
Saturday, 6 October 2012

Britain under pressure to end all aid to Rwandan government

Britain under pressure to end all aid to Rwandan government

Britain is under mounting international pressure to stop all aid to the Rwandan government.

Paul Kagame, the Rwandan president, with Andrew Mitchell in his role as International Development Secretary
Rwanda's President Paul Kagame, Britain's Minister for International Development Andrew Mitchell and Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni talk in Kigali Photo: REUTERS

By Jason Lewis, Investigations Editor

9:00PM BST 06 Oct 2012

The United Nations and the European Union wants the UK to withhold millions of pounds it is due to hand to President Paul Kagame's government as part of an international campaign to choke his regime of funds.

Rwanda is accused of arming rebels responsible for atrocities, including mass rape, in the neighbouring Democrat Republic of Congo.

They hope that Britain will fall in line after David Cameron replaced Andrew Mitchell as international development secretary in his Cabinet reshuffle last month.

Britain initially agreed to go along with international condemnation of Rwandan involvement and to cancel £83 million it gives it in aid each year.

But Mr Mitchell's last act in the job, before he was moved to the role of Chief Whip, had been to restore about £8m aid to the regime, with another £8m to follow later this year, apparently against the advice of officials in his department and from the Foreign Office.

He based the decision on personal assurances from the Rwandan president and on his own experiences running a small Conservative "charity" project in the country.

Officials were told his personal experience with Project Umubano outweighed evidence from a group of experts from the UN, Human Rights Watch observers and Foreign Office officials.

The Sunday Telegraph has learned that the UN and EU privately expressed their "disappointment" with Mr Mitchell's decision at a hastily convened international contact group meeting at the Foreign Office last month.

A source at the meeting said there were "obvious differences" between Foreign Office officials and "between different officials in the Department for International Development".

Mr Mitchell apparently also ignored police intelligence reports that suggest Rwandan dissidents living in exile in Britain are being targeted by the regime.

Last year the Metropolitan Police took the unusual step of issuing the Rwandan exiles with formal warning notices stating that "the Rwandan government poses an imminent threat to your life".

The United Nations and Europe have both accused President Kagame of giving support and weapons to the so-called 23 March Movement (known as M23) in the Democrat Republic of Congo, accusing it of attacking civilians and "acts of sexual violence".

At a meeting at the UN in New York last week the EU directly accused Rwanda of backing the M23 rebels. President Kagame and senior figures in his regime may now face sanctions over their links to the group and human rights abuses it has carried out.

Two new confidential reports on Rwanda's involvement with the M23 rebels were presented to Security Council officials last week and are likely to lead to further action being taken against the regime at the UN in the next few weeks.

A UN source said: "Britain's position has come as a bit of a disappointment to those who are trying to alter the position on the ground. Everyone else is united in putting pressure on Rwanda."

Britain is Rwanda's largest aid contributor and the source said its involvement in bring pressure to bear on President Kagame was "vitally important".

Internal documents from DfID, released under the Freedlom of Information Act, reveal that in a February 2011 telephone conversation, Mr Mitchell had promised the Rwandan president that Britain would increase its aid from £60m to £90m by 2015. Two months earlier, he had flown to Rwanda for a "90-minute tete-a-tete followed by lunch" with the newly re-elected president.

But the memos also reveal doubts within the department about the "political risk" in Rwanda. Mr Mitchell's ministerial colleague, Stephen O'Brien, highlighted international concern about human rights in Rwanda.

Justine Greening, the new International Development Secretary, must now decide whether Rwanda should receive the second tranche of the money promised by Mr Mitchell. Her office did not respond to requests for comment last night.

It is understood that Mr Mitchell based his decision to continue aiding Rwanda on "personal assurances" from Mr Kagame who had previously attended the Conservative conference and lavished praise on Project Umubano calling it an "unprecedented" example of aid. He is also understood to claim, though, that the decision was later agreed by Downing Street.

The Conservatives' Rwanda project was Mr Mitchell's personal brainchild but was designed to show the caring side of Mr Cameron's Party when it was in opposition.

