraire, Barack Obama est attendu sur le conflit rwando-congolais et plus généralement sur l'Afrique et ses dictateurs choyés par l'ère Clinton dans la région des Grands Lacs Africains comme le trio Kagame, Kaguta, Kabila. Plusieurs dossiers sont en attente pour le Rwanda notamment le dossier Victoire Ingabire et les autres prisonniers politiques Bernard Ntaganda, Déo Mushayidi, etc. Mais cela ne pourra se faire si l'opposition rwandaise de la diaspora reste divisée, car c'est elle qui doit initier les démarches pour faire bouger le gouvernement américain qui a bien d'autres chats à fouetter !

Wait and see

Eugène Shimamungu


DRC: Congolese Women Demand the Dismissal of Rwanda to the Security Council of the United Nations - Salem-News.Com

DRC: Congolese Women Demand the Dismissal of Rwanda to the Security Council of the United Nations

Jennifer Fierberg, MSW
This letter was originally published in French and translated to English.
Women of Congo art

(WASHINGTON DC) - In one of the most powerful statements against Rwanda's seat on the UNSC

Paul Kagame photo: Jennifer Fierberg
(United Nations Security Council) for the coming year, the Congolese Women of the Diaspora have addressed the UN in asking them to remove President Paul Kagame.
They say it is due to his continued record of war crimes, crimes against humanity and the continued destabilization of a neighboring country.
Under these conditions Rwanda does not deserve to hold a seat that determines the peaceful measures required for countries facing acts of war by outside forces.
This letter was originally published in French and translated to English. The link to the original post is at the bottom of the article.
Congolese women have suffered the most heinous atrocities under the guise of acts of war and their voices deserve to be heard loud and clear the world over.

This declaration deserves to be heard by the UN:

By KongoTimes
28/10/2012 Ref: FCDD/MCB-RM/002/1012 To the President of the Security Council of the United Nations, 760 United Nations Plaza, Manhattan, NY 10017, USA Subject: Revocation of seat in the Council of Rwanda security.
It is with great indignation and profound disappointment that We CONGOLESE WOMEN OF THE DIASPORA, take the liberty of writing to you today so that you can enter the subject cited above on the agenda of the next meeting Security Council namely the removal of the seat of Rwanda as a non-permanent member in your noble institution whose main task it is to maintain peace and international security. Rwanda does not meet any of the criteria in order to sit together with you because this country is committing war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes of genocide as evidenced by several reports from experts as well as your by other non-governmental human rights organizations.
Despite several protests, you have deliberately accepted his nomination and elected by vote we deem cynical because you did not take into account several reports of your experts who have demonstrated in great detail the many repeated attacks of this country against the Democratic Republic of Congo. Attacks which resulted in 8,000,000 deaths of innocent Congolese children slaughtered in inhumane conditions and others who were buried alive.
You cannot tell us you did not know these facts. But despite this, you have agreed to serve in this bloody country. Let us say you have just committed a severe sprain prescribed by violating the charter and internal regulations of your institution.
Indeed, accepting Rwanda, it is as if you fry Nazi Germany in the concert of nations, spitting on the memory of six million innocent Jewish victims who died in atrocious conditions in gas chambers, malnutrition and diseases by their mistreatment inflicted by the Nazis.
By accepting Rwanda, you are about to endorse the Congolese genocide, planned by Bill Clinton and his friends are in the process of multinational plunder the wealth of our country, as was formerly to the Jews where there had been a genocide industrial, monstrous, huge, unforgettable.
Is there voluntary amnesia for Congolese HOLOCAUST? The world has become voiceless, because the "big" of this world are actually doing work by their ignoble illicit enrichment Congolese back, using free resources and participating in the extermination of the people who request to live?
Today we CONGOLESE WOMEN OF THE DIASPORA, know where murderers, thieves, bandits and white-collar workers who planned these crimes within the barbarity of a limited loss of civilization in decadence.
We are not fools, and are aware of their superiority complex, their frenzied appetite for money that drives them to kill, kill, kill, steal shamelessly in the DRC.
By accepting Rwanda, you are putting into practice the Nazi options on the superiority of races and you feel that we are inferior to Bantu Tutsi who have them, the right of life and death over us Bantu people you consider to be subhuman.
Mountain gorillas attract your attention (because this species is listed as World Heritage by UNESCO) and its extension is announced by the Western press, which fail to report the Congolese genocide.
In our letter to the Secretary General, we clarified things with regard to this "war" is not one, but a rush coltan and other strategic materials.
Let us give you some information on those involved in the massacres of populations.
You know as well as we do that the regular armies of Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi continually attack our country since 1996, and became "negative forces" that we Congolese vow to fight that a responsible government will be established in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
You know as well as from the invasion of our country by the AFDL formally established in Kigali in order to oust President Mobutu's troops, armaments and logistics were provided by Rwanda, military APR, Uganda People's Defence Force (UPDF) and the Burundian Armed Forces (FAB) entered Zaire en masse. During this rapid conquest, the AFDL, APR and FAB attacked and destroyed all the camps of Rwandan Hutu refugees and Burundian located nearby Uvira, Bukavu and Goma.
You know better than us in the 90s, Mr. Bill Clinton had booked a budget line for arming Rwanda to reduce to zero the DRC following a joint study by the CIA and the Pentagon, entitled "No Paper Zaire", namely the disappearance of Zaire on world map, and the advent of a weak state with allegiance to Rwanda: Democratic Republic of Congo.
Since the assassination of Laurent Kabila by Rwandan Tutsi killers-with the complicity MONUC, we are witnessing many changes and transformations of Tutsi criminal organizations: The creations of RCD / Goma in 1998, the CNDP in 2008 followed by the M23 and now the ARC are only subterfuges Kagame trying to hide his game and harmful criminals. On this point, we would still be here to clarify things:
Tutsi criminal organizations such as the AFDL, RCD / Goma, the CNDP, the M23 and now the ARC are not rebel movements, but rather mercenaries and Rwandan criminals trying to impersonate Congolese and can in no way benefit from the prisoners of war status.
It is for this reason that Kagame, specialist in the history of military conquests, has learned to change the name of the M23 ARC (Revolutionary Army of Congo).
The new name, you can imagine awakens the curiosity of all good sense in terms of the definition of the Army. It was he who had paid $ 4 billion to multinational corrupt countries that voted for the admission of Rwanda to the Security Council. We also know that the sponsor assigned the war in the East was none other than former U.S. President Bill Clinton.
Mr. President of the Security Council,
We the CONGOLAISE WOMEN OF THE DIASPORA wish to highlight an extract of the addendum to the interim report of the Group of Experts (1) DRC (S/2012/348) on: Violations by the Government of Rwanda embargo weapons and the sanctions regime, report formally establishes guilt and complicity in the Rwanda war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes of genocide in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Rwandan officials responsible for supporting the M23
Throughout its investigations, the Group systematically collected evidence of "Veterans M23, M23 of employees, of" former officers of the FRD, intelligence Congolese FARDC commanders and politicians who say the "direct involvement of the Rwandan government at a high level in the" support M23.