Now also working in Sierra Leone, the project has seen more than 200 Tory supporters, including Mr Mitchell, his wife Sharon and their daughter Rosie, fly to Rwanda for two-week stints to help as the country slowly recovers from the genocide which saw an estimated 800,000 people murdered there in 1994.

Mrs Mitchell, a GP, has also spent several months working as a doctor in Rwanda.

The Prime Minister praised the project as "the first time that any British political party had engaged in a social action project in the developing world".

He said he and Mr Mitchell had set it up "to raise awareness of global poverty and play a small part in tackling it on the front line".

Yesterday a Conservative spokeswoman said the project, which includes an annual Tories versus locals cricket match, had "provided English lessons to over 3,000 Rwandan primary school teachers, renovated a school, established a small medical library and built a community centre".

Conservative volunteers, including ministers, MPs, Parliamentary candidates and local councillors, pay their own airfares, but much of the start up money for the project came from a wealthy widow from Hove, Helena Frost.

Despite having little interest in politics, according to her family, Mr Mitchell personally persuaded Mrs Frost to provide the funding. Electoral Commission files show that before her death last November, she gave the party £250,000 in donations - £200,000 of which went to fund Mr Mitchell's office in opposition and £50,000 directly to the Rwanda project.

Last night, Mrs Frost's nephew Mark, who was close to his aunt and often accompanied her to charitable events, said he was "slightly taken aback" that she gave so much.

He said: "It would appear Mr Mitchell (was) very charming and very persuasive. It was quite a large sum which doesn't necessarily seem to fit with the amounts she ordinarily gave to the many other charities she supported.

"She was not one to meddle in politics at all and was convinced the money was going to help the poor. She would have not have given money to politicians for political use or gain, she had understood that she was helping the poor in Rwanda."

He added: "This was a private matter and she was reticent about this particular charitable donation.

"She was a wonderful woman who had a great passion for certain causes and for many people. I can only imagine that this may have been the case on this particular case for her to have contributed such large sums to a single cause."

He said Mr Mitchell had been introduced to her through another charity that he was involved with and to which Mrs Frost, who had a considerable personal fortune and had also set up a £6 million charitable foundation in the name of her late husband Patrick, had contributed large sums.

UK: Memos reveal how Andrew Mitchell ignored advice on Rwandan aid

Memos reveal how Andrew Mitchell ignored advice on Rwandan aid

Embattled minister overruled department to help controversial leader Paul Kagame



The former International Development Secretary has been lambasted for his decision last month - hours before he moved jobs in the Cabinet reshuffle - to re-instate £16m of British aid to be spent by Paul Kagame's government, which is facing accusations of fomenting conflict in neighbouring Congo.

Officials insisted there was nothing improper about the decision to remove the block put on the funds earlier this summer as part of an international aid freeze. Mr Mitchell, now David Cameron's chief whip, has been accused of overruling advice from the Foreign Office and his own civil servants when he ordered the payment.

Internal documents from the Department for International Development, released under the Freedom of Information Act, underline the warmth of the relationship between Mr Mitchell and President Kagame, a one-time darling of the West following Rwanda's 1994 genocide but now accused of increasing authoritarianism.

In a note made by civil servants of a telephone conversation between Mr Mitchell and Mr Kagame in February 2011, the Cabinet minister announced Britain was increasing its aid from £60m to £90m by 2015, much of it to be provided as "general budget support" paid direct to the Rwandan government.

The memo states: "SofS [Mr Mitchell]... recalled how they had recently discussed that Rwanda is an excellent development and delivers results... We will continue to provide a significant proportion of the UK's aid as budget support. We will continue to provide high levels of general budget support (of £37m annually)."

Two months earlier he had flown out to Rwanda to see Mr Kagame for a "90-minute tête-à-tête followed by lunch" in which they had "friendly but robust" exchanges. That meeting followed Mr Kagame's re-election amid accusations that he suppressed the opposition and gagged the media.

The meeting followed Mr Kagame's re-election earlier that year amid accusations that he had suppressed the opposition and gagged the media.

It was this general budget support which Mr Mitchell unexpectedly re-instated last month, ordering £8m to be released immediately with a further £8m in December for education and food security. Labour has demanded Mr Mitchell publish the advice he received over the funding release.

During the telephone conversation, Mr Mitchell emphasised the personal links between the upper echelons of the Conservative Party and the Rwandan regime, dating from the period in opposition during which senior Tories intent on detoxifying their image visited the country to carry out aid work.

The memo continued: "Secretary of State said this reflected the UK's long-term support to Rwanda (including from the PM, who had visited as leader of the Opposition in 2006). Pres Kagame was very grateful."

The internal DfID memos underline the growing qualms within the ministry about the "political risk" in Rwanda with Mr Mitchell's ministerial colleague, Stephen O'Brien, highlighting international concern about the human rights situation in the country.

In October last year, a senior DfID official warned that a joint monitoring scheme with Rwanda had stalled and suggested the use of general budget support would have to be re-visited.

Mr Mitchell's successor, former Transport Secretary Justine Greening, is reportedly preparing to reverse Mr Mitchell's decision, bringing Britain back into line with other countries - including the Netherlands, the US and Germany - who have continued to freeze aid following the findings of a UN report that Rwanda was supporting rebels from the M23 movement in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Rwanda has strongly denied the allegation.

The Cabinet Office said Mr Mitchell had not shied from raising difficult questions  with Mr Kagame. In a statement, a spokesman said: "The former secretary of state had a candid relationship with the government of Rwanda and frequently delivered tough messages on issues of concern."

A DFID spokesman said: "The Secretary of State will consider the issue of budget support to Rwanda carefully before our next decision in December."

Minister's messages: What was said

* Minutes of 90-minute "tête-à-tête followed by lunch" between Andrew Mitchell and President Kagame, December 2010: "The International Development Secretary raised a number of sensitive issues in candid terms, including the damage done to Rwanda's reputation by the events around the August [presidential] elections, the need to open up political space and media freedom."

* Telephone conversation between Andrew Mitchell and President Kagame, 24 February 2011: "SofS [Mr Mitchell]... recalled how they had recently discussed that Rwanda is an excellent development and delivers results... UK aid in Rwanda will grow from £60m this year to £90m in 2014-5. We will continue to provide a significant proportion of the UK's aid as budget support. We will continue to provide high levels of general budget support (of £37m annually)... Pres Kagame was very grateful – this outcome showed the value of the partnership between Rwanda and the UK

Rwanda: la cour suprême ajourne encore son verdict sur la requête INGABIRE

Kigali, le 05 octobre 2012.


La Cour Suprême vient de repousser  pour la troisième fois à 11:00 , 18 octobre 2012, le verdict sur  la requête de la prisonnière politique Madame Ingabire, concernant la révision constitutionnelle de la loi controversée sur l'idéologie du génocide et le divisionnisme. Cette fois-ci, la raison officielle est que l'un des juges était absent. De nombreux supporters déçus s'étaient rassemblés au palais de justice mais se sont dispersés tranquillement. Petit à petit, cette persécution va pousser le public à se lever pour arracher la liberté contre le joug de la servitude.


Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, Présidente des FDU-Inkingi, a été arrêtée il ya deux ans pour des motifs politiques. Elle a boycotté les dernières sessions de son procès suite à  l'intimidation grave de son seul témoin à décharge. La Haute Cour devrait rendre sa décision sur une éventuelle condamnation à perpétuité le 19 Octobre 2012.