a) General Jacques Nziza, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defense oversees the "whole" military support, financial, logistical and mobilization activities for the M23. It has recently been deployed to Ruhengeri and Gisenyi to coordinate the "aid and recruitment for M23.
b) General James Kabarebe, the Rwandan Minister of Defence, with the "help of his personal secretary Captain Celestine Senkoko is also a central figure in the recruitment and mobilization of political and military support to the M23. Kabarebe has often been in direct contact with members of the M23 on the ground to coordinate military activities."
c) General Charles Kayonga, the Chief of "Staff FRD manages the" whole "military aid to M23. Kayonga is in regular communication with Makenga and oversaw the transfer of troops and weapons Makenga via Rwanda.
d) Military support on the ground was sent by General Emmanuel Ruvusha, the commander of the division FRD based in Gisenyi Alexi and General Kagame FRD division commander based in Ruhengeri. Both facilitate the recruitment of civilians and demobilized soldiers to the M23 and to coordinate reinforcements FRD Runyoni with commanders M23 commandant FRD ​​division based in Ruhengeri.
e) Colonel Jomba Gakumba, a native of North Kivu, who was an instructor at the FRD "Gako Rwandan Military Academy, was redeployed to Ruhengeri since the M23, where it is responsible for controlling the local military support M23.
34. D "RDF former officers, politicians, employees of M23 have also informed the Group that Ntaganda and Makenga have regularly crossed the border with Rwanda to participate in meetings with senior officers of each FRD mentioned above to Kinigi coordinate operations and supplies.
Two Rwandan nationals of M23, who came from attended such meetings between senior officers and Makenga FRD at Kinigi, repeatedly. The same sources also said that the "former president of the CNDP, General Laurent Nkunda, officially under house arrest by the Rwandan government in January 2009, often comes from Kigali to attend these meetings.
III. Rwanda's support to armed groups and related mutinies M23
35. In addition to supporting the FRD M23, the Group gathered evidence that Rwandan officials have given their support to "other armed groups and mutinies, often using Ntaganda and" other former CNDP commanders to encourage such alliances.
Mr. President of the Security Council, by acting through these armed groups, Rwandan officials arrived to weaken the FDLR through a series of targeted killings of FDLR officers. Officers of the M23 and leaders of armed groups agreed that these alliances have the common objective of destabilizing the central government.
Rwanda's presence in the UNSC seat will have a negative impact on the Congolese war victims in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Rwanda will now be able to block sanctions involving Rwandan officials and other initiatives in the search for peace in our country.
We believe this will be a serious situation that can have negative consequences on the population in eastern DRC. Rwanda is not credible to occupy this seat because of the crimes they have committed in our country, and we believe this is a conflict of interest to have a country to the Security Council table that openly violated the arms embargo imposed by the United Nations and is currently supporting a rebellion in a neighboring country and who is responsible for war crimes led by Bosco Ntaganda who is wanted by the ICC.
The Security Council has the responsibility of maintaining peace and international security, decisions, resolutions or declarations are binding in principle and must receive at least nine votes out of 15, without veto. Rwanda is an obstacle to peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
This is why WE WOMEN OF THE DIASPORA CONGOLAISE, accuse the governments of the permanent members of the Security Council, such as the USA, France and Great Britain of not helping the Congolese people in danger from Rwanda and the genocide perpetrated leaves the Congolese people with just being black and not being born in a rich country that God swore to our fathers to give us.
We acknowledge the member countries of the European Union, including the Nobel Peace they had been unduly awarded because of their complacency in the regime of Paul Kagame in his criminal actions in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
We acknowledge also that Joseph Kabila, Rwandan Tutsi-topic was imposed as the head of the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2006 with the endorsement of George Bush and Jacques Chirac through rigged elections and funded by the European Union (EU), that the requirement to Joseph Kabila to stay in power he was silent on the Rwandan incursions in eastern Congo and the atrocities committed by Kagame's men.
We acknowledge the racist Western leaders who have been serving for multinational killing and massacring people in the East of the DRC such as George HW Bush who served as a paid advisor Barrick Gold. Among the directors of Barrick Gold, are Brian Mulroney, former Prime Minister of Canada, Edward Neys, former U.S. ambassador to Canada and CEO of Burson-Marsteller, a public relations firm, former U.S. Senator Howard Baker, J. Trevor Eyton, a member of the Canadian Senate, and Vernon Jordan, one of Bill Clinton's lawyers.
We acknowledge Mr. Kagame and Bill Clinton of instigating a Congolese genocide following the assassination and the plane crash of former Rwandan President Habyarimana, they were also the authors.
We acknowledge formally Tony Blair, the personal adviser to Kagame, it was he who encouraged every day to pursue criminal activities in the DRC. This is Tony Blair who is the broker of Kagame in sales of raw materials stolen from the Congo.
We acknowledge Nicolas SARKOZY who encouraged Rwandan President Paul Kagame to continue to plunder the mineral resources of the DRC and has demanded that they have a share of our wealth with Rwanda.
We acknowledge Michel who has rigged elections in the DRC to impose a subject-Tutsi of Rwanda to sustain the politico-military occupation of the DRC. It is he who is the lawyer of Rwandan criminals in all international fora.
We are no longer fooled because the majority of Congolese and international public opinion aware of the fact that the war in Congo is driven by the desire to extract commodities, including diamonds, gold, columbium tantalite (coltan), niobium, cobalt, copper, uranium and oil.
Western multinationals conduct the extraction of minerals in the Congo estimated that tons and tons of cobalt worth $ 6 million a day just cobalt are mined. Cobalt is an element containing known super alloy, essentially necessary to the nuclear industry, chemical, aviation industry and defense.

From: See: Behind the numbers. Untold Suffering in the Congo 
by Keith Harmon Snow & David Barouski
We denounce the Forrest Group that has a long history of exploitation in Congo, more than any other. This group acquired its first mining concessions in Congo before the declaration of independence of the Belgian Congo. The Forrest Group, which also includes the Ohio-based OM Group, has several mining concessions in Katanga. The Chairman, George Forrest, former CEO of the mining company of the Congolese State, Gecamines owns New Lachaussse, a company that manufactures weapons.
We denounce the group Adastra Mining, which is a partner of Barrick Gold mine. Adastra Mining, known as American Mineral Fields (AMFI, AMX, she had other names), based in Hope, Arkansas, the hometown of Bill Clinton. Adastra enjoys close relations with Lazare Kaplan International Inc., the largest diamond brokerage company in the United States, whose president is none other than Maurice Tempelsman, who has always been an advisor of African Affairs in American administrations. He was also the Honorary Consul General for the American Democratic Republic of Congo.
We denounce the activities of several multinational mining companies that were never, if not rarely, mentioned in any reports by human rights organizations, among other Barrick Gold, which operates in the town of Watsa, northwest- is the town of Bunia, located in areas where there are armed gangs thus creating insecurity in this part of the Eastern Province. These mines were controlled by intermittent Forces of Ugandan People's Defense Force (UPDF) during the war. The multinational Barrick Gold arrived in the region under the escort of Rwandan troops (Patriotic Front Rwandan RPF) and Ugandan (UPDF) to exploit and plunder the gold mines.