Rappelons que le 27 Septembre 2012, le juge de la Cour Intermédiaire de Karongi, Félicien Twagiramungu, a inculpé 8 autres membres des FDU-Inkingi dans le District de Rutsiro pour des activités politiques illégales et menaces à la sécurité publique. Il a en effet présidé à un simulacre de procès kangourou qui a rejeté leur demande de mise en liberté sous caution et a ordonné leur détention provisoire de 30 jours dans la prison centrale. Cependant, ils sont toujours en garde à vue au cachot de Karongi où la police leur prend vidéos et éléments sonores qui l'aideraient à monter un dossier-piège contre le leader de l'opposition Sylvain Sibomana, Secrétaire Général des FDU-Inkingi. L'accusé principal, Anselme Mutuyimana, a été contraint de donner son adresse e-mail et son mot de passe. L'an dernier, il a été établi dans les plaidoiries à la Haute Cour de Kigali que le ministère public du Rwanda a utilisé des preuves fabriquées et des messages emails forgés dans le procès contre Mme Victoire Ingabire.


Les membres des FDU-Inkingi Anselme Mutuyimana, Vénuste Uwiringiyimana, Norbert Ufitamahoro, Moise Dukundane, Valens Twizerimana, Marcel Nahimana, Emmanuel Byukusenge et Leonille Gasengayire sont toujours en garde à vue depuis le 15 Septembre 2012. L'audience en appel concernant leur demande de mise en liberté sous caution est prévue ce 10 octobre 2012 à Karongi.


Pour les FDU-Inkingi

Boniface Twagirimana

Vice-Président Intérimaire




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Rwanda: Agaciro Development Fund

Agaciro Development Fund

…it is obviously designed to strengthen the repression against the [Rwandan] population.

Agaciro Development Fund initiative at the occasion of Rwanda Day in Boston on 22/9/12. The Rwandan president introduced the Fund to the Rwandan diaspora living in North America.

As we remember the Fund was incidentally launched on August 23, 2012 by the Rwandan president Paul Kagame following measures taken by major donors against Rwanda for its UN evidence-proven support of the Congolese rebel movement M23.

An initial confusion needs however being alleviated. It would greatly help if the initiator of the Fund could explain to anyone willing to contribute "voluntarily" where Government departments which have pledged millions will get them from, since their source of revenues have drastically reduced with the cutting of aid they were receiving?

The easy answer to the question appears to be that government's pledges will be fulfilled by retention from public servants' wages. But who will have paid those wages, knowing that more than 50% of them were coming from external aid, which is today significantly reduced.

Isn't it on the part of Paul Kagame and his institutions a way of fooling Rwandans to force them into contributing to the Fund, under the false pretence that the government is too playing its part?

Under different circumstances the concept of such fund is an ideal initiative on the part of a responsible government which intends to become less dependent from the outside.

But the way it was brought to life recently, in the heat of a situation of regional instability created by the Congolese rebel movement M23 supported by Paul Kagame, Agaciro Development Fund raises more questions than good intentions from its initiators.

War contribution

Back at the start of the Rwandan Patriotic Front's war against Rwanda towards the end of 1990 and early 1991, the Rwandan government led by Juvenal Habyarimana appealed to the population to contribute to the country's efforts for war.

Since the country was attacked from Uganda by the then exiled Tutsis under RPF banner, anyone among internal Rwandans who understood and could, contributed voluntarily, well aware that effectively Rwanda sovereignty was in danger.

RPF on its part, for its efforts of war, had been mobilizing its supporters among Tutsi refugees and populations in Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo [then Zaire], Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda, and beyond.

They gave money and allowed their children in big numbers to join the Rwandan rebels and support its war against their home country.

From this perspective, knowing the character of Paul Kagame of never giving up on what he pursues, whatever could be the opposition or humanitarian consequences, Agaciro Development Fund should be seen more as a war effort contribution than anything else.

The Rwandan president has had persistent plans for M23: control of Eastern Congo; and nobody will stop him as long as he is alive. His determination, which in some sense explains his political survival, will keep him on such path. The last two decades of his regional policies cannot lie to any attentive observer of the scenery.

Officially, the Rwandan narrative on the situation in Eastern Congo or the whole of Democratic Republic of Congo is that all the problems of instability, illegal exploitation of minerals, inefficiency of administration and army, are consequences of incompetence of Congolese authorities.

Though there is some truth in that view, such assertion should not exclude a significant part of responsibility of the Rwandan government. And this has been widely documented by different objective sources, including mainly UN for more than ten years.