Kofi Annan
We also denounce the activities of Anglo-Ashanti belonging Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations that works in partnership with Anglo-American, owned by the Oppenheimer family, which in turn is in partnership with Barrick Gold, headquartered in Canada. The Anglo-American PLC, based in London, owns a 45% stake in DeBeers, which controls the quasi-monopoly. It now seems clear that this man is also accountable for crimes committed in the DRC and that it is he, through the MONUC, which was established structures looting of our raw materials are traded in Kigali, Entebbe, Kampala and Bujumbura. We regret bitterly that the other members of the United Nations are left manipulated by the lies of this country and we pray the UNSC reconsider their vote and look where things are going, a large majority of Member States do not trust the UN and think seriously implement the construction of another credible organization whose base is the Organization of Non-Aligned Countries.
We would like our country to be part of at that it shall be a responsible government. Congolese women and politicians are in danger, we tell you to take your responsibilities seriously as our country is being balkanized.
Jose Makila MP took his courage in hand to expose the malfeasance of government set up by multinationals and major Western powers. You have a duty to respond and defend the integrity of our country by resisting against the thugs and criminals of the Tutsi-Rwandan. We are gradually moving toward apartheid in Congo.
To the media and organizations defending human rights, we thank you in advance for broadcast around the world these cries of distress We CONGOLAISE WOMEN OF diaspora, set apart is our ONLY GOD and GARANT LAWYER we would appreciate kindly be the defenders of our noble cause.
Mr. President of the Security Council,
Before concluding our letter, we wanted to remind you that our country is a victim of abuse especially from Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi and the Resolution 3314 of the UN General Assembly. Dated 14 December 1974, officials declared a war of aggression is a crime against international peace. It defines aggression as "the use of armed force by a State against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another State," echoing the formula of the principle of the prohibition of force in international relations, as found codified in Article 2, paragraph 4, of the Charter of the UN members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use to the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes and principles of the United Nations."
Given the foregoing, please kindly send copies of this letter to representatives of all members of the United Nations so that they remember the principles and objectives of the Member States were to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war. We do not believe that Rwanda adheres to the provisions of Article I of the Charter because of the heinous crimes committed every day on Congolese territory. Therefore, Rwanda's admission to the Security Council is an abomination in view of political morality befitting modern nations and we do not understand why the West who founded civilization in the distinction of GOOD and EVIL may at this point apart from its own values ​​and can thus be condoning evil by supporting a country like Rwanda.
Done at London, 24 October 2012, CONGOLESE for WOMEN OF Diaspora,
Marie-Christine Balanga
Copy forwarded for information to: - The Governments of the member countries of the Security Council Permanent - The Government of the United States of America - The Government of the Russian Federation - the Government of the People's Republic of China - The Government of Her Majesty Columbia - The Government of the French Republic (ALL NEW YORK) - His Holiness POPE BENEDICT XVI - VATICAN In - In the Heads of Churches Religious Confessions Congo and around the world - to all States Members of the United Nations (ALL IN NEW YORK) - In all Member States of the European Union (ALL IN BRUSSELS) - A Mr. Secretary General United Nations (NEW YORK) - A Multinational Companies robbing all the wealth of the DRC - For men and women Congolese political - In Press reporters Congolese national and international - For International Organisations and National Human Rights
Jennifer Fierberg is a social worker in the US working on peace and justice issues in Africa with an emphasis on the crisis in Rwanda and throughout the central region of Africa. Her articles have been published on many humanitarian sites that are also focused on changing the world through social, political and personal action.
Jennifer has extensive background working with victims of trauma and domestic violence, justice matters as well as individual and family therapy. Passionate and focused on bringing the many humanitarian issues that plague the African Continent to the awareness of the developed world in order to incite change. She is a correspondent, Assistant Editor, and Volunteer Coordinator for NGO News Africa through the volunteer project of the UN. Jennifer was also the media co-coordinator and senior funding executive for The Africa Global Village. You can write to Jennifer Jennifer comes to with a great deal of experience and passion for working to stop human right violation in Africa.


Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Contributions to UN Peacekeeping missions have now become a new strategy for human rights abuses in the Africa Great Lakes Region

When  will  dictators and war criminals Kagame and Museveni end  their blackmail to  the UN?  Contributions to UN  Peacekeeping missions  have now become a new  strategy   for human rights abuses, for enabling  Kagame and Museveni to escape  impunity and to  destabilise the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Uganda maintained a threat to withdraw troops from international peacekeeping operations after UN talks over accusations that it has backed rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Rwanda : l’obésité, un problème de société et de santé publique




Rwanda : l'obésité, un problème de société et de santé publique

L'obésité, qui gagne du terrain au Rwanda, touche surtout les gens aisés pour qui être riche, c'est pouvoir manger tant et plus. Sans avoir conscience des risques pour leur santé. L'association rwandaise des personnes obèses les met en garde et s'insurge des discriminations dont sont victimes les gros.

A la surprise générale, une femme d'environ 25 ans, arrivée dans la salle de l'Hôtel Chez Lando début septembre 2012, n'a pas pu trouver une chaise où s'asseoir parce qu'elle était très grosse. "Je voyais des images pareilles sur internet et je me disais que c'est du trucage", s'étonne une femme qui était venue à la conférence tenue par les personnes obèses du Rwanda.

"Les menaces du surpoids et de l'obésité pèsent sur le pays, avertit pourtant un cardiologue de Kigali. Un grand nombre de jeunes et de femmes des milieux urbains prennent du poids. Cela doit être la raison de l'actuelle montée en flèche des maladies cardio-vasculaires". Même si dans la société rwandaise, grossir était perçu comme un signe de richesse, l'association SOS obésité, qui regroupe 40 géants rwandais, prévient que trop grossir est un sérieux problème de santé publique.
Aux maladies incurables s'ajoute la discrimination. Rukundo, 135 kg, a ainsi été contraint par les agents aéroportuaires à payer des kilos supplémentaires en plus de sa petite valise. Pour les douaniers, "son poids dépassait la norme pour un passager". Cette femme obèse confie aussi: "Chaque fois que j'entre dans un bus, les passagers me disent que je dois payer le double. Cela me vexe tellement que je n'ai plus l'envie de voyager". "Ils sont la cible des moqueries du reste du monde et ne trouvent pas ce qu'ils cherchent au marché", explique un membre de SOS Obésité. "Je peux chercher dans dix magasins avant de trouver une chemise qui me va ", a reconnu une femme obèse. "Quant aux projets, je ne fais pas de grands rêves car j'ai peur de mourir prématurément d'une maladie cardiaque ou de l'obésité", se résigne-t-elle.

Les personnes obèses mettent aussi en garde contre des problèmes physiques. "Quand j'ai des relations sexuelles, à la fin je tombe presque dans le coma", révèle un commerçant obèse.

Eviter de manger sauvagement et les émotions

La plupart des membres de l'association SOS Obésité témoignent qu'ils ont été victimes d'une mentalité selon laquelle être gros, c'est être prospère. En effet, quand certaines personnes sont embauchées et gagnent de l'argent, ils consomment sauvagement ce qu'ils n'ont pas eu pendant l'enfance. "Dans ce cas, les cellules du corps récupèrent trop vite et la personne gonfle comme un ballon", avertit Samson Bimenyimana, un nutritionniste de l'association. Bonaventure Rukundo, la trentaine, père de six enfants, pèse 90 kg. "Quand j'ai obtenu un emploi dans une ONG, chaque week-end je sortais avec de 'bons buveurs' ; nous buvions à notre soif et mangions à notre faim. En six mois seulement, j'ai pris dix kilos", témoigne-t-il, très inquiet de ses 135 kg.
Pour ce membre de l'association des obèses, "il faut éviter les plats avec des lipides saturés ainsi que les glucoses". Les amateurs d'akabenzi, viande de porc, de frites et autres aliments gras sont avertis. Il en est de même de la gestion des émotions. Selon Floride Yamuragiye, une spécialiste en psychologie, 70% des maladies physiques qui attaquent les humains sont causés par les sentiments négatifs. "Quand quelqu'un est fâché, il dégage des hormones qui produisent des substances favorisant l'obésité", livre la spécialiste. Avis soutenu par une femme obèse qui avoue qu'elle mange bizarrement quand elle est en colère. Catherine Kabega, la trentaine, révèle : "A 14 ans j'avais déjà 103 kg. Très récemment, un psychologue m'a indiqué que je suis victime d'un sentiment de deuil".

SOS obésité recommande aux victimes de se soumettre à un régime alimentaire strict, accompagné d'activités sportives intenses. C'est ainsi que JMV Zigirinshuti a réduit son poids de 125 à 108 kg en un an. Dans sa famille, ils ont résolu de manger le matin 30% de la quantité globale de nourriture de la journée, 50% à midi et 20% au repas du soir.
Selon Anastasie Mukakayumba, une nutritionniste diététicienne, le problème d'obésité se rencontre surtout chez les personnes aisées. Parmi les 800 clients qu'elle a eu en huit mois figure les élèves ressortissant des écoles les plus chères de Kigali, où un enfant de moins de dix ans peut peser plus de 60 kg.


Jean de la Croix Tabaro

Rwanda: Has RPF run out of Ideas as Karugarama stumbles with Genocide Ideology Law?