That the Rwandan president continues to lie about such responsibility each time he has an opportunity to speech publicly, his denials will only fool those who don't know his modus operandi.

And this is where in his ways of minding his own business, Paul Kagame has transformed his initiative Agaciro Development Fund into another Rwandan regime's repression tool.

This has been recently evidenced in US at the occasion of Rwanda Day – Boston 2012 where for example the Rwandan president forced his compatriot businessmen to accompany him at that event in their hundreds, while paying themselves the bill.

Another repression tool

Since the initiation of the Fund, we have received many complaints from Rwandans, highlighting its repressive and harassing character in seeking funds from the population, despite the official portrayal of contributions being voluntarily.

One anonymous complainant explains:

"I regularly receive emails … reminding me to pay the contribution. I received SMS from the Umudugudu [Ward or local authority], reminding me to pay such contribution. It is actually a kind of harassment when every time I receive such messages. Now I am asking myself, when this intimidation will come to an end? People are living in fear; they do not know that they can say no to such solicitations. They pay money whenever they are asked to. …it is obviously designed to strengthen the repression among the population."

Congolese activist Felicite Nduku holding a picture of Victoire Ingabire, Rwandan imprisoned political leader of FDU-Inkingi, during a protest held by Congolese, Rwandans, Burundians against Paul Kagame in Boston – US on 22/9/12.

A press release published on October 2nd, 2012 by FDU-Inkingi of imprisoned political leader Victoire Ingabire reports eviction of one of its active members Theophile Ntirutwa by RPF authorities from an area where he lived, as a consequence to his response to the forced voluntarily contribution to the Fund.

"The local administration and members of the paramilitary militia known as "local defence" intruded the home of Mr. Theophile Ntirutwa, located in Nyarutarama (Kangondo II , Remera sector, Gasabo district) and took him to Nyarutarama police custody for a few hours. His house was sealed off and was ordered to pay Frw 20,000 and told to get out of that area. Apparently this happened after he turned down money collectors from Agaciro development fund, the controversial fund set to pump money from the population to compensate the delayed budget aid in light to overwhelming information that Rwanda is backing M23 rebels in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo."

That Agaciro Development Fund would have become a laudable tool for development under a different government than the one led by Paul Kagame, this is incontestable. That the Fund has already added to the panoply of structures of RPF repression against Rwandans, the story so far is telling. Finally, that any contribution to the Fund might end up in strengthening M23, or supporting Rwandan president's other self-centred initiatives without any gain for the population, but instead increased impoverishment, that is more likely.

Ninde uzabohora u Rwanda?

Ninde uzabohora u Rwanda? 

FPR yazunguye MRND !!

Hashize iminsi nibaza aho igihugu cyacu cyavuye, n'aho kigana muri iki gihe, ndeba ibyo FPR yabwiraga abaturage ubwo yarwanyaga ingoma ya MRND, nkareba n'uburyo yubatse akazu karenze kure ako ku ngoma ya Habyarimana, ibi byose bigatuma nibaza uzabohora u Rwanda ingoma z'ibitugu zarwokamye, aho azaturuka.

Kimwe na MRND, FPR yikubiye ibyiza byose by'igihugu, ibyari akazu k'abashiru bisimburwa n'akandi kazu kagizwe n'abantu babarirwa ku mitwe y'intoki, barimo Jeannette Kagame, Gen Jack Nziza, hamwe na minisitiri Musoni James wabaye ikigirwamana, akaba yarakunze gukoreshwa mu guca intege abarwanashyaka ba FPR bari kw'isonga mu kubohoza igihugu, ndetse akaba ubu yarahawe umuyoboro wo gusahura umutungo wa Leta. 