Has RPF run out of Ideas as Karugarama stumbles with Genocide Ideology Law?
The Minister of Justice Hon. Tharcisse Karugarama has been frequenting the parliament explaining the resurrection of the ideology law from the grave of inconsistence and ambiguity to life of sanity.

The Minister acknowledged that the genocide law is not clear, that all the people who were punished under this current law of genocide ideology were a miscarriage of justice because it punished the opinion of the people not the action. Indeed, he argued that, criminal law does not punish opinion without action, the guilty mind and the action or wrong must manifest at the same time in order for a person to be culpable.
Is Mr. Karugarama making the Rwandan law that he doctored a scapegoat, or it is the policy of RPF that is failing altogether?
It is not only the laws that are in mess, but the RPF regime for the last 18 years has made the DRC a scapegoat for its political failures. It has invaded this huge country many times; in fact it has never left this country. It is there with its forces or indirectly through its proxies.
RPF continues to lecture the international community that Congo is a failed State but Kagame fails this country by invading it every time Kigali coffers are empty.
Indeed, Kigali has no moral authority to tell another country on how to govern itself. This is a clique of RPF thieves who are paid by the RPF to sell its brand of political ideology.
This is why the European Union and other sponsors of Kagame are withdrawing their money.

The RPF supremacist group is planted in all the institutions. They have infiltrated the parliament in the name of AMANI with the mission to solicit money and sell the RPF brand in the name of peace initiative; in fact it does not stand for peace but make money for RPF in the disguise of peace. It is a money making project like COTRACO and other companies in the name of crystal ventures.
They get money in the name of all sorts of lies; paint it another face to look good, this is what in law is called money laundering. But they will always play games with the law because they think they are above the law.

Mr Karugarama as the Attorney General of Rwanda should investigate the Members of Amani Forum, Rwanda chapter which has mandated itself to tarnish an image of another country (DRC) by telling the Kabila government to stop making Rwanda a scapegoat for its internal problems.

Why should they not call the Rwandan Government to talk to all these armed and non armed groups in the DRC in the same manner they are telling the DRC Government? What is good for the "goose is good for the gander"

They call themselves a platform of parliamentarians from member states of the great lakes region, aimed at promoting peace and security in the region, but instead they preach the gospel of RPF ideology, it is hypocritical and a disservice to the Rwandan people to use the Rwandan taxpayers money to support a regime that kills its own people at will or incarcerates all political opponents using their own doctored laws.

They organize workshops with good speeches doctored and in fact authored by the RPF Secretariat for Mr Bizimana and his Deputy Denis to feed other Parliamentarians on what they call threats to peace and Sustainable Development in the Great Lakes Region: They talk of Illegal Armed Groups without mentioning those who are fighting the Rwandan government to be talked to in the same way they are lecturing Kabila to talk to M23, a notorious armed group that has committed crimes against humanity.

This group shamelessly said that DRC should accept its responsibilities and deal with them from the root causes, with a clear and unifying vision and apparent strategies of good governance. They argued that countries should. Promote home grown approach towards regional problems, like the DRC conflict. Indeed, this principal should apply to Rwanda and talk not only to these armed groups in DRC that are fighting its regime but also other political groups that are opposed to its tyranny and dictatorial tendencies.

Therefore ICGLR should own the conflict management process and peace building mechanism, including an effective joint verification mechanism (JVM) in reference to the problems in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and going to the source of the conflict, in fact the source of the conflict is not DRC, it is in Rwanda caused by RPF failure to cater for the interest of Rwandans.

The RPF regime's policies have created an atmosphere of armed groups.

The ICGLR should tackle comprehensively the problem of refugees in the great lakes region and ensure that member states should address the root causes of refugees not the symptoms of refuges in Congo. I therefore challenge the AMANI platform to use all possible avenues to denounce the flawed nature of the reports by RPF and its sympathizers who disseminate intentionally false information not only against political opponents but also international human rights groups because Rwanda National Human Rights Groups are dead, and until their resurrection the source of information on human rights in Rwanda is and will be international human rights organizations.

Jacqueline Umurungi

-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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