Inkota yo kurimbura abarwanashyaka ba FPR

Kugeza ubu abari kw'isonga mu kwicwa n'agahinda kubera uburyo ishyaka rya FPR riyoboye igihugu muri iki gihe, ni bamwe mu barishinze, dore ko agatsiko kayobowe na perezida Kagame, akoresheje abamotsi be aribo Gen Jack Nziza hamwe na Minisitiri Musoni James, kagiye kamunga iryo shyaka, ari na ko kigizayo bamwe mu banyamuryango b'imena bari bafitiye igihugu akamaro, bakabasimbuza abana bameze nk'ibitambambuga, batazi n'impamvu zatumye ishyaka rya FPR rishingwa. Ibi bikaba biri mu rwego rwo gusibanganya amateka ya Nyakwigendera Fred Gisa Rwigema n'izindi ntwari bafatanyije mu gushinga ishyaka rya FPR Inkotanyi.

Mu rwego rwo gusenya ishyaka rya FPR kugirango ryitirirwe perezida Kagame n'umumotsi we Musoni James, ubu urimo kwitoza kuzamusimbura ku mwanya  w'umukuru w'igihugu, byabaye ngombwa ko basenya abakambwe batangije iri shyaka. Iri senya rikaba ryaratangiriye kuri Pasteur Bizimungu wahoze ari umukuru w'igihugu, Mazimpaka Patrick, Bihozagara Jacques, usigaye  ukora akazi k'ubworozi, Dr Rwamasirabo Emile, Dr Kaberuka Donald, Rujugiro Ayabatwa Tribert, Mzee Kalimba Haruna,  Gen Sam Kanyemera Kaaka,Col Musitu , Col Dodo Twahirwa , Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa, warasiwe muri Afurika y'epfo muri 2010 akimara guhunga na n'ubu bakaba bakimuhiga, Kabandana Mariko ugiye kuborera muri gereza, Butera Bosco baciriye i Shyanga, Kamire Karamaga, Dr Murigande Charles baciriye mu Buyapani, Sarah umugore wa David Rwiyamirira, Karega Vincent na we bigijeyo akaba akorera muri Afurika y'epfo, Dr Kabayija Ephraim ubu usigaye ukora akazi k'ubworozi, Mutsindashyaka Theoneste bafunze bakanateza  utwe cyamunara, Prof Munyanganizi Bikoro bafunze babeshyera  ko yibye kandi yarazize  kunenga uburyo Gen Nkunda yafunzwe mu buryo budasabanutse, Col Joshua Mbaraga, Gen Charles Muhire wazize kunenga uburyo RDF yari iyobowe n'amabandi nka ba Gen Kayonga Charles hamwe n'umusinzi Gen Ceaser Kayizari, Christine Umutoni wazize gushimira igihugu cya Uganda ko cyareze neza abanyarwanda bari barahahungiye, Brig Gen Frank Rusagara wigijweyo kubera ubwenge bwe, Linda Bihire wazize kuba atarunvikanaga n'ikigirwamana Musoni James, Rose Mary Museminari wazize kutumvika na Musoni James, Davina Mirenge wazize madame Jeannette Kagame, Rosette Rugamba wazize Jeannette Kagame, Conso Rusagara wazize madame Jeannette Kagame, Dr Himbara David wazize Madame Jeannette Kagame, Kalisa Mupende wazize madame Jeannette Kagame na Musoni James, Ambasaderi Mukanyange, Ambasaderi Ngoga Pascal, Col Ben Karenzi, Col Jacques Nsenga, Col Kamiri, Col Mulisa John Bosco, Col Semana , Brig Frank Rusagara, Col Tom Byabagamba, ACP Denis Karera, CGP Andrew Rwigamba, Ambasaderi Ben Rugagazi, Sam Nkusi, Kalisa Alfred wazize ubusambo bwa Kagame akanamufunga kugirango arye utwe, ubu akaba yariyumanganyije kugirango arebe ko yaramuka kabiri, Ambasaderi Kayitana, Innocent Nyaruhirira wananiwe kwibira neza Jeannette Kagame muri King Fayscal Hospital, akava no mu gihugu adasezeye, ubu akaba yikorera akazi k'ubuvuzi mu Bubiligi, Nkongori John, Minisitiri Protazi Musoni wasenywe na Musoni James kubera inyota yari afite yo kumusimbura ku mwanya wa minisitiri w'ubutegetsi bw'igihugu, Gen Frank Mugambage wasenywe na Musoni James, n'abandi benshi ntashobora kurondora.

Hafi 98% by'abavuzwe hejuru bagiye basenywa na Perezida Kagame akoresheje ikigirwamana cye Musoni James hamwe n'umwicanyi we mukuru Gen Jack Nziza. Ibi bikaba byaraciye intege ku buryo bugaragara ishyaka rya FPR, akaba ari na yo mpamvu risigaye rihuzagurika kubera kutagira abajyanama muri politiki, dore ko ahari intwari hasimbuwe n'ibisambo ndetse n'abamotsi badafite icyo bamariye igihugu, uretse guhora babyinira Kagame, bityo abantu benshi bakaba bibaza aho ako gatsiko katagirwa inama, kaganisha igihugu cyacu.

Icyari igisirikare cy'igihugu cyarasenywe ku buryo ubu u Rwanda rutagifite igisirikare cya nyacyo. Icyagombye kuba igisirikare cy'igihugu cyabaye abarinzi ba perezida Kagame n'umwicanyi we Jack Nziza wumva ko abasirikare b'abanyabwenge bagomba gusenywa cyangwa bakirukanwa. Ibi byose akaba abikora agamije kuzasigara ari we wenyine uvugwa cyangwa ufite imbaraga mu gisirikare cya RDF.

Ibyari umutungo w'igihugu n'ishyaka rya FPR ubu byabaye umutungo bwite wa perezida Kagame, akaba akoresha ako gatsiko ke kagizwe na Musoni James hamwe na Nshuti Manasseh  kumusahurira bashora umutungo wa Leta hanze y'igihugu. Ikindi nuko umutungo w'igihugu bawumariye muri za cyamunara bakunda gukoresha mu kiswe «privatisation», ari na ko uwo mutungo bawushyira mu maboko y'amasosiyete ya Kagame bwite. Ibi bikaba ari ubusahuzi simusiga ku buryo abantu bibaza uzagaruza uwo mutungo w'igihugu uwo ari we,  dore ko gikomeje gusahurwa nk'aho kitagira ba nyira cyo.

Abahanga twavuganye basanga ubusahuzi bwa FPR burenze kure cyane ubwa MRND, dore ko Leta ya MRND yari itaramenya gusahura mwene aka kageni, nk'uko perezida Kagame abikora, nk'aho afite uwo basiganwa. Abandi twavuganye bemeza ko kubera ubujura perezida Kagame yakoresheje Musoni James hamwe no kwirenza abanyamuryango b'imena ba FPR, ari uko ashaka kuzamwimika ku mwanya w'umukuru w'igihugu kugirango bakomeze kuyobora igihugu nk'akarima kabo.

Kugeza ubu iyo umuntu arebye mu bihugu bya Afurika, haba muri Tanzaniya, Afurika y'epfo cyangwa muri Uganda, usanga FPR ari yo yonyine yakoze  «revolution» itagira abayirwaniriye. Mu bayirwaniriye ba nyabo, abenshi bishwe uruyongoyongo, abandi barafunzwe, abandi bararumanga, aba nyuma bakaba ari abahunze igihugu kugirango bakize amagara yabo. Ibi bikaba ari kimwe mu bimenyetso simusiga by'uko ingoma ya Kagame n'abagaragu be irimo kuzunga muzunga, ikaba igeze no mu marembera.

Gasasira, Sweden

-“The root cause of the Rwandan tragedy of 1994 is the long and past historical ethnic dominance of one minority ethnic group to the other majority ethnic group. Ignoring this reality is giving a black cheque for the Rwandan people’s future and deepening resentment, hostility and hatred between the two groups.”

-« Ce dont j’ai le plus peur, c’est des gens qui croient que, du jour au lendemain, on peut prendre une société, lui tordre le cou et en faire une autre ».

-“The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

-“I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile.

-“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”


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